
Sweet potato and peanut oil

author:Swim around and look at the moon rabbit

Today, I fried a plate of sweet potato slices for my child, and the ingredients were all bought: sweet potatoes were bought, peanut oil was bought. This brought back memories of sweet potato and peanut oil when I was a child.

Sweet potato and peanut oil

As a rural child, as the eldest child in the family, as a rural girl... I don't have the right to choose willfulness.

Sweet potato and peanut oil

I can't hide from the work at home, I can't hide from the work of my brothers and sisters, I can't hide from the work in the field... So, in fact, I have done a lot of work, so even if I bring up my own children, it is no problem.

Sweet potato and peanut oil

Sweet potato seedlings are usually my mother's business, of course, I will also help, so I have seen it: first find a warmer place, dig a shallow pit or rectangular or square, and get last year's sweet potato out of the dry well (we call yinzi, yin I don't know which one) (this is usually an adult's business). Arrange the sweet potatoes one by one in a shallow pit, sprinkle some sand and sprinkle some water. Then hold an arch on the edge of the pit and cover it with plastic sheeting or mulch. After that, sprinkle some water every few days, and after a long time, the sweet potato seedlings will come out.

Sweet potato and peanut oil

I go to help when preparing the land, I go to help when planting sweet potato seedlings, I go to help when pulling weeds, I go to help when turning sweet potato seedlings, I go to help when catching insects, I go to help when I planing sweet potatoes, I go to help when wiping dried sweet potatoes, I go to help when I pick up dried sweet potatoes...

Sweet potato and peanut oil

And peanuts! I go to work when I prepare the land, I go to work when I plant peanuts, I go to work when I weed, I go to work when I plan, I go to work when I pick peanuts, I go to work when I dry peanuts, I go to work when I pick peanuts, I go to work when I fry peanut oil...

Sweet potato and peanut oil

By the winter, the sweet potatoes were harvested, the peanut oil was fried, and we weren't so busy. So our sisters and brothers would occasionally fry some dried sweet potatoes and eat them themselves. In the past, we used to grow sweet potatoes with white hearts, because this one is more productive than yellow hearts.

But the fried dried sweet potatoes can't be seen by our father, and as long as he sees it, he will gloomy face and say a few bad words. Because he doesn't like us doing this, I don't know for what specific reasons, maybe it's a waste of oil, maybe it's unhealthy. I think he felt that oil was wasted, peanut oil, even when I was a child, was very expensive, and my father as an adult must not be willing to bear it.

Sweet potato and peanut oil

And making sweet potatoes, we didn't even hear of it at that time. Now I know the method, but I can't grasp the heat, so I haven't tried much. These two practices seem to be healthier than before, only sweet potatoes and peanut oil, pulling silk sweet potatoes is more troublesome, better looking.

Sweet potato and peanut oil

It would certainly be wrong to get something for nothing, but we put in so much labor and our dad turned a deaf ear and turned a blind eye. As soon as everyone wasted their common gain, he was very unhappy. As long as we didn't work, he was also upset. In the past, when we were young, I didn't dare to contradict him, but then once, he me off when I had just returned from the field, and I got into trouble with him, and maybe we started estranged from then on!

Sweet potato and peanut oil

Sweet potato and peanut oil are what we deserve!

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