
When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that

author:Lao Zhu talks inside and outside


When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that

In the countryside, an invisible "trend" is quietly emerging, which has set off a crazy comparison frenzy. People no longer only focus on their own happiness and development, but do not hesitate to look at their neighbors, relatives, and even everyone in the entire village.

This tragic phenomenon has been dubbed "the status quo of rural comparisons", and it is like a sharp knife that has drawn a rift in social relations.

When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that

More and more farmers seem to be stuck in the quagmire of comparison, eager to stand out in society and compete for more eyeballs and praise.

They diligently compare family wealth, housing size, and children's educational outcomes, as if the value of life depends only on these superficial outward labels.

In this stupid "race", people lose themselves and are desperate for empty material victories.

When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that

The current situation of rural comparisons makes people wonder, what is hidden behind these comparisons? Is it an inferiority complex that drives people to the road of comparison? Or is it an urgent desire for social recognition?

Either way, it is the emptiness and insecurity in people's hearts that drives them down this path of despair.

When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that

To take the simplest example, when returning to their hometown for the Chinese New Year, girls are often asked if they have found a partner? A series of questions such as when you plan to get married.

Boys will be asked how much does the new car cost? How much is the house and a series of "devil" questions.

Although the topic of the villagers may seem simple, there are many complex factors behind it.

For example, when a villager or relative asks about the price of your car, if we own a "luxury car", answering a number directly may make the other party jealous; Relatives quarreled with each other, neighbors were estranged by jealousy, and the whole harmonious atmosphere in the countryside was destroyed by this frenzy of comparison.

When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that

But there are some smart car owners who know how to answer in a clever way, show wisdom and unique insights in their answers, and most importantly, do not destroy the relationship between relatives and villagers.

1. Avoid answering the price directly, smart people do it

1. Turn "asking the car price" into "sharing experience"

Smart car owners know how to turn their opinions about the car into answers. When asked about the price of the car, they change the subject and answer the questions of the villagers with the quality, safety, practicality, comfort, fuel economy and other aspects of the vehicle.

For example: "Although the price of my car is not high, its quality and safety are priceless." ”

By skillfully building on their own experience, smart car owners are able to share their knowledge and experience of using the vehicle without revealing the actual price, so that the villagers' focus on the vehicle can be changed from price to value.

Not only does this sidestep awkward price discussions, but it can also lead to more interesting topics.

When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that

2. Exaggeration wins attention

Clever car owners know how to use exaggerated language to attract the attention of the villagers. When asked about the price of the car, they answer in an exaggerated way:

For example: "Oops, my car is worth a mountain!" "My car is worth a lot of money! "Through exaggeration, smart car owners are able to capture the attention of their listeners and arouse curiosity, which can gradually steer the conversation to other aspects and avoid directly answering the question of car price.

Another example: "Neighbor, if I told you, you would be shocked!" My car, it's worth more than just a price to be able to measure!

It's every pleasant driving, every envious gaze, every moment that brings me happiness!

So, no matter what the price is, it's priceless! Answer in an exaggerated way, so that they can feel your love and pride in the car in their curiosity.

When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that

When the villagers ask how much your car costs, you can laugh and say, "Dude, if I tell you the price, you will definitely rob me!" My car is a huge fortune, and it's worth a fortune! Kidding aside, its true value is to accompany me through this wonderful time and enjoy freedom and happiness! ”

Such an answer is humorous and witty, but does not directly reveal the price of the car, bringing joy and laughter to everyone.

3. Break through your worries

Smart car owners are able to perceive the financial concerns of the villagers and are adept at addressing them.

When asked about the price of the car, they would answer in a humorous or light-hearted way to ease the pressure on the villagers about money. For example: "Uh, the price of the car? I'm more concerned about the cost of gas than the price! ”

When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that

By breaking through the stress of money issues, smart car owners are able to make villagers feel relaxed and reassured, encouraging them to be more open and comfortable in communicating with themselves.

For example, you can smile and say, "Oh, neighbor, it would be so boring to simply tell you the price!" Otherwise, I'll teach you how to play, and if you guess half the price of my car, I'll give you a big surprise! ”

This not only amused everyone, but also aroused their curiosity. They'll start to guess, how much is your car?

When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that

Second, the wisdom of the euphemistic answer

In some sensitive social environments, car owners choose to answer tactfully to avoid unnecessary controversy.

