
The gangster brother, who counterattacked and became the boss, also married the wife of the former boss

author:x Small building last night and the east wind

South Korea in the 70s can be described as under the shroud of dark clouds, seemingly bright, but in fact full of darkness, collusion between officials and businessmen, forced buying and selling, gangster fights for turf, etc., for a time can be described as mountain rain to come to the wind full of buildings, very wonderful. This movie is South Korea's Gangnam 1970.

The gangster brother, who counterattacked and became the boss, also married the wife of the former boss

The film begins with two of our protagonists today, brother Erha and brother Dajiang.

Erha and Dajiang both came out of the orphanage because they had not read any books since childhood, had no diplomas, and could not find suitable jobs.

Erha and Dajiang have been mixed up in the civilian areas of Jiangnan for many years, relying on garbage to survive. But these two brothers have a skill, that is, they can fight, and they are very good at fighting.

On this day, Erha and Dajiang were sleeping in the dilapidated room, when suddenly a huge hand fell from the sky, it was an excavator to demolish the house, and Erha and Dajiang were really startled.

Erha and Dajiang quickly ran outside the house to find their theory, but the gang did not pay any attention to the brothers, and seeing that the house was about to be demolished, the brothers rushed up and punched and kicked, and finally they were outnumbered and tied up.

After a change of face, the top leader, Brother Glasses, sent three gang bosses to take people to Seoul to sabotage the progress of the party congress.

Among them, the second-in-command of the Chang'an faction received the boss's task and began to gather people to prepare for Seoul. However, after gathering the manpower, he found that there were still a few left, so he pulled Erha and Dajiang along.

The gangster brother, who counterattacked and became the boss, also married the wife of the former boss

Of course, this is not done in vain, before going to dajiang and Erha paid, Dajiang saw that after happy, never seen so much money. Just as the so-called once the sea was shipwrecked for water, the underworld fights so profitable, which also makes Dajiang and Erha no longer want to collect the days of rags like before, so Dajiang and Erha have the idea of entering the underworld.

After arriving at the venue, Dajiang was frightened by some in front of him.

Although Erha and Dajiang fought very badly, they were only small fights, and they had never encountered such a big scene.

So Dajiang was frightened and quickly ran into the toilet, and there was no way for Erha to think that he had come to come, so he picked up the stick and rushed up. Just when The two were playing, suddenly there was a siren sound outside, and a group of people who were fighting and brawled heard the siren and ran away.

Dajiang, who was in the toilet, was arrested by another group of gangsters.

Erha also separated from Dajiang in this panic.

Erha is very sad, because as an orphan, Erha, his brother Dajiang is his only relative in this world.

The gangster brother, who counterattacked and became the boss, also married the wife of the former boss

Soon the media reported on the political incident of the fight, and the media counted all the fights and brawls on the head of the Tian'an faction. There is no way for the high-level glasses brother to resign to calm this public opinion.

On the other side, Erha had nowhere to go, and asked Chang'an to send the second in command to take him in, first, to have a place to stay, and second, to continue to search for his brother Dajiang.

The second in command took him in when he saw that he was homeless.

Here Erha felt the warmth of home and ate a hot meal. However, the good times did not last long In the night of the same day, a group of killers suddenly appeared in the second-in-command's house, and the second-in-command was stabbed in the right leg by a knife in the fight with this group of killers, and in the time of crisis, Erha rushed out to save the life of the second-in-command.

However, unfortunately, the next day, the boss of the Chang'an Sect was killed by the killer. At the time of the memorial service, the high-level glasses brother also came to the scene.

What made the second-in-command dissatisfied was that the glasses brother did not mention revenge.

Subsequently, the second in command disbanded the Chang'an Faction, leaving only Erha by his side and living a life of seclusion.

The second in command opened a laundromat in Seoul and lived an ordinary life of normal people, but to do business, the second in command was really not this piece of material, and it did not take long to owe a bunch of debts.

Erha knew that it would definitely not work in this way, in order to be able to pay off the debt as soon as possible.

Erha returned to his old business and became a thug in a dance hall, and during his time as a thug in a song hall, Erha strengthened the female boss of the dance hall.

On the other side, the creditor suddenly came to the door and asked the second in command to repay the money.

The second in command did not have money to give him, and could only ask for a temporary stay.

The creditor said that if he did not pay back, he would burn everything in the store.

Erha had no choice but to borrow money from the female boss of the dance hall, but the businessman was unprofitable and did not get up early.

Although the female boss promised Erha, she asked Erha to help her do one thing, that is, to help him acquire land.

Erha used the method of coaxing and deceiving the villagers to think that the land was not valuable.

So they sold to the female boss one after another, and made a lot of money by recycling at a low price and then selling at a high price.

The female boss also gave Erha 1 million as a reward.

The gangster brother, who counterattacked and became the boss, also married the wife of the former boss

Erha took the money and prepared to return the money to the creditor, but he did not expect that the creditor was already at the door of the laundromat, burning the laundry's clothes.

The angry Erha came up with a punch and kick, beating several people down.

Erha also threw the money into the face of the creditor and warned the creditor not to come to the door, otherwise he would kill them.

Soon after, the female boss looked at a piece of land again and asked Erha to take it down.

Erha agreed to the female boss, but what Erha did not expect was that the owner of this land was the legendary bully Zhang Decai, who was also one of the gang bosses who participated in the fight in Seoul at that time.

Erha also knew that Zhang Decai could not sell the land to himself, but Erha naturally would not give up and want to come and go, only to steal the land title.

Just as Erha was getting ready to leave, Zhang Decai's men came down, but not because they found out that Erha had stolen the land title, but for something else.

Erha hid to the side and observed Zhang Decai's men, and something unexpected happened to him.

Zhang Decai's men are burying their brother Dajiang alive for more than thirteen years, and the person who buried Dajiang alive is the person who stabbed the second in command that year.

While they were burying Dajiang alive, Erha rushed out and beat Zhang Decai's men with a steel pipe in hand, saving his long-lost brother Dajiang.

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