
Wild raw tomatoes look like piranhas... And the tomatoes that were first selectively cultivated by humans were yellow, called "golden apples" by native Americans, followed by "golden apples" slowly


Wild raw tomatoes look like piranhas...

And the tomatoes that were first selectively cultivated by humans were yellow, called "golden apples" by native Americans.

Subsequently, the "golden apple" slowly evolved and bred into the "cherry tomato" (cherry tomato) that little Bourgeois now loves to eat.

Finally, the "cherry tomato" further evolved, becoming a huge and red vegetable "tomato" in the wet market...

Therefore, in terms of taste and nutritional value, the cheapest and largest amount of vegetable market tomatoes is actually the best solution, and the "cherry tomatoes" of the modern era are classic cases of marketing success... (Cherry tomato prices have at least doubled, the flesh is harder, the skin is thicker, the relative nutritional value is lower, if you just want to lose fat health, you can buy the tomatoes directly in the wet market, you don't have to buy expensive cherry tomatoes on purpose).

Wild raw tomatoes look like piranhas... And the tomatoes that were first selectively cultivated by humans were yellow, called "golden apples" by native Americans, followed by "golden apples" slowly
Wild raw tomatoes look like piranhas... And the tomatoes that were first selectively cultivated by humans were yellow, called "golden apples" by native Americans, followed by "golden apples" slowly
Wild raw tomatoes look like piranhas... And the tomatoes that were first selectively cultivated by humans were yellow, called "golden apples" by native Americans, followed by "golden apples" slowly
Wild raw tomatoes look like piranhas... And the tomatoes that were first selectively cultivated by humans were yellow, called "golden apples" by native Americans, followed by "golden apples" slowly

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