
Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

author:Walk on the edge of film and television

The West German film "The Handsome Boy" is the work of two Ununified West Germanys in the 1970s, Hans. The musical directed by Heinrich was released in West Germany in 1970 and released in 1981. It is a household name and a film that belongs to the collective memories of Chinese.

When I first started middle school, I was familiar with the song "Little Boy, Little Trouble", because the music teacher in junior high school taught it - but I didn't watch the movie. Watching it many years later is a remedial viewing. But whenever I mention this movie, I think of my green teenager.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

The film is perfect for the elderly and the young – some of the things that impress us are often not because of how great it is, but more about our memories, or even the memories of an entire era.

Its main line is that the two generations in the family go from accumulating grievances to resolving, and the family affection of the next generation and the happiness and harmony of the three generations of the family - it is a warm drama film.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

It is a standard song that carries a movie - "Little Boy, Rarely Troubled" This song has made many people find a sense of intimacy. As soon as the opening song was sung, I instantly felt that I was a child again!

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

The film also made Heinche famous as a teenager, and all the interludes in the film were sung by Heinche, who was also the protagonist of the film, when Heinche was only twelve years old.

This is a very spirited little boy, his sunny smile, youthful, lively, optimistic, integrity, support the whole movie, deeply infected the audience.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

It is said that little Heince is Dutch and grew up to be a singer, but his appearance does not dare to compliment - I now look at our handsome teenager, in fact, not handsome at all! He himself was quite anxious when he was a child—no wonder I looked at him like a child for a while, like an adult, and a bit like a special actor like the Fuehrer.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

But when I was a child, I watched Heinche and thought he was so handsome! Because his singing is so beautiful and infectious- a veritable golden voice, one of the most prominent features of the film is that it is interspersed with a total of seven children's songs, the little protagonist will lead to high songs from time to time, and the plot of the film also finds various reasons for his singing.

Heinche's mature, high-pitched and loud children's voice not only leads the development of the storyline, but also renders the immediate emotions expressed in the story.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

In comparison, his father is a little obscene - not only does his life depend on his son's care, he has been wronged and wants his son to save, and the dubbing of this father is really too long, and he is no different from the old man.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

Against his backdrop, beautiful lawyers are also particularly capable. She enthusiastically helped the father and son, took the initiative to come up with the idea, and sent Heinche to her grandfather's house - now where there is such a thing, of course, her push, let us see the development of the story.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

Heinche's grandfather was hugely rich. Big boss enlarged house, home has garden, pond, can run horses. Housekeepers, cooks, and gardeners tend to the mansions and live the typical capitalist life.

Now it seems to be amazed by its development and prosperity, no wonder it was so sensational. These films were the windows for the Chinese people to understand the world at that time, especially the developed countries in the West.

As a middle-aged person, the details I feel now are two words - class!

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

The film designed many scenes of children playing and playing, so that Heinche quickly integrated into it. It's very meaningful – having a vibrant and loving child makes for a vibrant and loving family.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

Anyone who has seen "Handsome Boy" will not forget the song that Heinche sang when he missed his mother. This lyrical euphemism and a hint of sadness, "The Last Rose", Heinche's mother's favorite song. Like "Little Boy", it is the most influential episode of the film, and these songs are sung throughout the film by Heinche.

When the housekeeper took him to his mother's living room, he sang the song "The Last Rose".

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

Honestly, I don't like an actor who can't move his neck straight, exaggerated his mouth, his head is eaten, and he sings like he is on stage, but I have to admit that Heinche's children's singing is like a natural sound, like a hundred gazelles. Through 40 years of film, the singing is still so charming.

The lyrics of songs such as "The Last Rose" have not been translated, so why is it that the vast majority of Chinese audiences who do not know German can be moved by these songs?

It is because of that immaculate tone that goes straight to the heart, that purity, that kind of full innocence, which can always bring people a sincere touch.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

The film features delicate roses several times, in the opening, in preparation for Dad's birthday, in Mom's bedroom — all because of the centuries-old Scottish nursery rhyme "The Last Rose."

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

In the song, a close-up shot is also cleverly cut into: a few rose petals, falling on a page opened by her mother on the table, which is in line with the theme of the song "The Last Rose", a metaphor for the pity and mourning of the characters present for the unfortunate and early death of Heinche's mother.

This is actually a sad song, but it is not shown to be miserable and weak in Heinche's singing voice, on the contrary, at the beginning of the song, Heinche sings so cheerfully and jumps, we feel the joy of life, the admiration for beauty.

