
Cherries are suitable for people with high blood pressure and diabetes, and help to fight inflammation, improve sleep and mood

author: Longnan Wen County released

Source: Eat well three meals a day

Cherries have the reputation of "diamonds in the fruit", the flesh is thick, the taste is sweet, and it is deeply loved by everyone, today we talk about the nutritional value of cherries.

Cherries are suitable for people with low immunity

Cherries contain a lot of antioxidants, which have the effect of regulating immunity, and are suitable for people with low immunity.

The main anti-inflammatory substances in cherries are anthocyanins and anthocyanins, which can inhibit the inflammatory response to a certain extent.

Studies have shown that after eating 45 fresh sweet cherries for 5 hours, the plasma of subjects will decrease by 25% in C-reactive protein, a representative inflammatory factor.

Therefore, friends with low immunity and some inflammatory reactions can often eat some cherries.

Cherries are suitable for people with high blood pressure and diabetes, and help to fight inflammation, improve sleep and mood

Image Credit: Eat well three meals a day

Improves sleep and mood

ancillary effect

Modern life is fast-paced and stressful, and many friends have bad sleep quality, anxiety and depression, which will also cause low immunity over time.

Cherries are rich in tryptophan, serotonin, and melatonin, which have the auxiliary effect of improving sleep, relieving stress, and reducing the body's inflammatory response.

Cherries are suitable for people with high blood pressure and diabetes, and help to fight inflammation, improve sleep and mood

Which cherry is good for nutrition?

According to the "nationality", there are domestic cherries and cherries imported from Europe, and the nutrition has its own merits, and the overall difference is not large.

Divided by size, cherries can be divided into large cherries and small cherries. At the same weight, there is not much nutritional difference between the two.

In terms of taste, cherries can be divided into sweet cherries and tart cherries. Tart cherries contain more organic acids and melatonin, however, tart cherries are mostly used in cooking and baking because they are too sour to be eaten directly.

In terms of color, generally speaking, the darker the color, the higher the nutritional value, so you can give preference to dark, purple or purple red.

In terms of consumption, for the average adult, eating a small plate of cherries a day is fine, eating too much may cause bloating and acid reflux.

Diabetics can also eat it

Cherries have a calorie of 46kcal/100 grams and a carbohydrate content of 10.2 grams per 100 grams, which is lower than apples and about 1/2 of bananas.

Cherries are suitable for people with high blood pressure and diabetes, and help to fight inflammation, improve sleep and mood

Image Credit: Eat well three meals a day

It is beneficial for people with high blood pressure

Eating cherries in moderation helps regulate blood pressure, and cherries are rich in potassium, reaching 232 mg/100 grams, slightly lower than bananas, but the content is relatively high among common fruits.

The effect of potassium and sodium on blood vessels is just the opposite, everyone knows that eating too much salt (sodium) is easy to high blood pressure, and potassium ions help the body to excrete salt, and at the same time can stabilize or even lower blood pressure, so now there are high potassium and low sodium salts in supermarkets.

However, for some special groups, such as people with abnormal kidney function who need to limit potassium intake, or people who are taking some drugs that affect the excretion of potassium ions, the diet should be according to the doctor's instructions to avoid danger.

Department of Clinical Nutrition, Peking Union Medical College Hospital

Professor Yu Kang

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