
Stir-fry snails, do not blanch or put them directly into the pot, do the key step first, fresh and tender, not fishy at all

author:Wenqi kitchenette

Stir-fry snails, do not blanch or put them directly into the pot, do the key step first, fresh and tender, not fishy at all

The weather is warm, how can there be no snails, it's really enjoyable to eat a meal, although there is not much meat, you can't eat it as a meal, but when you are chasing dramas, or chatting, come to a plate, think about it and feel satisfied, I have loved eating this thing since I was a child, and the snail meat is particularly delicious.

Stir-fry snails, do not blanch or put them directly into the pot, do the key step first, fresh and tender, not fishy at all

The nutritional value of snails is also quite high, so I recommend everyone to eat, which is very high in protein, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and iron, etc., to supplement the nutrients needed by the body and enhance resistance.

How to eat snails? You don't have to think much about this question, just fry it and eat it, it is tender and delicious.

Stir-fry snails, do not blanch or put them directly into the pot, do the key step first, fresh and tender, not fishy at all

Of course, there are also friends who are very particular about it, like to blanch the water first and then fry, but I tell you, these two methods are not good, I will teach you 1 trick, do this 1 step first, the snail is tender and flavorful, not fishy at all.

Stir-fry snails, do not blanch or put them directly into the pot, do the key step first, fresh and tender, not fishy at all

【Stir-fried snails】

Ingredients: fresh snails, Pixian bean paste, dried chili, bay leaves, Sichuan pepper, star anise, cinnamon, green onions, ginger and garlic, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, chicken essence, beer

1. The first thing is the treatment of snails, buy some fresh snails, pour them directly into the basin, rinse them several times with water, and then pour out the dirty water.

Stir-fry snails, do not blanch or put them directly into the pot, do the key step first, fresh and tender, not fishy at all

2. Next, you need to cut off the tail of the snail one by one with scissors, and then pour it into a small basin again, then add 1 spoon of salt, and then a few drops of sesame oil, and finally pour in an appropriate amount of water, stir evenly, and soak for more than 30 minutes until the sediment, dirt, etc. are discharged.

Stir-fry snails, do not blanch or put them directly into the pot, do the key step first, fresh and tender, not fishy at all

3. There is no need to blanch, before getting into the pot, you must do more soaking this step, this is the "key 1 step", the snail soaked in salt water and sesame oil will have a better sand spitting effect. After processing, rinse with water 2 or 3 times, then drain the water and set aside.

Stir-fry snails, do not blanch or put them directly into the pot, do the key step first, fresh and tender, not fishy at all

4. Next, prepare all the spices such as dried chili peppers, then pour oil into the pot, first pour the dried chili peppers, bay leaves, Sichuan pepper, star anise, cinnamon, green onions, ginger and garlic into it, stir-fry the fragrance, and then come to 1 spoon of Pixian bean paste, after the red oil is fried, you can pour the snails into it.

Stir-fry snails, do not blanch or put them directly into the pot, do the key step first, fresh and tender, not fishy at all

5. After pouring it in, stir-fry a few times, then season with light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, and cooking wine, and then pour an appropriate amount of beer into it, and stew it out with beer, which is more fragrant than stewing with water. Cover and start simmering, and after the heat is boiling, change to low heat and simmer for dozens of minutes.

Stir-fry snails, do not blanch or put them directly into the pot, do the key step first, fresh and tender, not fishy at all

6. When the time comes, you can lift the lid, you can see that the soup is almost finished, at this time, add some salt and chicken essence to taste, and continue to stir-fry a few times until it is thoroughly fried, and you can eat it out of the pot!

Stir-fry snails, do not blanch or put them directly into the pot, do the key step first, fresh and tender, not fishy at all


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