
The northern starling (scientific name: Sturnussturninus) is a migratory bird in the family Starlingidae, with a total length of about 18 cm, a dark back and a white belly. Its natural habitat is broad-leaved forests


The northern starling (scientific name: Sturnus sturninus) is a migratory bird in the family Starlings, about 18 cm long, with a dark back and a white belly. It inhabits broad-leaved forests or fields and eats plant fruits, seeds and insects.

Photographed at Yanjiagang Farm.

#野生鸟类摄影 #

The northern starling (scientific name: Sturnussturninus) is a migratory bird in the family Starlingidae, with a total length of about 18 cm, a dark back and a white belly. Its natural habitat is broad-leaved forests
The northern starling (scientific name: Sturnussturninus) is a migratory bird in the family Starlingidae, with a total length of about 18 cm, a dark back and a white belly. Its natural habitat is broad-leaved forests
The northern starling (scientific name: Sturnussturninus) is a migratory bird in the family Starlingidae, with a total length of about 18 cm, a dark back and a white belly. Its natural habitat is broad-leaved forests
The northern starling (scientific name: Sturnussturninus) is a migratory bird in the family Starlingidae, with a total length of about 18 cm, a dark back and a white belly. Its natural habitat is broad-leaved forests
The northern starling (scientific name: Sturnussturninus) is a migratory bird in the family Starlingidae, with a total length of about 18 cm, a dark back and a white belly. Its natural habitat is broad-leaved forests
The northern starling (scientific name: Sturnussturninus) is a migratory bird in the family Starlingidae, with a total length of about 18 cm, a dark back and a white belly. Its natural habitat is broad-leaved forests

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