
The 36-year-old left-behind woman said frankly: There are more than 40 bachelors in the village, and most of them can't marry a daughter-in-law!

author:Hong Kong Island Diary

I am Cuihua, 36 years old, a typical left-behind woman in rural areas. I live in a remote village, the scenery is beautiful, but life is not as comfortable as the outside world thinks. Especially in recent years, I have found that there are more and more singles in the village, and they are all facing the dilemma of not being able to marry a daughter-in-law.

My husband works outside the home all year round, and he has to endure the pain of being separated from his loved ones in order to make ends meet for the family. I, on the other hand, take care of my elderly in-laws and two children at home, and I am busy with the fields and household chores every day. Although life is difficult, I have always maintained an optimistic attitude, believing that as long as I work hard, I will be able to live a good life one day.

The 36-year-old left-behind woman said frankly: There are more than 40 bachelors in the village, and most of them can't marry a daughter-in-law!

However, as time went on, I found that the phenomenon of singles in the village was getting worse and worse. Most of these singles are not young, but for various reasons, they have not been able to find a suitable partner. Some of them are because of their poor families, some because of their introverted personalities, and some because of their mediocre appearances, in short, they have their own reasons.

I remember one time, Aunt Zhang from the village came to talk to me, and she said worriedly: "Cuihua, look at these singles in our village, all of them are not small, and they are still alone." What can they do if this continues? "I also felt very bad when I listened to it, although these bachelors usually don't talk much, I can feel the loneliness and helplessness in their hearts.

In order to understand the problem more deeply, I began to pay attention to the singles in the village. I found that many of them are actually not bad, some are hardworking and capable, some are kind-hearted, but for various reasons, they have not been able to find a suitable partner. I can't help but think that maybe their fate would have been different if they had been able to change some aspects of themselves, or if they had had more opportunities to get to know the opposite sex.

The 36-year-old left-behind woman said frankly: There are more than 40 bachelors in the village, and most of them can't marry a daughter-in-law!

So, I started trying to help these singles. I use my connections to introduce them to the right people; I also encourage them to participate in more group activities in the village to increase their contact opportunities with the opposite sex. Although my efforts did not bear fruit immediately, I believe that as long as I persevere, there will always be people who will be able to find their own happiness.

In the process, I also gradually realized that the phenomenon of singles is not a simple personal problem, but a complex problem involving many aspects such as society, economy, and culture. We need to think about and address this issue from multiple angles, not just blaming or sympathizing with these singles.

First of all, we need to pay attention to the development of the rural economy. Only when the economy develops and the living standards of farmers improve, will they have more opportunities and conditions to find suitable partners. The government should increase investment in rural areas, promote agricultural modernization and rural industrial upgrading, and create more employment opportunities and sources of income for farmers.

The 36-year-old left-behind woman said frankly: There are more than 40 bachelors in the village, and most of them can't marry a daughter-in-law!

Second, we need to pay attention to rural education and cultural construction. By improving the cultural quality and comprehensive quality of farmers, they will be more confident, open and tolerant, so that it will be easier to attract the attention of the opposite sex. At the same time, we can also increase the communication and interaction between farmers by holding various cultural activities, and provide them with more opportunities to make friends.

Finally, we also need to focus on the transformation and progress of rural societies. With the development of the times and the progress of society, the concept of rural society is gradually changing. We need to promote change in rural societies so that more people are aware of the importance of marriage and family, and at the same time, we need to respect everyone's choices and rights, so that everyone can freely pursue their own happiness.

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