
For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, these 4 oral proprietary Chinese medicines, 2 external proprietary Chinese medicines, you must know: 1. Oral proprietary Chinese medicines: 1. Stretching tendon activating pills: the composition is to make horse money and make Sichuan

author:Nankai Sun Pharmacist

To treat rheumatoid arthritis, these 4 oral proprietary Chinese medicines and 2 external proprietary Chinese medicines, you must know:

1. Oral proprietary Chinese medicine:

1. Stretching and activating pills:

The group is made of horse money, Chuanwu, grass wu, papaya, whole scorpion, Sichuan ox knee, eucommia (fried charcoal), intermittent, angelica, pearl bone-through grass, woody fragrance. Fang Zhong reuses the production of horse money to pass the meridians, reduce swelling, relieve pain, and is a jun medicine. Chuanwu and grass wuxin heat can remove cold and dampness, and it is known for relieving pain by warm menstruation; Papaya rejuvenates the muscles; The whole scorpion dispels wind and circulation, stretches the muscles and relieves pain, and is a common medicine. Sichuan ox knee, eucommia charcoal, continuous liver and kidney supplementation, strengthen muscles and bones, dispel rheumatism; Angelica replenishes blood and invigorates blood to cure unfavorable meridians; Pearl bone grass dispels wind and dehumidification, invigorates blood and relieves pain; Wood fragrance to relieve pain, as an adjuvant. The combination of various medicines relaxes the muscles together

Network, dispel wind and dehumidification, warm menstruation and relieve pain.

Clinically, stretching tendon activation pills are used to treat paralysis caused by wind and cold and wet obstruction, the symptoms are cold joint pain, tendon and pulse tightness, numbness of hands and feet, and unfavorable limbs; Rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis see the above symptoms.

2. Rheumatism holy medicine capsules:

The group is Tu Ling, Huang Bai, Wei Lingxian, Qiang Huo, Duhuo, Windproof, Fangji, Qingfeng Vine, Chuanshan Dragon, Silkworm Sand, Mianmengxue, Peach Kernel, Safflower, Angelica, Laurel Branch, Ginseng, Schisandra, and Jade Bamboo. Fang Zhongtu Poria is pale and flat, detoxifying and dehumidifying, tongli joints; Huangbai tastes bitter cold, clear heat and dampness, ephemeral fire and detoxification, and combines it into a jun medicine. Welling fairy, qiang live, solitary life, windproof, self-defense, green wind vine, pangolin, silkworm sand and mianmengxue dispel rheumatism, clear meridians, relieve paralytic pain, and are all medicines. Peach kernel, safflower, angelica, laurel branch activate blood stasis, channel and relieve pain; Ginseng, Schisandra, jade bamboo nourish qi and yin, and are adjuvants. The combination of various medicines plays the function of clearing heat and moisture, dispersing wind and circulation.

Clinically, rheumatism holy medicine capsules are used to treat paralysis caused by humid heat and stasis obstruction of limb joints, the symptoms are joint pain, local burning and redness, multiple fever, bad wind, thirst, irritability, moss dryness, pulse slippage; Rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis see the above symptoms.

3. Xuanqi Tong Capsules:

The group was black spiny ant, astragalus, heavy building, old stork grass, millennium jian, and Sanqi. Fangzhong black spiny ant nourishes the liver and kidneys, dispels wind and dehumidification, dissolves stasis and circulation, and supports the right and dispels evil, which is a royal medicine. Astragalus invigorates qi and solidifies the surface, and can promote blood paralysis, and is a medicine. Chonglou, Old Stork Grass, Millennium Jian, and Panax notoginseng have the effect of dispelling rheumatism, strengthening muscles and bones, channeling blood veins, and relieving paralyzing pain, and the above are all adjuvants. The combination of various medicines plays the function of nourishing the liver and kidneys, dispelling wind and dehumidification, activating blood and relieving pain.

Clinically, Xuanqi Tong Capsules are used to treat paralysis caused by liver and kidney insufficiency and rheumatic obstruction, and the symptoms are joint pain, swelling, poor flexion and extension, hand and foot temperature, and numbness of limbs; Rheumatoid arthritis is seen in the above symptoms.

4. Wind Activating Sheet:

The group is strychnia (stir-fried), ephedra, cinnamon, parsnip, papaya, knotweed, sarsaparilla, qinjiao, mulberry parasitism, licorice. Fang Zhong horse money disperses swelling, and tongs pain relief as a jun medicine. ephedra, laurel branches, windproof divergence wind cold, temperature through the sun to relieve pain, open the table to chase wind cold and wet evil; Papaya knotweed and sarsaparilla dispel wind and dehumidification, relax muscles and activate the body, and are a medicine. Qin Gang dispels rheumatism and reduces hypothermia, parasitic and dispels rheumatism, tonifies liver and kidney, and strengthens muscles and bones as adjuvants. Licorice harmonizes medicines, for medicine. The combination of the spinning plays the effect of rejuvenating the wind and dissipating cold and dampness.

