
Zhang Chunyan: Emperor Tianhou Tu Yao has been passing through the ages, and a generation of masters has inspired future generations

author:Nanyang Daily

On July 2, 2021, after hearing a news that made me extremely sad and regretful, Teacher Zhou Tongbin unfortunately passed away, which made the Nanyang literary circle and the national literary circle a deep pain, and we forever lost a literary superstar, lost a general who took the pen as a rong, and lost a hero full of family and country feelings.

How is this an idiot who portrays rural life and the hometown of grassroots people?

Zhang Chunyan: Emperor Tianhou Tu Yao has been passing through the ages, and a generation of masters has inspired future generations

The pen must be consistent

Teacher Zhou Tongbin in addition to eating and sleeping, the rest of the time spent in reading and writing, born and hungry years of his suffering from famine, in that era of eating leaves and eating goose dung to survive, he still picked the lights of the night battle, countless nights with faith through the needle lead, densely knitted a piece of book shirt, let him shine in the Chinese literary world. Inside and outside is a beautiful resistance to the wind, frost, rain and snow of the years, so that no matter what occasion he says, the words he says are pearls, to the point, and he is impressed by his profound knowledge.

It is precisely because of this calm persistence that he has become a prose singer in the Nanyang writers group who only sings for the soul.

Teacher Zhou Tongbin published in a cluster of newspapers and periodicals across the country, and has won the "First Lu Xun Award", "National Excellent Short Story", "World Chinese Literature Award", "Mao Dun Literature Award" and many provincial and municipal literary awards, which have caused shock and influence in the national literary circle. As a result, after the Han and Tang Dynasties, Nanyang writers once again became famous in the world, and were first known as the leading figures of the "Nanyang Writers Group".

Zhang Chunyan: Emperor Tianhou Tu Yao has been passing through the ages, and a generation of masters has inspired future generations

Rigorous in literature, passionate about juniors

Teacher Zhou Tongbin's love and support for the younger generations in his hometown is unforgettable.

Because I love writing on weekdays, after accumulating some words, as Teacher February River said, the people who want to write books are as eager as hungry people who want to eat, I think of the famous essayist Zhou Tongbin teacher in my hometown, but I heard that he has not made a preface for many years, and I can't help but beat the drums, I and an enthusiastic literary friend inquired about coming to a unit downstairs, a small area of ordinary community on the dark parking lot, knocked on the door, and the elderly Teacher Zhou Tongbin opened the door. He held a newspaper he was reading in his hand, held his eyes, and smiled kindly: Come in and sit.

I looked around the living room, the house was not big but clean, the TV sofas were all old fashioned, and he habitually took us into the study.

The cabinets in the study were neatly arranged like soldiers in line, he thought about it carefully, took out a copy of "Emperor Tianhou Soil", wrote it carefully, a few beautiful words, the book was a bridge to the heart, after writing, he closed the pen lid and handed it to me with both hands. I couldn't help but be impressed by the simplicity of his silent exudation, and I took the book religiously and explained my intentions.

I haven't prefaced people for many years, I'm old, I can't read your books, and more importantly, I can't be untargeted and responsible for every word I write.

I was a little nervous, afraid that he would refuse, and the clever move, said, I understand your mood, your eyes are not good, I read it to you, you just listen, okay?

He looked at me a little puzzled, as if moved by my persistence, and before he could speak, I had opened my manuscript and read it like a lark, and the whole room was filled with the sound of my reading aloud.

I write my heart by hand, and the words I write myself feel interesting to read.

After reading it, I saw teacher Zhou Tongbin close his eyes slightly, think softly, and smile with satisfaction on his face.

I quickly hit the iron while it was hot and said, Teacher Zhou Tongbin, I am a flag person, from your hometown, I know that you love the flag, and I love the younger generation of writing, so I want to get your help and promotion, are you satisfied with my article?

Ok, it's written about the righteous human heart.

Then you send the rest of the article to my mailbox, I read it and give you a preface, and when I'm done, I'll send you my email.

Two weeks later, my mailbox received the preface from Teacher Zhou Tongbin, and my heart was filled with joy.

After the new book typesetting came out, I took the book again and let Teacher Zhou Tongbin check his manuscript, which may be a computer copy and paste error, his preface had two more sentences, Teacher Zhou Tongbin actually found out, he specifically called me for this matter three corrections, said, these two sentences are not written by me.

Zhang Chunyan: Emperor Tianhou Tu Yao has been passing through the ages, and a generation of masters has inspired future generations

At that moment, my heart was deeply shaken.

At the launch of the new book of my essay collection "Idle Time Flowers", Teacher Zhou Tongbin came to the scene trembling, and he persisted until the end when he was not in good health. Seeing that the secretary of the county party committee at the press conference brought the standing committee members to personally guide him, he paused his voice and said, The cultural banner is not a vain name, the leaders of the sheqi county attach great importance to culture, Chunyan you are a flag person, you have to fight for the qi, write a work that makes the people of the banner proud, and win glory for the flag!

Speaking of this, he was a little excited, heavy cough put together, I looked at the emaciated Teacher Zhou on the stage painfully, got up and poured a cup of tea for him and carefully served it to him, he drank a sip of water, eased up, smiled and said, old and not dead is for thieves, we are old, we can do too little for our hometown.

In fact, he had already given all his love to his native culture Zhou Zhuang.

Zhang Chunyan: Emperor Tianhou Tu Yao has been passing through the ages, and a generation of masters has inspired future generations

Teacher Zhou Tongbin always talks about his hometown, he has tears in his eyes, there are endless topics, the bits and pieces of his hometown are like a number of family treasures, this land that gives him life, like a heavy book, let the luxury book as his life, every time he accidentally opens a page, he smells the fragrance of wenmo.

