
This article is a historical field article that describes the historical past of 15 facts about Cambodia. The National Flag of Cambodia This article presents 15 facts about Cambodia and makes an introduction

author:Listen to a little history every day

This article is a historical field article that describes the historical past of 15 facts about Cambodia.

National flag of Cambodia

This article introduces and evaluates 15 facts about Cambodia, the following are the specific contents:

Fact 1.

Cambodia, a country located in Southeast Asia, has a long history and a difficult destiny.

For example, during the Vietnam War, U.S. bombers dropped a total of 2.75 million tons of bombs on Cambodia.

Fact 2.

Today, the country is on its way to economic recovery.

Cambodia's focus on tourism is the right outcome.

Today, Cambodia already has the ability to compete with neighboring Thailand in terms of tourism.

Cambodian scenery

Fact 3

The local inhabitants of Cambodia are Khmer. Most of the local population lives in small "shacks".

With the continuous improvement of the lives of local residents, satellite TV antennas have appeared on top of these "shacks". In the "shack", plasma televisions appeared.

Next to the "shacks", passenger cars appeared, and some even high-end models such as the "Lexus".

Fact 4

Now, Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, is a thriving city lined with tall buildings.

Historically, Cambodia has been under long-term French control.

So, today Phnom Penh still has European-style houses left over from the French.

Cambodian scenery

Fact 5.

In Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, the main mode of transport for local residents is mopeds.

Cambodians do not consider road rules at all when driving motorcycles.

On a motorcycle, there are often three or four people sitting, and that doesn't include the small children they are holding.

Fact 6.

In Cambodia, as in many other countries in Southeast Asia, people often greet each other when they meet.

The more common question is, "Have you already eaten rice?" ”

A polite answer should be yes, even if this is not the case.

Cambodian scenery

Fact Seven

Between 1863 and 1999, the style of Cambodia's national flag was changed ten times.

Today, on the national flag of Cambodia, there is a well-known historical building of the country, which is Angkor Wat.

In addition, on the local currency, on the local beer bottle, you can see the pattern of this world-famous attraction.

Fact 8.

Like many countries in the world, there are a large number of Chinese tourists in Cambodia.

In addition, there are many Tourists in South Korea. Usually, in some of the well-known tourist attractions in the local area, you can see commercial signs in English, Chinese and Korean Chinese three languages.

Cambodian scenery

Fact Nine

Among overseas countries, Cambodia is home to the largest number of Vietnamese expatriates.

The reason is that Cambodia is a neighbor of Vietnam, and the southern part of Vietnam, which borders Cambodia, is a densely populated area.

However, the large number of Vietnamese expatriates living in the country do not have a permit and are living illegally.

Vietnamese expatriates of Cambodia's Tonle Sap Lake

Fact 10

In Cambodia, it is customary not to give streets names, usually simply numbering.

Therefore, in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, only a few streets have been named.

Cambodian scenery

Fact XI.

Most Cambodians born between 1975 and 1990 do not celebrate birthdays.

Part of the reason is that the country is experiencing fierce internal conflicts during these periods, so many parents do not remember the exact date when their child was born.

Fact 12

In Cambodia, the specific time when children receive education can be selected.

So many local parents may say to their little ones, "Do you know how much 3 plus 8 is?" Well, now that you know, quit school and start doing business! ”

So the children began to work for their parents.

Cambodian scenery

Fact XIII.

For Cambodian students who have a full and good education and have graduated from school, it is possible to speak two or five foreign languages.

A Cambodian who speaks fluent French and English is especially respected.

Fact 14

Cambodia has many fruit plantations, and most of the fruits produced are sold to Bangkok and Pattaya in Thailand.

Thailand also produces a lot of water, why import from Cambodia?

Because of cambodia's many fruit plantations, it is geographically closer to Bangkok and Pattaya in Thailand, and the freight is cheaper.

In addition, Cambodia's coconuts are larger. Others believe that durian in Cambodia is more delicious than in Thailand.

Cambodian fruits

Fact 15

The cost of university in Cambodia is very expensive for the Khmer people.

Therefore, Cambodia has issued a decree to fund a number of outstanding students to study at universities in their home countries and overseas.

There are 1,500 students receiving the above funding every year. There is also a reward system for college students with excellent academic performance and outstanding performance.

This article is a historical field article that describes the historical past of 15 facts about Cambodia. The National Flag of Cambodia This article presents 15 facts about Cambodia and makes an introduction
This article is a historical field article that describes the historical past of 15 facts about Cambodia. The National Flag of Cambodia This article presents 15 facts about Cambodia and makes an introduction
This article is a historical field article that describes the historical past of 15 facts about Cambodia. The National Flag of Cambodia This article presents 15 facts about Cambodia and makes an introduction
This article is a historical field article that describes the historical past of 15 facts about Cambodia. The National Flag of Cambodia This article presents 15 facts about Cambodia and makes an introduction
This article is a historical field article that describes the historical past of 15 facts about Cambodia. The National Flag of Cambodia This article presents 15 facts about Cambodia and makes an introduction
This article is a historical field article that describes the historical past of 15 facts about Cambodia. The National Flag of Cambodia This article presents 15 facts about Cambodia and makes an introduction
This article is a historical field article that describes the historical past of 15 facts about Cambodia. The National Flag of Cambodia This article presents 15 facts about Cambodia and makes an introduction
This article is a historical field article that describes the historical past of 15 facts about Cambodia. The National Flag of Cambodia This article presents 15 facts about Cambodia and makes an introduction
This article is a historical field article that describes the historical past of 15 facts about Cambodia. The National Flag of Cambodia This article presents 15 facts about Cambodia and makes an introduction
This article is a historical field article that describes the historical past of 15 facts about Cambodia. The National Flag of Cambodia This article presents 15 facts about Cambodia and makes an introduction

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