
I picked the peppercorns in the morning, only to a small point, only because the tree was too high to poke my hand. These few peppercorns planted at home are not well placed, shady, damp, and do not produce much every year, and the infuriating ones are growing on the branches

author:Mud candy girl

I picked the peppercorns in the morning, only to a small point, only because the tree was too high to poke my hand.

These few peppercorns planted at home, the location is not good, shady, wet, there are not many knots every year, the angry people are growing on the top of the branches, one meter five or eight long, I can't reach it no matter how hard I try! #New Farmer Creation Contest#

If you can't pick the peppercorns, then cut some leaves! Many people will think that this pepper leaf can be fried when it is tender, and it should be useless when it is old!? Wrong, this pepper leaf is also very fragrant when dried.

Stir-fried mushrooms, fried yellow braised chicken, duck when put a handful can enhance the flavor and flavor, delicious it is very good. Stir-fried field snails put some hemp flavor and beauty, not worse than peppercorns. #My Autumn Country Life#

In addition to being eaten as a condiment, this peppercorn and leaf actually has other uses. I remembered that when I was a child, my teeth hurt so badly that I stuffed peppercorns into the worm's tooth hole.

When you wear ears and eyes, you also use peppercorns to press on the earlobes, and after a period of rubbing, you feel numb, and a needle goes through it, and it doesn't feel very painful.

The leaves are cut off and boiled together with the silk seeds, peach leaves, nettles, and spring flowers and leaves to bathe the baby, and it can also prevent eczema. #Talk about rural folk remedies#

Some people also use peppercorn wood to make teething sticks for children and crutches for the elderly, which is really not a waste at all.

Although these are the soil methods in the countryside, in those days, the peppercorns still played their due role, which is really a good tree.

I picked the peppercorns in the morning, only to a small point, only because the tree was too high to poke my hand. These few peppercorns planted at home are not well placed, shady, damp, and do not produce much every year, and the infuriating ones are growing on the branches
I picked the peppercorns in the morning, only to a small point, only because the tree was too high to poke my hand. These few peppercorns planted at home are not well placed, shady, damp, and do not produce much every year, and the infuriating ones are growing on the branches
I picked the peppercorns in the morning, only to a small point, only because the tree was too high to poke my hand. These few peppercorns planted at home are not well placed, shady, damp, and do not produce much every year, and the infuriating ones are growing on the branches

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