
Can honey treat insomnia? Two methods are recommended for you to sleep until you wake up

author:Mr. Xinglin Luo Weixian

Honey, also known as bee sugar, is the fruit of the bees' hard work in collecting pollen. In Traditional Chinese medicine, honey hives and honey can be used for medicine.

Honey can be equal to the effect, is a food that many people like.

Can honey treat insomnia? Two methods are recommended for you to sleep until you wake up

In our view of Chinese medicine, honey is sweet and flat. In the "New Edition of Materia Medica", it is specifically said that honey can make up for the deficiencies of the five internal organs, and the stool is closed for a long time.

Honey is also recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", and honey can neutralize drugs, similar to the effect of licorice. Therefore, honey can be used in decoctions and pills, which is a good product in the beneficial temperature.

Honey is a gift from nature, sweet and nutritious, but also a good medicine to treat a variety of diseases, is affectionately known as "friend of health".

Can honey treat insomnia? Two methods are recommended for you to sleep until you wake up

Honey has more than 60 kinds of inorganic ingredients and organic components, the most components in it are sugar, fructose content of 39%, sucrose contains 8%, glucose contains 34%, the remaining some components have and other substances.

Honey has a very good therapeutic effect on insomnia caused by other conditions.

Can honey treat insomnia? Two methods are recommended for you to sleep until you wake up

People who regularly consume honey can help boost metabolism, regulate their gastrointestinal function, promote blood circulation, and improve symptoms of insomnia. Therefore, insomnia patients consuming honey can help sleep.

However, consuming honey alone cannot directly help alleviate insomnia, and it needs to be combined with some foods to work. Here are two easy ways to use them.

Can honey treat insomnia? Two methods are recommended for you to sleep until you wake up

Jujube cinnamon round honey soup

Prepare 20g dates, 20 dried cinnamon balls and a pinch of honey. Put these things into the pot and boil, add an appropriate amount of honey after cooking, when drunk, can effectively improve sleep.

Because jujube has the effect of nourishing qi and replenishing blood; Guiyuan has the effect of replenishing the heart and spleen and reassuring the gods; Honey has the effect of nourishing blood and protecting the liver, moisturizing the intestines and laxative. So it can be well combined to help sleep.

Can honey treat insomnia? Two methods are recommended for you to sleep until you wake up

Honey lotus powder

Prepare 50g of lotus powder, add the right amount of water, cook over low heat into a soup, then add 30 ml of honey and stir some, take it every night when you go to bed.

Lotus powder can disperse congestion, nourish the stomach and spleen, and eat honey together at night to treat insomnia.

These two methods of using honey to help treat insomnia are very simple to operate, and you can do it at home if you have your own ingredients.

Can honey treat insomnia? Two methods are recommended for you to sleep until you wake up


1. Do not use pure hot water when using water to flush honey, which will cause the nutrients to be destroyed

2. When bees collect honey, they will collect pollen from poisonous plants, and if it is summer honey, it can be eaten after processing to avoid poisoning

If you also have insomnia problems, you can look at some of my previous articles, and I have also made several collections of articles for everyone to view the same type of articles.

Thank you for reading, hope it works for you