Clinically, Shufeng Active Tablets are used to treat paralysis caused by wind and cold and wet obstruction, the symptoms are numbness and stiffness of the limbs, poor flexion and extension, joint pain, swelling, low back pain, muscle atrophy, fatigue and weakness; Rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis see the above symptoms.

2. Topical proprietary Chinese medicines:

1. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic cream:

The composition is peppermint oil, thyme brain, methyl salicylate, ice chips, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, belladonna flow extract, camphor. Fangzhong thyme brain, bitter cool, into the liver meridian, clear heat and moisture, stop bleeding. Ice chips, clear and fragrant, bitter taste, bitter, slightly cold, into the liver meridian, back to the heart, liver, lung meridian; Clear fragrance disperses, clear heat and disperse toxins, reduce swelling. Peppermint flavor is spicy, cool, belongs to the lungs, liver meridians, and the fragrance rises. Camphor, spicy scent, through joints, stagnant qi, eliminate seeds and relieve pain. Combined with methyl salicylate, diphenhydramine hydrochloride belladonna flow extract, play a swelling and analgesic effect.

Clinically, anti-inflammatory analgesic creams are used to treat paralysis, such as neuralgia, rheumatic pain, shoulder pain, sprains, injuries, joint pain in various specialties, muscle pain.

2. Oriental blood ointment:

The group is Shengchuan Wu, Shengcao Wu, Xiaoxin, Tianma, Whole Scorpion, Qianghuo, Duhuo, Sandalwood, Frankincense (made), Myrrh (made), Safflower, Pangolin (made), Angelica, Chuanxiong, Blood Depletion, Natural Copper, Wood Turtle, Black Fungus, Ice Flakes, Gypsum, Honeysuckle, Enoki Mushroom, Mushroom, White Alum, Dog Bone, Yellow and Catechu. The composition of this drug can be roughly divided into three categories. Fang Zhongchuan Wu, Cao Wu, Xiaoxin, Tianma, Whole Scorpion, Qiang Huo, Duhuo, Dog Bone, Xionghuang composed of wind and dehumidification, dispersing cold and analgesic, specializing in warming meridians, paralysis and pain relief. Sandalwood, frankincense, myrrh, safflower, pangolin, angelica, Chuanxiong, blood exhaustion, natural copper are composed of blood circulation and stasis, aiming to disperse qi and relieve pain. In addition, wood turtle, black fungus, gypsum, honeysuckle, enoki mushroom, mushroom, white alum, ice chips, catechu and other medicines are added to form a cool blood and swelling reduction class, which can not only detoxify and reduce swelling, but also supervise the warmth of various medicines. All medicines work together to dispel wind and cold, activate blood circulation and dissolve stasis, and relax muscles and activate the body.

Clinically, Oriental Blood Vitalizing Ointment is used to treat paralysis caused by external feeling of wind and cold, blocking meridians, and stasis of qi and blood, and the symptoms are shoulder, arm, waist and leg pain, limb numbness, no swelling or swelling, no red or hot, aggravated by cold, reduced fever, no fever or slight fever, long urine, pale white or white tongue, tight or floating pulses; Rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis see the above symptoms. #如何做健康老年人 #

For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, these 4 oral proprietary Chinese medicines, 2 external proprietary Chinese medicines, you must know: 1. Oral proprietary Chinese medicines: 1. Stretching tendon activating pills: the composition is to make horse money and make Sichuan
For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, these 4 oral proprietary Chinese medicines, 2 external proprietary Chinese medicines, you must know: 1. Oral proprietary Chinese medicines: 1. Stretching tendon activating pills: the composition is to make horse money and make Sichuan
For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, these 4 oral proprietary Chinese medicines, 2 external proprietary Chinese medicines, you must know: 1. Oral proprietary Chinese medicines: 1. Stretching tendon activating pills: the composition is to make horse money and make Sichuan
For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, these 4 oral proprietary Chinese medicines, 2 external proprietary Chinese medicines, you must know: 1. Oral proprietary Chinese medicines: 1. Stretching tendon activating pills: the composition is to make horse money and make Sichuan
For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, these 4 oral proprietary Chinese medicines, 2 external proprietary Chinese medicines, you must know: 1. Oral proprietary Chinese medicines: 1. Stretching tendon activating pills: the composition is to make horse money and make Sichuan
For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, these 4 oral proprietary Chinese medicines, 2 external proprietary Chinese medicines, you must know: 1. Oral proprietary Chinese medicines: 1. Stretching tendon activating pills: the composition is to make horse money and make Sichuan

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