
Tongluo, pain relief, strong tendons, strong bones, treatment of cervical spondylosis, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, treatment of joint pain, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines: cervical rehabilitation granules group of astragalus, ginseng, white peony, Welling

author:Nankai Sun Pharmacist

Tongluo, analgesic, strong tendons, strong bones, treatment of cervical spondylosis, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, treatment of joint pain, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines:

The formulas of neck rejuvenation granules are astragalus, dang ginseng, white peony, welling xian, Qin Gang, Qiang Huo, danshen, huaruishi (calcined), Wang Bu Liuxing (fried), Sichuan root, peach kernel (peeled), safflower, frankincense (system), myrrh (system), earth turtle worm (wine burning), Cangshu, stone cassia, kudzu root, ground dragon (wine burning), raw ground yellow, yellow cedar, and all kinds of medicines are combined to collect the functions of invigorating blood circulation and dispersing wind and relieving pain.

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that cervical rehabilitation granules have the effect of improving blood circulation, can increase blood flow in the internal carotid artery and carotid vertebral artery, and can increase the number of capillary openings; It has anti-inflammatory effect, can inhibit foot swelling and granulomatosis hyperplasia, inhibit ear swelling, reduce the content of inflammatory factors such as interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor-α and prostaglandin E2 in foot swelling, and reduce the exudation of intraperitoneal fluid; Has an analgesic effect, can raise the pain threshold caused by thermal stimulation; It also has an anti-vertigo effect.

Clinically, cervical rehabilitation granules can be used for bone paralysis caused by rheumatic stasis, dizziness, neck stiffness, shoulder and back pain, arm numbness, long-term joint deformity stiffness, pale tongue, slow pulse, cervical spondylosis see the above symptoms.

Neck pain elixir liquor group is cooked yellow, He Shou Wu, white peony, black sesame, goji berries, bone fragment supplement, dog ridge, mistletoe parasitism, astragalus, ginseng, yam, deer antler velvet, angelica, salvia, ox knee, frankincense, myrrh, tianma, kudzu root, millennium jian, snake metamorphosis, ground maple skin, welling immortal, guizhi, papaya, musk, licorice, all drugs combined, play a role in nourishing the liver and kidneys, blood circulation and pain relief.

Clinically, neck pain elixir can be used for bone paralysis caused by liver and kidney insufficiency, blood stasis obstruction, neck pain, unfavorable activity, nearby may be touched with stasis, long-term joint deformity and stiffness, tongue purple, ecchymosis, pulse strings, cervical spondylosis see the above symptoms.

The group of strong bone stretch capsules is epimedium, ripe ground yellow, deer hornweed, bone crush supplement (burning), cistanche, chicken blood vine, red ginseng, dog bone, poria, welling immortal, hyacinth grass, Yanhusuo (vinegar), hawthorn, yangjin flower, kudzu root, all medicinal combinations, a total of liver and kidney, strong bones, active pain relief.

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that the bone expansion capsule has an anti-inflammatory effect, can inhibit foot swelling and ear swelling, and also has an inhibitory effect on granulomas; It has analgesic effect and can raise the pain threshold.

Clinically, strong bone stretch capsules can be used for bone paralysis caused by external cold and dampness, or long-term strain, liver and kidney deficiency, cold and humidity obstruction, poor operation of qi and blood, shoulder and arm pain, numbness, movement disorders, nerve radicular cervical spondylosis, neck and shoulder and waist pain see the above symptoms.

The small active pill group is made of Chuan Wu, Zhi Cao Wu, Bi Nan Xing, Frankincense (system), Myrrh (system), DiLong, and the effects of various medicines to dispel wind and cold, dissolve phlegm and dehumidify, and activate blood and relieve pain.

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that small active pills have anti-inflammatory effects, which can inhibit the torsional reaction of mice caused by acetic acid, reduce the amount of capillary exudation of intraperitoneal inflammation in mice caused by acetic acid, inhibit granulation tissue hyperplasia caused by cotton balls and agar, and inhibit joint swelling caused by Freund's complete adjuvant.

