
【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!

author:Ping An Chaozhou
【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!

As the weather gradually warms up

Some swimmers

I like to go to the wild waters to play in the water and enjoy the coolness


Outdoor Water Surface看擬静

In fact, there are undercurrents surging and full of dangers


Drowning accidents in wild swimming occur from time to time

It was a wake-up call for us

According to the statistics of the water areas where drowning accidents have occurred in Chaozhou in recent years

The black spots and drowning waters of our city are as follows

【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!
【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!

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【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!
【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!

Remember, you only live once

There's no chance to do it all over again

The best prevention is to stay out of danger

These drowning prevention knowledge must be known

【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!

Drowning prevention alert

【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!

There are many dangers associated with wild swimming

On the one hand, in addition to the dangers caused by factors such as uncertain water flow conditions, slippery stones, silt, and aquatic organisms such as algae and snakes often hide "killing opportunities".

On the other hand, it can also be dangerous to experience physical discomfort such as cramps due to the lack of preparation of wild swimmers.

【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!

For drowning prevention, in addition to safety education, some survival skills should also be learned

【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!

How to save yourself and rescue

(1) How to save yourself from drowning


Don't be afraid to sink into the water, don't try to get yourself to the surface by struggling after drowning, that will only backfire, the most important thing at this time is to hold your breath, relax your whole body, remove the weight on your body, because the water is buoyant, the body sinks to a certain extent, and the human body without weight will float upward.


When you float up, your arms are like birds and you should paddle downwards quickly, and your upper arms should be raised slowly. At the same time, take a position with your head back and mouth up, first expose your mouth and nose to the surface of the water, and breathe immediately. Exhale shallowly, inhale deeply, and float as much as possible on the surface of the water while waiting for others to help you.


If you drown in a swimming pool with a depth of 2-3 meters, the person who falls into the water can accelerate up with his feet when he touches the bottom, and call for help immediately when he comes to the surface.


If you are drowning due to calf cramps, you should take a deep breath and then breathe, and pull the thumb of the spasmodic lower limb forward and upward until the spasm stops. For cramps in other areas, massage and stretch the affected area thoroughly, find opportunities to float up, and breathe fully.


Entangled in aquatic weeds: Be calm, hold your breath after inhaling and burrow into the water, use your hands to slowly free yourself from the entanglement, and do not struggle, otherwise you may be entangled tighter.

【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!

Real drowning is not what you think!

The drowning person does not shout and cannot wave for help!

(2) 7 signs to identify a drowning person If you are a person who can swim and have the ability to help a drowning person. So first of all, how can you tell if someone is drowning? 01

The drowning person's mouth will sink into the water and then surface, leaving no time to call for help.


A drowning child may have his arms stretched forward but cannot paddle to move towards the rescuer.


The drowning person is upright in the water, struggling for 20-60 seconds before sinking.


The drowning person has a glazed eye and is unable to concentrate or close his eyes.


A drowning child's head may be tilted forward, with his head in the water and his mouth on the surface.


It doesn't look like it's drowning, it's just in a daze, but if you don't respond to the inquiry, you need to help immediately.


Children will make a lot of noise when they play in the water, so be wary when they are quiet.

The golden time for drowning rescue is only 4 minutes, and the key to drowning first aid is the word "early", so you can master the rescue skills at ordinary times

It's even more important

【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!

(3) How to correctly rescue 01

Quickly get ashore: It is best to lift the head of the person from the back, or pull the chest from above so that their face is exposed to the water, and then drag them to shore.


Remove blocked mouth and nose: Have the drowning person head down, pry open their teeth, and use their fingers to remove debris from their mouth and nose.


Pour out the accumulated water in the respiratory tract: The rescuer kneels, pushes the drowning person's abdomen, puts the drowning person's head down, and pats the back.


Artificial respiration: For drowning patients whose breathing and heartbeat are weak or whose heartbeat has just stopped, artificial respiration is quickly carried out, and chest compressions are performed at the same time.


Oxygen: There are medical conditions on site, and cardiac drugs and oxygen can be injected into drowning patients.


Take off your coat: If the drowning person is wearing a coat, take it off as soon as possible, as the wet coat can take away the body's heat energy and cause hypothermia.

【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!

Every summer is a period of high incidence of drowning accidents among minors, and parents should enhance their safety awareness and be good at the same time

Safety education efforts are a common refusal to wild swimming

【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!
【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!
【Safety Tips】Please be aware of these wild swimming black spots and drowning waters in the city!

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