
Zhang Chunyan, an "old tuangan", has been engaged in the Hope Project for 27 years as a "porter of love" to bring hope to more children

author:China Youth Network

A photograph of Project Hope has touched countless people: a girl with big eyes holding a pencil and looking straight ahead. In January 1995, Zhang Chunyan, 34-year-old secretary of the Youth League Committee of Hangzhou Iron and Steel Factory, with the touch of seeing this photo and the longing for the Hope Project, was transferred to a public institution directly under the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee of the Youth League, specializing in the Work of the Hope Project, and worked for 27 years until retirement this year.

Let poor children have books to read and learn, this is Zhang Chunyan's simple wish, but also with 37 years of party experience, she has always adhered to the original intention. The "old regimental cadre" said: "My work, one is a public welfare person who dedicates love, the other is a teenager in need of help, I stand in the middle, I am a 'love porter', helping others, but also make myself feel happy." ”

"Aunt Zhang brings us hope"

In April, at Jianguo Hope Primary School in Huanggu Township, Kaihua County, Zhejiang Province, children are enjoying a carefree childhood life.

Zhang Chunyan still remembers the first time she came here in March 1995: the township school, which was already in danger, could not afford normal teaching, and more than 100 students were scattered in several peasant homes. At the end of class, the children rampaged on the dusty yellow dirt road... The township cadres who accompanied Zhang Chunyan on her visit beckoned the children to pay attention to safety while briefing Zhang Chunyan on the situation.

Zhang Chunyan, who has been living in the urban area of Hangzhou, did not expect that Zhejiang had such backward townships. She asked: "You submitted the declaration materials very early, has no one been willing to donate to the construction of Hope Primary School?" ”

"I heard that a Shanghai boss is interested, but he has not followed." The township cadre answered.

"Then I'll help you run to Shanghai, and I'll definitely help you win it down." Zhang Chunyan, who made a "military order," contacted Qu Jianguo, the founder of Shenhua Industry, the next day.

Qu Jianguo has never been to Huanggu Township and has some concerns about donating funds to build a school. Zhang Chunyan shared with Qu Jianguo what she had seen and heard in Huanggu Township, and after two days of "negotiations", Qu Jianguo was finally touched by Zhang Chunyan's sincere feelings and decided to donate 200,000 yuan.

This is the first Hope Primary School that Zhang Chunyan persuaded to raise aid to build. At the inauguration ceremony, she was greeted by an open-minded smiling face. "Thank you Aunt Zhang!" Childish voices rang out on the empty playground. At that moment, her happiness also bloomed like a flower.

After that, Zhang Chunyan ran through 90 counties and municipalities in the province and many sister provinces and cities, as long as she received the help needs proposed by the local Youth League Committee, she and her team immediately began to investigate and verify the situation, and did not miss any opportunity to help their children.

In 2002, the Eleventh Party Congress of Zhejiang Province put forward the work requirements of "two no's", Zhang Chunyan and colleagues of the Provincial Youth Foundation designed and implemented the "Zhejiang Provincial College Students Scholarship Program" for the first time; in 2008, around the Deployment of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government to comprehensively promote the "Zhejiang Low-income Farmers Ben Xiaokang Project", they quickly launched the "Zhejiang Low-income Farmers Youth Care Action"...

Since 1992, when the Zhejiang Provincial Youth League Committee mobilized the youth league members of the province to raise funds to donate to the construction of Linghou Township Hope Primary School in Wencheng County, the Zhejiang Provincial Youth Foundation has raised more than 600 million yuan from the society so far, aided the construction of 599 Hope Primary Schools and 28 Hope Kindergartens inside and outside the province, rewarded and funded more than 200,000 college, middle and primary school students, and benefited more than one million young people in various public welfare projects.

Ye Xianggen, who had received funding from the Hope Project, studied all the way and successfully passed the civil service examination. In 2000, when Ye Xianggen was still in high school in Wenzhou, Zhang Chunyan made a special trip to the school to visit him. Ye Xianggen said: "Aunt Zhang is the one who brings us hope. After working for a few years, Ye Xianggen became a regimental cadre in Liandu District, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, and he took over the baton of the Hope Project to help poor and motivated students like him.

Either don't do it, or if you do it, you have to do it well

People who are familiar with Zhang Chunyan know that she has a stubborn spirit in her. From the instrument worker of Hangzhou Steel to the secretary of the Youth League Committee, and then "turned" to the Hope Project, she either did not do every job, and she had to do it well.

With the rapid economic and social development of Zhejiang, rural schools are paying more and more attention to quality education and the all-round development of children, and the needs of various projects are more personalized.

In 2020, through the funding of the Provincial Youth Foundation, each student of Sandu Zili Primary School in Jiande City has their own gourd silk, and folk music has truly become a feature of the whole school. In November of that year, the principal invited Zhang Chunyan to watch the children's performance. This incident made her think that in recent years, there have been more and more personalized demand projects like gourd silk, and each time they are "one matter and one discussion", which is time-consuming and laborious. Can you extract a set of non-standardized project fundraising models from it to improve work efficiency?

