
She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

author:Pine cone life

Today, Songguo Jun wants to introduce a rather "fierce" French female artist, her name is Sophie Calle.

Sophie Carr is a typical "bad girl", having an abortion at the age of 18, starting stripteases and riding around the world at the age of 19, and pretending to be a cleaner to secretly photograph strangers in hotels... She was "out of line" in many things she did in her life, but fortunately, she ended up being a very good artist.

It is undeniable that art has saved many so-called young people in society. Today's post-90s and post-00s like to pursue personality, but there are really not many personalities like Karl.

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

Sophie Carr

Sophie Carr was born in Paris in 1953 to an intellectual father of oncologists and a book critic.

But Karl, whose parents were at odds with her parents since childhood, was rebellious, and she once talked in an interview about her 18-year-old , multiple abortions , and being a radical feminist.

"It's illegal (abortion), but you have to learn to do these things before the law allows it." Carr said so.

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

As a child, Sophie Carr, she always compared her mother to a giraffe

"She always looked up at me from above, with sadness and sarcasm. Just like my mom did. ”

After graduating from high school at the age of 19, Carl interrupted college and chose to travel around by hitchhiking and striptease. It wasn't until the age of 26 that Carl ended her seven-year wandering budget after her footprints in the United States, China, Mexico...

When she returned to Paris, her parents had separated and she decided to move in with her father.

When he first lived with his father, Karl was confused, uneducated, unskilled, and a typical "slash youth" who had no idea what to do. She didn't sink in, though, and was inspired by a painting by An American photographer Duane Michals hanging in her father's home.

This form of picture plus text, sandwich and discussion makes her very like it.

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

Works by Duane Michals

In order to gain his father's approval and completely reverse his image as a "little sister", Carl is determined to imitate Michals and engage in art.

Stranger series

At first, Karl wandered the streets of Paris with his camera and didn't know what to do, but one day he had a whim, so he might as well photograph strangers on the street! See where they all came from, where they went, who they met, what they did.

As it turned out, it really made Carl famous, and she later became known as "Detective Hunt", and "Stranger Series" became Carl's famous work.

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

Sophie Carr's Venice Suite

She once tracked a man named Henri B, chased him from Paris to Venice, followed him from morning to night, and took a lot of pictures with his camera: the bridge he walked across Venice, the inn where he stayed, the shop he entered, even the place where he took pictures... But at one point, she still lost it, and Carl didn't stop there, she called more than 100 hotels to find someone, and finally called the police station.

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"
She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"
She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

Not only did Carl stalk others, but also asked her mother to hire a private detective to track herself, "and provide the corresponding photos to prove that she existed", and she found a friend who asked her to follow the private investigator. It can be seen that Carl's brain hole is indeed different from that of normal people.

Sleeper series

Since then, Carl has also done a series called "The Sleeper." One day, a friend of Carl's who had worked all night was going to borrow her bed for a nap. Carl had a whim and began inviting strangers to sleep in her bed, asking them questions, filming their behavior.

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

Sophie Carr, The Sleeper

She found 24 people to sleep in her bed, including her friends, neighbors and strangers. Each person needed to sleep in bed for a full 8 hours, 24 people, and lasted a full eight days.

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"
She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"
She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"
She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"
She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

One of the participants, whose husband is the director of the art museum, invited Carl to exhibit this series of photographs, and since then the bad girl who has never studied art has a new identity: an artist.

Hotel sneak peek series

Rather than stalking passers-by and inviting strangers to his bed, Carl did something even more brutal – hotel candid photography.

Voyeurism is an important theme in Carl's creation, she will do everything possible to secretly shoot, for which she also went to the hotel as a cleaner, she will take the opportunity to clean into the customer's room, flip through the customer's wardrobe, suitcase, check their clothes and shoes size, put the wallet, keys, clothes, letters, notebooks... When her personal belongings are turned over to peek and secretly photograph, she will even steal strangers' perfumes, steal leftover chocolates, and create the "Hotel Series" in this way. After the publication of these works, Sophie Carr became a famous voyeur in Paris.

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"
She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"
She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

Sophie Carr", "The Hotel"

But "the good times don't last long", and Carl's behavior is soon discovered by an attentive tenant, who is naturally expelled.

Phone book series

One day in 1983, Carl picked up a phone book on the street, but instead of returning it to her owner right away, she copied all the contact information on it and began calling the contacts in the phone book every day, asking them to describe the man who had lost his address book, and publishing the description in The Liberty.

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

Some of them are described as follows:

On the outside he looked quite handsome, in his thirties, with white hair. Sometimes he dressed like a clown and looked like he felt good about himself.

—Siewell B

He's very smart and a good actor. It's a pity he doesn't know how to "market" himself, and as an actor, he has failed.

—Paul B

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

When the owner of the address book learned of this, he was mad and planned to sue Karl, but after mediation failed. But in retaliation, he took a nude photo of Karl and published it publicly. Regarding Carl's nude photos, Pinecone Jun will show you later.

Take care of yourself series

Karl used to have a lover, a friend of her father's, but in 1984, during her internship in Japan, the lover dumped her, and they had agreed to meet in Japan, but he wrote to her: "Honey, I can't come, I wanted to take you in my arms and tell you in person... I met another woman. ”

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

Take care of yourself is a philosopher

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

Take care of yourself is a musician

After being abandoned, Carl wrote Take care of yourself, her

Asked 107 women in different professions to interpret their boyfriend's breakup email.

Catch the dead

Although Carl is a woman who looks a little untrimmed, she also has profound works of life and death.

In 2006, Carl's mother, Monica, was found to have breast cancer. The mother often complains that her daughter does not put herself in the creative project.

While caring for her mother in the hospital, Karl once again created a creation, she found a camera to capture the last time of her mother until her death, and before dying, Monica lamented: "Finally photographed me." ”

Carr said: "The footage was filmed for 71 hours and retained for 11 minutes. At the beginning of it, I suddenly cried. ”

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

Sophie Carr,"Catching Death"

Later, the video aired at the Italian Pavilion at the 2007 Venice Biennale, the last 11 minutes of her mother's battle with death.

Monica especially wanted to go to the North Pole before she died, but unfortunately this wish could not be realized until her death. Shortly after his mother's death, Karl went to the North Pole and buried a portrait of his mother, a Chanel necklace and a diamond ring on a glacier in the northern Arctic.

"Maybe one day someone will pick up this diamond and use it to buy a house."

Striptease series

Karl's father died in 2014, which hit her so hard that she didn't create for the next two years.

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

In Sophie Carr's apartment, she compares the tiger to her father

Karl has done very little about her father, but his influence on her was enormous, and he always affirmed his "bad girl" daughter. But the only time he objected to his daughter's creation was when Carl was preparing to publish a book about being a stripper himself.

Eventually, these works were published by Karl.

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"
She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

Say good nude photos, Sophie Carr in a striptease

From a rebellious girl to a well-known artist, this is the legendary life of Sophie Carr, and the standard template for debauched young women, almost all of her works are full of controversy and shock, from the observation of the world, to the capture of life and death, more and more profound, but also more and more thick.

She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

Karl once said, "Love and death are untouchable moments in life." ”

Her work touched me, but her life seemed to be more interesting than her work.

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She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

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She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

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She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"
She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"
She had an abortion at the age of 18, worked as a stripper, filmed her mother's death... The feminist artist "kind of interesting"

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