This is also the main theme of the film - while pinning deep love for his parents, it shows the enterprising spirit of Heinche, a handsome young man who is naïve and knowledgeable, and fights against the frustration of feelings and the misfortune of bad luck.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

So all the songs in the film are so cheerful and sad, so high-pitched and enthusiastic. Heinche looked at the portrait of his mother on the wall and compared the same portrait of his mother in the necklace locket, which made people feel a calm state of mind in the face of gratitude and death- the root petals of the rose fell into the soil and slept with their companions, which was the real destination. In the gentle decomposition of chords, all that is left is an invisible sigh, which is clear and quiet, and the evocative is endless.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

The characters in the film are distinctive, like a sonata. The kind housekeeper listened to the tears and felt that the late Heinche's mother had come to her eyes again- this song "The Last Rose" can be explained by one of her lines: It is really fascinating to close one's eyes.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

And Grandpa, who heard this song and watched all this in the dark at the same time, was also greatly touched. Although he left silently, he could also imagine that the beautiful period of family life in the past struck like a tide, and this warm current gradually melted Grandpa Bingjian's heart.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

He had always opposed his daughter's marriage to Heinche's father, and after his daughter's death, he chose a self-enclosed lifestyle and was reluctant to communicate with others.

I feel that, on the one hand, he is afraid of the impermanence of the world, and on the other hand, he is afraid that he will be hurt again.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

However, the arrival of his grandson Heinche changed his grandfather's state of mind and life, from a "demon" that everyone feared, to a dispatcher of a toy train, watching him play with the children in a serious way, it was really a full old naughty boy.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

Looking at him and Heinche mingling together, enthusiastically exercising, and participating in various games, I just want to say a summary: May you walk out of half your life and return as a teenager...

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

Grandpa at first picked his nose and eyes at this grandson, and after interacting with the innocent and simple Heinz, he slowly discovered his cuteness and understanding. So Grandpa was more and more able to accept him, play with him, and take him to dinner with him.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

The relationship between grandfather and grandson has always been very touching... Therefore, this kind of "ancestral love" theme has been prosperous for a long time.

The story of the grandson and grandfather in this movie adds a bit of suspense to the truth - the old man said to the grandson, come to me, go to the best school, go to college later, and then come to my factory to do things, gradually rise, and finally take over my industry.

Grandpa was willing to let his grandson inherit his career, which was fine, but Grandpa still thought that the father of the child was a criminal who did not show up, and demanded that Heinche must forget him.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

Heinche's reaction was fierce and resolute, beyond our imagination, although he had established a relationship with his grandfather, he could not tolerate anyone insulting his father, so the grandchildren broke up unhappily.

Seeing this, my feelings have deepened another layer, Heinche is definitely a young and old character, and his brave honesty and integrity are lacking in today's Chinese children!

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

The beautiful lawyer advised Hein to bear with it and not to leave his grandfather on a whim, so as not to worry his father in prison.

As a result, I found more and more several problems reflected in this film: the second generation of the rich, single-parent families, children's education, integrity, etc. It has something to do with our real lives. It is a good reference for many aspects of our current education, law, social climate and so on.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

Why did the beauty lawyer remind Heinche to focus on the big picture?

In addition to the female lawyer, she also liked heinche as a child, and should have also developed a good feeling for his father.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

Thanks to Heinche's tireless efforts, Grandpa, the stubborn and lovely old man, eventually changed dramatically— he discarded what he thought was important, the operation of factory production lines, his lawyers, his business partners, busy companies, related capital businesses... None of this matters, what matters is the grandson Heinche!

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

The first half of the film shows the ethics of family affection, and the second half suddenly has some action movie feelings - Heinche finds the real embezzler, but is found and kidnapped by the real murderer, and the brave and clever Heinche fights with the bandits, successfully summons the police and subdues the bandits.

Of course, it is a great pleasure for the bad guys to be captured, but watching it now is different from watching this movie when I was a child. When I was a child, I felt like a comedy, but now watching this ending, it is a bit heavy - because in any case, a 12-year-old child, alone, deep into the tiger's den, is impossible to defeat a group of adult criminals. So this virtual victory doesn't make much sense.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

However, we are full of joyful expectations and blessings, and Grandpa, Father, Heinche, and female lawyers will organize a harmonious and happy family.

Talk about the movie "Handsome Boy", if nothing else, just to find you who were still a little teenager at that time, there was only that simple song - the "little teenager" sounded in my ears again, heinche's singing, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again.

On the surface, this film is a juvenile story, but in fact, West Germany has shown the real and false beauty of capitalist society. It has some educational significance for our situation in China, but don't expect it too much - the problems involved in the film can be compared with too wide, our own education system problems have not been solved, and nothing else can be talked about; plus each person's own values are different, so changing the status quo is also related to subjectivity.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="187" > only that simple song - the "little boy" sounded in my ears again, Heinche's song, no matter how many years, I think I will be willing to listen again. </h1>

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