
In chapters 8 to 12 of "No One Survives", nursery rhyme poems take away two people, who will die next?

author:Wang Dabao, who is diligent in his creation

Dr. Armstrong, Lombard, and Bloor's temporary trio thoroughly searched Soldier Island, The Villa, and found nothing.

At lunchtime, Dr. Armstrong found General Mark Arthur alone on a cliff by the sea, dead, and as expected, only seven small porcelain men remained.

After being examined by Dr. Armstrong, General MacArthur was hit in the back of the head by a lifebuoy or blunt-like object.

Judge Vagrave came to the conclusion that since the 11th person could not be found on the island, one of the remaining 7 people who were still alive must be Mr. Owen, and although everyone was shocked, they could not overturn this conclusion.

Then, Judge Vagrave organized an inquiry, and no one could prove that he had nothing to do with the deaths of the three men. Now, it is impossible to tell who Mr. Owen is, and everything is at an impasse.

Lombard said to Vera that Vagrave was behind it; Vera said to Lombard that Dr. Armstrong was.

Bloor said to Rogers Butler: "I have some thoughts on who Is Mr. Owen; Rogers Butler says: I don't know anything.

Judge Vagrave said to Dr. Armstrong: "I have found that there is a man who is Mr. Owen, it is too obvious, but I have no evidence; Dr. Armgrave said to Judge Vagrave: I did not understand.

Miss Brent wrote in her notes: "They are all asking themselves who Is Mr. Owen, and only I know that the name of the murderer is: Artres Taylor. (Thankfully having made reading notes, Artres Taylor, Miss Brent should be responsible for her death!) )

Rogers Butler said the crimson tarpaulin curtains in the bathroom were missing (which was supposed to be an important item.) )

Time Clues:

At nine o'clock Miss Brent and Vera said to go to bed.

At ten o'clock, the remaining four men went to bed.

Rogers' butler felt that everything was all right, that no one should play tricks anymore, and that no one would die again.

The next day

It was not dawn and Lombard got up; at eight he fell asleep again; at half past nine he sat on the edge of his bed and looked at his watch.

At nine thirty-five, I spoke to Bloor.

Subsequently, Dr. Armstrong and Judge Vagrave were awakened, and the rooms of Miss Brent and Rogers Butler were empty. Vera participated in the dialogue. They had just gone into the drawing room, and Miss Brent had entered the house through the front door in her raincoat.

In the plate in the middle of the table, there are only six small porcelain men left! (Another person died, it appears that Rogers Butler died)

Sure enough, Rogers' butler, who was chopping wood for the kitchen stove in the laundry room across the yard, was killed in the back of the head by a large axe. (Right, seven little soldiers, with axes to chop wood; lost hands and cut off their heads, seven left six.) )

Frightened by the stimulation, Vera asked: Are there bees on the island? Six small soldiers stabbed the honeycomb; the bees came with nowhere to hide, and there were five left of the six.

Vera and Miss Brent cooked, which took about thirty to forty-five minutes.

Bloor began to suspect that Miss Brent was Mr. Owen.

Just five minutes after eleven o'clock they found Miss Brent dead, with a wound left by a subcutaneous syringe on her neck and a bee in the room. (Again: six small soldiers, stabbed the honeycomb; the bees came with nowhere to hide, and there were five left of the six.) )

Dr. Armstrong's subcutaneous syringe was found missing.

Lombard was also surprised to find that of the remaining five, he was isolated, and Wagrave, Bloor, and Miss Vera had united the front. He was forced to go to his room to pick up his pistol and turn it in, but the nightstand drawer where the gun was placed was empty.

They searched each other, inspected their respective rooms, locked all of Armstrong's medicines in small cabinets, and locked them inside large cabinets. The key to the small cabinet was given to Lombard, and the key to the large cabinet was given to Bloor.

Bloor led everyone from the restaurant window not far from the window to find the subcutaneous syringe and the broken fifth small porcelain man. After the killer killed Miss Brent, he threw the syringe and the little porcelain man out of the window. (So, the killer must be one of the remaining five?) )

They got together and searched the villa thoroughly, but Lombard's pistol remained missing...

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