
What used to be food for the poor is now a luxury? I don't know about that. But in the city, I saw a few green foods that used to be eaten by livestock, but they were being sold to people.


What used to be food for the poor is now a luxury? I don't know about that. But in the city, I saw a few green foods that used to be eaten by livestock, but they were being sold to people. I think it's incredible.

One is, sweet potato leaves

I remember when I was a kid, I had a pig at home. Every day when I come back from school, I'm going to go to the field with my sickle and cut the grass for the pigs. Because most of the crops in the field are pesticides, I am afraid that the grass in the field has pesticides and dare not cut them to feed the pigs. So I went to cut the sweet potato leaves and came back to feed the pigs. As we all know, sweet potatoes grow under the soil, even if the leaves on the top are eaten by insects, it does not hinder the growth of the sweet potatoes below, so there will be no pesticides in the sweet potato field.

I went to the supermarket to buy vegetables and found sweet potato leaves lying in the ranks of vegetables, waiting to be sold, reminding me of the pig feeding when I was a child.

I have never bought it, I wonder if you have ever eaten this vegetable?

The second is a wild vegetable, purslane

It is a wild vegetable that grows on the slopes of the earth without a bank. I usually pull it out and feed it to pigs. I don't know what kind of dish people in the city call this dish, but my hometown calls it pig's ear. I was also in the process of looking for the picture and learned that its official name was purslane.

This kind of dish, I saw the old lady selling vegetables on the side of the road. Because I don't eat, I never asked how much money I had.

The third is, pumpkin tip

Pumpkins grow on melon seedlings, and when the melon seedlings grow to a certain length, they must cut off the tip in front of it, so that they no longer grow seedlings, leaving more nutrients to the flowers. Only when flowers bloom can melons be formed. However, my old family threw away all the sharp points that had been plucked off, and had never eaten them.

When I saw this vegetable at the vegetable stall of a small trader hawker. I was also very surprised, I didn't expect this thing to be eaten, and it could be exchanged for money.

I have seen all three of the above vegetables, but in the countryside is not. In the city, these can also be eaten as dishes, which is very novel.

What used to be food for the poor is now a luxury? I don't know about that. But in the city, I saw a few green foods that used to be eaten by livestock, but they were being sold to people.
What used to be food for the poor is now a luxury? I don't know about that. But in the city, I saw a few green foods that used to be eaten by livestock, but they were being sold to people.
What used to be food for the poor is now a luxury? I don't know about that. But in the city, I saw a few green foods that used to be eaten by livestock, but they were being sold to people.

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