Clinically, small active pills can be used for paralysis caused by wind cold and wet evil obstruction, sputum stasis obstruction, symptoms of limb joint pain, heavy acidity, numbness, aggravation of cold and dampness, or joint enlargement, unfavorable flexion and extension, difficulty in walking, obstruction of movement, thin white or white tongue, tight pulse strings; Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, gluteal myofasciitis are seen in the above symptoms.

The big active pill groups are snake, black snake, whole scorpion, earth dragon, tianma, welling immortal, grass wu, cinnamon, fine spices, ephedra, qianghuo, parsnip, rosin, patchouli, cardamom, zombie egg (stir-fried), Tiannanxing (made), beef yolk, black medicine, wood incense, agarwood, cloves, green skin, incense (vinegar), musk, benzoin, ice flakes, two tips, red peony, myrrh (made), frankincense (made), blood exhaustion, huanglian, skullcap, guanzhong, kudzu, buffalo horn, rhubarb, xuan ginseng, red ginseng, white art (bran stir-fry), Licorice, cooked ground yellow, angelica, He Shou Wu, bone crush supplement (hot, hair removal), turtle shell (vinegar quenching), dog bone (crisp), combination of various medicines, attack and supplement, cold and hot use, play a common role in dispelling wind and cold, dehumidifying phlegm, and activating blood circulation.

Clinically, large active pills can be used for paralysis caused by cold and wet stasis, which is caused by pain in limb joints, unfavorable flexion and extension, tendons and veins, numbness, cold and warm, heavy waist and legs, walking inconvenience, dull tongue, white and greasy moss, and deep or slow pulse; Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and sciatica are seen in the above symptoms.

The group of Yi kidney worm capsules is hot yellow, raw ground yellow, epimedium, bone fragment supplement, angelica, chicken blood vine, Yan Hu Suo, earth turtle insect, cannon mountain beetle, bone hunting wind, old crane grass, Xu Changqing, knotweed, leaf grass, deer street grass, whole scorpion, zombie silkworm (bran stir-fried), centipede, Guangdi dragon (wine), beehive (stir-fried), snake (wine), the whole party is combined to form a warm tonic kidney yang, beneficial kidney zhuang dou, search wind and eliminate evil, and the effect of cockroach.

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that kidney paralysis capsules have anti-inflammatory effects, and diagonal vegetable gum causes swelling of rat feet with inhibitory effect; It can inhibit the joint swelling of Freud's complete adjuvant arthritis-causing rats, inhibit the serum content of tumor necrosis factor -α, interleukin-1β, interleukin-6 and nitric oxide synthase, and downregulate the expression of Bcl-2 in synovial tissue; It has the effect of reducing joint swelling, bone destruction and regulating cytokines in rats with collagen-induced arthritis.

Clinically, Yi Kidney Paralysis Capsules can be used for paralysis caused by liver and kidney deficiency, cold sputum and wet stasis obstructing meridians, and symptoms such as joint swelling and pain, unfavorable flexion and extension, muscle pain, thinness or stiffness, and even deformities; Rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, lumbar and cervical vertebrae, and frozen shoulder are seen in the above symptoms. #谣零零计划 #

Tongluo, pain relief, strong tendons, strong bones, treatment of cervical spondylosis, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, treatment of joint pain, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines: cervical rehabilitation granules group of astragalus, ginseng, white peony, Welling
Tongluo, pain relief, strong tendons, strong bones, treatment of cervical spondylosis, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, treatment of joint pain, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines: cervical rehabilitation granules group of astragalus, ginseng, white peony, Welling
Tongluo, pain relief, strong tendons, strong bones, treatment of cervical spondylosis, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, treatment of joint pain, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines: cervical rehabilitation granules group of astragalus, ginseng, white peony, Welling
Tongluo, pain relief, strong tendons, strong bones, treatment of cervical spondylosis, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, treatment of joint pain, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines: cervical rehabilitation granules group of astragalus, ginseng, white peony, Welling
Tongluo, pain relief, strong tendons, strong bones, treatment of cervical spondylosis, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, treatment of joint pain, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines: cervical rehabilitation granules group of astragalus, ginseng, white peony, Welling
Tongluo, pain relief, strong tendons, strong bones, treatment of cervical spondylosis, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, treatment of joint pain, introduction of 3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines: cervical rehabilitation granules group of astragalus, ginseng, white peony, Welling

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