A chicken and a duck in his hometown are so cute, a tree suddenly has a spirituality, and a grass immediately gives passion.

His hometown goes like this:

My hometown feeds me with dried sweet potatoes. In the past few years, when I was a student, I often felt that my hometown was poor and I didn't want to go home for thousands of miles. After working all these years, I always feel the beauty of my hometown, and I always want to go back to see it every once in a while. Last year, when the swallows returned, I sent my son Miao Miao'er, who had just turned four, back to his hometown and asked him to follow his grandparents. In this way, almost once a month, I always go home. Every time, it was like falling into the cellar, always feeling that there was a mellow and sweet smell coming over my face, and my heart was numb and crispy.

I had not yet entered the hospital, and almost all the children in the village got the news and ran to Shunde while running: "Miao Miao'er and his father are back!" "Miao Miao'er and his father are back!"

When I entered the house, the children blocked the door, they didn't want to be far away, and they didn't dare to cross the threshold, only the grandson of the second grandmother in the east was bold, squeezed in from the cracks, and rushed to me to see my tortoiseshell glasses. I took out the candy and asked Miao Miao to share it with them. Most of them, I can't name them, let alone distinguish their generations. Mother always taught Miao Miao on the side: "Give your little fifth master a piece." "Give you a piece of your second son." "Give your four aunts together." ...... Of course, those who were grandfathers and aunts were either bare-buttocked or dragged their snot, received sugar cubes, and immediately stuffed them into their mouths, while shedding long saliva. After dividing the candy, the children laughed and led the seedlings to the forest to stick to zhizhi, or to the village to catch grasshoppers.

Miao Miao'er is also the treasure of the whole village. The owner steamed a bowl of bean cake and always sent him a piece; the west family boiled mung bean soup and always brought him a bowl...

Everything in his hometown shines brightly in the pen of Teacher Zhou Tongbin, and his strong nostalgia is condensed in the late nights and early mornings planned for the cultural Zhou Zhuang, and he feels that he must use all his strength to be worthy of the land that gave birth to him.

He directly participated in the construction of the countryside, participated in activities, held meetings and encouraged, participated in the love of the hometown meeting, and took more than 100,000 yuan to renovate his house as an activity position...

To borrow the words of Teacher Zhou to warn the latetes who aspire to write literature: "The success of an author is inseparable from ambition, luck and talent, and talent is very important. If you want to write a good work, you should first memorize a hundred ancient texts and three hundred poems, read two million words of famous texts, read ten million words of famous works, and write two or three million words of practicing writing. At that point, your article will certainly be extraordinary..."

Teacher Zhou Tongbin's self-description said: "Since I learned to make articles, I went out of my way to write about the black land of my hometown and the villagers on the black soil, and poured out the love of a peasant son for the people of my homeland."

Yes, this is the flag of the community, which is not what it used to be because of the spirit of the guests.

Yes, this is Zhou Zhuang, who is radiant because of the culture of the same guests.

The spirit of the same guest, Zhouzhuang culture, is a game of perseverance, virtue and love of family feelings, in the dark corner, finally open up the world, usher in the sunshine, in the sunshine and rain bloom a brilliant flower.

A beautiful new village, Zhouzhuang, has been revitalized by the culture of fellow guests.

Zhou Zhuang became more and more beautiful because of him, and people were no longer satisfied with only working and the fields, they began to dance gymnastics, twist songs, practice martial arts, and sing big dramas.

They began to brew their own fine wine, to make harmless honey, the sachets made by the women's workshop were fragrant throughout the country, they sang and danced, they read quietly, and they turned the peasants facing the loess with their backs to the sky into outdoor peach and harmony fairies.

Zhou Zhuang's father and fellow villagers regarded him as their main backbone, the children saw Zhou Lao cheering and rejoicing, who made delicious food the first thing he thought of was Zhou Lao, and now, this old man can't sleep, how can Zhou Zhuang's father and fellow villagers not be distressed and cry? The news of Zhou Lao's death reached his hometown, the whole village fell into mourning, the old people and children all wept, and Chen Tao, a hometown lover who traveled on a business trip in Inner Mongolia, returned by car for thousands of miles and nights, and his mood was extremely painful. Teacher Zhou's literary friends, readers, and condolences across the country were overwhelming.

When his classmate, General Li Gengchen, the former editor-in-chief of the People's Liberation Army Newspaper, heard about it, he had a heavy heart and wrote down with a stroke of his pen:

Emperor Tianhou Tu Yao through the ages, a generation of masters to inspire future generations!

The emperor's thick earth will be passed down forever, and there will be no zhou guests in the world!

Mr. Gone, he and his work left the spirit

But it is deeply implanted in every inch of the land, taking root and sprouting...

Deeply embedded in every soul, the blood is connected...

Farewell! Teacher Zhou Tongbin...

You're amazing!

The mountains are majestic, look up at the eloquence!

The spirit of fellow guests will last forever!

Fellow guest culture, eternal life!

The spirit of the same guest, with the sun and the moon!

The culture of the same guests, with the mountains and rivers!

Teacher Zhou Tongbin, famous throughout the ages!

Teacher Zhou Tongbin, the monument of immortality will not fall!

May Sir go all the way!

About the Author:

Zhang Chunyan, a member of the China Essay Literature Association, was reported as a model deed by the Central Propaganda Department such as "Learning to Strengthen the Country". He is the author of the Nanyang writers group leader Eryuehe, Li Gengchen, Zhou Tongbin, Zhou Daxin, Li Tiancen, Qin Jun and his famous Anhui writer Liu Xiangruqiang jointly launched the collection of essays "Idle Flowers", which makes students who have fallen in love early in the game lose their way and is known as a moral education textbook.

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