"I'll retire in less than 4 months, or will I?" Someone "kindly" reminded her.

But more people know that what Zhang Chunyan identified will definitely be done - this is not the first time she has "opened the knife" with the system.

In 2013, the Zhejiang Provincial Youth Foundation had different management systems for different student groups such as college, middle and primary school students, children of migrant workers, etc., and Zhang Chunyan first proposed to merge them into the same management method. Colleagues looked embarrassed and said, "It's good now", but she repeatedly did everyone's ideological work, "almost hard to push down".

In 2015, after two semesters of running-in practice, the "Zhejiang Hope Project Student Funding Project Implementation Management Measures" took shape, and the student-funded project realized a set of processes and a method to the end, and the operation of the project was more standardized and efficient.

This time, she and her colleagues rose to the challenge. A digital blackboard, a red scarf drum and trumpet team, a multi-purpose classroom, a campus cultural corridor... The scattered software and hardware personality support projects now have a common name - "Hope Project • Dream Building Base", and there are also common management methods, and schools in need only need to apply to the Provincial Youth Foundation through the local Youth League Committee according to the rules.

"Doing public welfare is not as simple as receiving money and sending money. When the rules are disconnected from reality, it is necessary to find a balance point to innovate, and each step is justified. Zhang Chunyan knows that standardization and transparency are the lifeline of public welfare undertakings, so she attaches great importance to system construction, and strives to have rules and regulations for each project, and every special fund has a basis to rely on."

Under such excellence, the Provincial Youth Foundation has been recognized by the industry in terms of standardization and transparency, and has been rated as a "National Advanced Social Organization" for two consecutive years, and a 5A-level social organization for three consecutive rounds; in last year's anti-epidemic fundraising, it was rated as one of the 12 five-star foundations for information disclosure that raised tens of millions of yuan by the Philanthropy Times.

"When you are old, you must also have a digital mindset"

On March 1 this year, Zhang Chunyan officially retired, originally thinking that she had ushered in a leisurely pension life, but found that after 27 years of doing things, it was not that she could put it down.

Zhang Chunyan always pays attention to the news of the CYDF, and whenever the "pro-youth chip" launches a new public welfare activity, she must preemptively experience it. A few days ago, CYDF launched the "3-hour public welfare" to achieve data exchange with another platform, and she immediately donated money to experience the process on it, and gave feedback to the colleagues in charge of the unit "can the page jump speed be faster" Suggestions.

"If 'older people' like me are used to it, public acceptance will be worse." Zhang Chunyan said.

At first, Zhang Chunyan was not adapted to online public welfare and felt that offline was more "reliable". Once, a young colleague of the unit "criticized" her at the organizational life meeting for "insufficient application of Internet knowledge and technology", she was a little lost, when she was young, she was always "the first person to eat crabs".

In 1998, she organized a street fundraising campaign in Hangzhou, which is a very avant-garde practice among national public welfare organizations. At the event, in the places with large crowds, volunteers wearing "Hope Project" red vests could be seen everywhere, and 60,000 yuan was raised in two hours.

In 2005, the country's first regional Internet donation platform "Zhejiang Hope Project Online" was launched, and the grass-roots league organization can directly transmit materials to the Internet, and the work efficiency is greatly improved, which is also her main work.

Is it inevitable that old age will be behind the times? Zhang Chunyan was more real.

In 2016, the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Youth Foundation jointly initiated the establishment of a "pro-youth fundraising" Internet public welfare crowdfunding platform. This is the first online crowdfunding platform in the CYDF system, and has raised 55 million yuan and donated nearly 1 million yuan. During the anti-epidemic period last year, more than 10 million yuan was crowdfunded in 3 months.

From the first day of project incubation, Zhang Chunyan "stared" at colleagues in the department, designed projects based on the Internet, reconstructed work processes, and created an efficient and collaborative work system. At the same time, she also played the role of "user experience teacher", how to forward the fundraising link to the circle of friends, how to donate on Alipay... Zhang Chunyan constantly consulted, experienced, compared, and then proposed improvement plans.

Today, the Zhejiang Provincial Youth Foundation's Internet small-scale crowdfunding accounts for nearly 70%, with a total fundraising of more than 136 million yuan. Public welfare projects have also expanded from the original single student assistance to many fields such as medical assistance, poverty assistance, and employment assistance, and public welfare projects such as "Xiangyanghua Children's Medical Assistance" and "Hope Little Study" have become more and more influential on the Internet. Zhang Chunyan told reporters, "When you are old, you must also have digital thinking."

Although retired, Zhang Chunyan's fate with the Hope Project is far from over, and this "porter of love" will continue to walk with Hope.

Qian Honghui China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Yang Baoguang Source: China Youth Daily ( 2021-06-16 01 edition)

Source: China Youth Daily

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