
Sofeng Tongluo Soup [Source] Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1) 1985 [Composition] Kudzu root 20 to 30 grams, whole scorpion 10 to 12 grams, centipede 2 pieces, black snake, red peony, Sichuan root, self

author:Traditional Chinese medicine pandas

Search for wind through the soup

[Source] Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1), 1985

【Composition】 Kudzu root 20 ~ 30 g, whole scorpion 10 ~ 12 g, centipede 2, black snake, red peony, Sichuan root, natural copper, pangolin, papaya 13 ~ 15 g each, deer horn grass 20 g, black fungus 10 ~ 12 g, licorice 6 g.

【Directions】 Decoction, 1 dose per day, 2 times a day.

【Function】Search for wind and communication, activate blood and dispel wind.

【Solution】Cervical spondylosis belongs to the category of Chinese medicine paralysis (bone paralysis). Ye Tianshiyun: "To cure paralysis, use the wind to eliminate evil products, such as dung beetles, full scorpions, earth dragons, mountain beetles, hives and the like." "Therefore, the whole scorpion, centipede, black snake with deer hornweed, pangolin, papaya to search for wind, dispel dampness, and communicate;" Cure the wind first cure the blood, and the blood will destroy itself. "Therefore, it is accompanied by Sichuan root, red peony, and natural copper to invigorate blood and dispel wind." Therefore, those who use kudzu root take its effect of introducing the scriptures and relieving the tendons. Looking at the whole side, this party may promote congestion of the synovial membrane of the joints around the intervertebral foramen, resolve the inflammatory edema of the nerve roots, improve the blood circulation and nutritional status of the spinal cord, nerve roots and cervical spine, and alleviate muscle spasms.

【Indications】Cervical spondylosis.

【Addition and subtraction】For those whose symptoms worsen during climate change, add lettuce and Han defense; Vertebral artery type or concomitant coronary heart disease, plus salvia, red ginseng; Those with hypertension, add Xuan Ginseng and Hook Vine; Qi deficiency, add astragalus; For those with kidney deficiency, add epimedium and psoralen. #快问中医超能团 #

Sofeng Tongluo Soup [Source] Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1) 1985 [Composition] Kudzu root 20 to 30 grams, whole scorpion 10 to 12 grams, centipede 2 pieces, black snake, red peony, Sichuan root, self
Sofeng Tongluo Soup [Source] Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1) 1985 [Composition] Kudzu root 20 to 30 grams, whole scorpion 10 to 12 grams, centipede 2 pieces, black snake, red peony, Sichuan root, self
Sofeng Tongluo Soup [Source] Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1) 1985 [Composition] Kudzu root 20 to 30 grams, whole scorpion 10 to 12 grams, centipede 2 pieces, black snake, red peony, Sichuan root, self

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