They use vague descriptions such as "It's not much, it's not worth mentioning" or "That's not the point, the most important thing about a car is that it brings me joy and convenience".

Such an answer cleverly eschews the issue of price and instead emphasizes the other value that the vehicle brings to the owner.

This strategy not only protects the privacy of the car owner, but also establishes one's own image in the village.

When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that

All in all, the above situation reveals that the status quo of rural comparison with each other is terrible, which not only destroys the spiritual realm of the peasants, but also destroys the harmony and happiness of the family.

Behind this is the inequality caused by social development, and the anxiety and inferiority complex in people's hearts.

We need to face up to this problem and fundamentally change the erosion of comparison on rural society. Only healthy values and an equal social environment can pull those who pursue external vanity and let them regain true happiness and joy.

3. From height to depth

The comparison mentality is often caused by the pursuit of appearance, material and status, which often brings a sense of vanity rather than true happiness.

When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that

When we ponder the meaning of these comparisons, we find that they do not bring satisfaction or true happiness. On the contrary, the comparison mentality often causes us to lose ourselves, caught in a whirlpool of competition and anxiety, endlessly chasing the trajectory of others.

Instead of comparing, it is better to improve their emotional intelligence, not so much that they are smart car owners, but that they are car owners with high emotional intelligence.

When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that

1. The importance of emotional intelligence

In contemporary society, IQ is no longer able to determine a person's success or failure alone. At the same time, emotional intelligence, as an indicator of an individual's emotional intelligence and social ability, is gradually gaining attention.

The importance of emotional intelligence in today's society cannot be overstated.

Studies have shown that there is a significant positive correlation between emotional intelligence and work performance, leadership ability, relationship quality, and mental health.

A person with high emotional intelligence is able to better understand their emotions and values, manage their emotions better, and be better at communicating with others and building good interpersonal relationships.

In addition, improving emotional intelligence can also help individuals better understand their social environment and take appropriate action.

When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that

By observing social trends and understanding social changes, people can better adapt to rural development and change, clarify their goals and values, and reduce the pursuit of comparison.

2. The impact and value of emotional intelligence on oneself

First of all, the level of emotional intelligence directly affects a person's self-management ability.

A person with high emotional intelligence is better able to manage their emotions, resist short-term impulses better, and have more patience and perseverance to pursue their goals.

They are able to cope with stress and challenges, maintain a positive mindset and be productive at work.

Second, emotional intelligence has an important impact on the quality of interpersonal relationships.

A person with high emotional intelligence is better able to understand the emotional needs of others and is more likely to empathize and empathize.

They are good listeners, good communicators, and able to build authentic, stable, and mutually beneficial relationships. This kind of good interpersonal relationship can provide support and resources for personal growth.

When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that

Emotional intelligence determines the depth of a person's life, and cultivating emotional intelligence not only helps individuals better understand and manage their emotions, establish real and stable interpersonal relationships, but also helps individuals find deeper meaning and value in their life journey.

By improving our emotional intelligence, we are able to make our lives more fulfilling, deep, and more meaningfully connected to others and the world.

In rural settings, social relationships are complex and people face pressure from relatives, friends, neighbors, and communities.

By actively listening, respecting others, expressing one's own opinions and feelings, and learning to resolve conflicts and deal with different opinions, you can build healthy, positive relationships and reduce the impact of comparison on relationships.

When the villagers asked, "How much does your car cost?" "Don't just say the price, smart car owners will say that


The idea of comparison in rural areas is a relatively complex social phenomenon, and changing it requires the participation of the whole society.

In a rural environment, where social relationships are complex, and people face pressure from relatives, friends, neighbors, and communities, improving personal emotional intelligence is an effective way to cope with the idea of rural comparison.

By enhancing emotional intelligence, cultivating good interpersonal skills, understanding the social environment, and taking appropriate actions, individuals can better cope with the challenges brought about by the idea of comparison and improve their overall quality.

I believe that only in this way can we truly find our own happiness, let us enjoy this real satisfaction and happiness with the people around us!

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[1] Daniel Goleman. Emotional Intelligence: Why Emotional Intelligence Is More Important Than IQ. Beijing:CITIC Press.2010.

[2] Research on the Influencing Factors of Comparative Consumption of Rural Residents in Mainland China

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