
Enter the enterprise to see the development | A tomato is planted in the wild and fragrant

author:Yang Ling released

In the modern intelligent greenhouse, the tomato seedlings are lush and green. In the rotation of the four seasons, the greenhouse is pregnant with infinite hope...... Wang Jianren, chairman of Shaanxi Jinpeng Seed Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jinpeng Seeds"), and his breeding team do not remember how many times they have seen such a scene, but they are still full of freshness and expectation.

In the modern agricultural international cooperation park of Yangling Demonstration Zone, 60 breeding facilities and greenhouses led by Jinpeng Seed Industry carry the countless efforts of Wang Jianren and his breeding team.

Here, the "quality" of small tomatoes has been rewritten many times, and more than 10 new tomato varieties with influence in the domestic and international markets, such as the earliest large-scale commercial self-developed root-knot nematode resistant varieties, the earliest domestic TY virus-resistant varieties, and the first domestic self-developed "double antibody" varieties, have been bred in China, with a promotion area of more than 5 million mu and an increase of more than 5 billion yuan for farmers.

Today, tomato breeding has become a "golden business card" of Yangling, Shaanxi. This business card contains a new technology and new achievements, and it is this kind of new agricultural productivity that makes the fields infinitely prosperous.


Be a "Seed Hunter"

Let the new tomato varieties become the new favorite of the market

During the May Day period, in the tomato planting greenhouse of Jinpeng Seed Industry, the growth of tomatoes of different colors of red, orange, yellow and green is gratifying.

"This tomato has a rich and layered taste." In the greenhouse, Wang Jianren picked a tomato and handed it to the reporter, "The fruit is small and plump, sweet and sour." ”

"Tomatoes are delicious, what's the trick?" The reporter asked.

"The seeds are guaranteed, but you are worried that the fruits are not delicious?" Wang Jianren said: An excellent tomato variety is, first of all, needed by farmers, the market, and the public. Cultivating such a good tomato not only allows farmers to increase their income, but also the quality and taste of the tomato itself must be high.

The tomatoes here are not only colorful, but also round and oval in shape, and the taste is more flavorful, sandy, pulpy, fruity, floral, and different tomato germplasm resources have their own characteristics.

Enter the enterprise to see the development | A tomato is planted in the wild and fragrant

Wang Zhimei, a member of the breeding team of Δ Golden Peng Seed Industry, is looking at the growth characteristics of hybrid tomatoes

Wang Zhimei, a member of the breeding team who is conducting a breeding record test in the greenhouse, closely monitors the growth habits of each tomato plant and the traits of different tomatoes after hybridization. "We are breeding new varieties of tomatoes with a taste to improve their disease resistance while ensuring the taste of the fruit."

At present, sweet and sour, healthy and delicious fruit tomatoes are favored by modern urbanites, especially white-collar workers.

In this regard, Wang Jianren led the breeding team to comprehensively consider the preferred varieties from many aspects such as tomato size, color, sweetness and sourness, bursting feeling, and brittle hardness. Not long ago, after several years of R&D experiments, a cherry tomato variety named "Xiyue 19-2" won a gold medal in Guangdong.

At the beginning of this year, the 3rd Cherry Tomato Competition was held in Maoming, Guangdong. Among them, the "Xiyue 19-2" cherry tomato variety stood out among 490 cherry tomato varieties from Beijing, Liaoning, Guangxi, Shandong, Shaanxi and Guangdong.

"'Xiyue 19-2' has a good taste and is a cherry tomato loved by consumers, and it will be planted in a large area next year." As he spoke, Wang Jianren picked 2 of them, broke them open and handed them to the reporter to taste, and the taste was really sweet and sour, and the meat was soft and steady.

Tomato breeding is like a one-in-a-million tryout. It is necessary to select the best from nearly 10,000 basic materials, and its cumbersomeness is beyond ordinary people's imagination. It is reported that the variety is from material separation to F1 hybrid matching, molecular design breeding, and then to variety promotion, which lasted for 5 years, belongs to the infinite growth type, the fruit shape is short oval, the fruit color is pink, the color is beautiful, and the taste is good.

original intention

Rooted in the front line

Lead the team to interpret the leader of tomato breeding

Regardless of spring, summer or autumn and winter, it is a love for roots. Wang Jianren, who came from a farming family, claims to have a "love for land and agriculture from his genes".

The reason why Wang Jianren embarked on the road of tomato breeding began with a chance in the early 80s of the last century. In 1984, Wang Jianren participated in the material exchange meeting (commonly known as the temple fair) held in Yangling, and came into contact with breeding experts from Northwest A&F University for the first time.

Enter the enterprise to see the development | A tomato is planted in the wild and fragrant

Wang Jianren (left), chairman of Δ Jinpeng Seed Industry, introduced the traits of tomato breeding materials to reporters.

"At that time, there were many sisters in the family, so in order to increase their income and live a good life, they evolved from the original tomato seed production to breeding." When it comes to the help given by the breeding experts in Xinong, Wang Jianren is not only grateful, but also the careful guidance of the experts makes him the most unforgettable. Since then, Wang Jianren has formed an indissoluble bond with tomato breeding.

From habits and characteristics to quality and yield, Wang Jianren led the team to carefully observe and record the performance of each breeding material. After thousands of comparisons and screenings, the team successfully cultivated the first generation of tomato variety "Jinpeng No. 1", which was an instant hit in Shandong Shouguang Vegetable Base as soon as it was launched.

"Jinpeng No. 1" tomato has large planting plants, many fruits, bright colors and good taste, and has won a number of provincial and municipal science and technology progress awards. With its amazing market performance, this variety once became a benchmark variety for tomato breeding in China.

In recent years, Wang Jianren and his breeding team have paid special attention to independent breeding, with 60 breeding facilities in greenhouses, a research and development team of more than a dozen people, and an annual investment of nearly 10 million yuan, and the cultivated "Golden Shed" series of tomato varieties have been widely planted in the main tomato producing areas of the mainland.

At present, the company's breeding team has cultivated and promoted the three generations of new tomato varieties "Jinpeng No. 1" series, root-knot nematode resistance "M6" series, and TY virus resistance "No. 8" and "101" series of tomato varieties, which have played a significant role in promoting the tomato industry in mainland China, and have been widely planted in the main tomato producing areas of mainland China and exported to the European Union, Russia and other places. According to incomplete statistics, the cumulative planting area has exceeded 5 million mu, increasing farmers' income by 5 billion yuan.

It is worth mentioning that in recent years, the new tomato varieties bred by the company have won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, the National Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Harvest Award, the second prize of Shaanxi Province Science and Technology Progress Award, and the Economic Development Contribution Award of Yangling Demonstration Zone.


Wild flowers

A new round of breeding revolution is accelerating

For seed enterprises, the number of varieties registered reflects the strength of the company to a large extent.

Since the establishment of Jinpeng Seed Industry, more than 40 tomato varieties have been registered, and more than 10 new tomato varieties have been registered last year alone.

As a high-tech seed company integrating tomato breeding, seed production and demonstration and promotion of new varieties, Jinpeng Seed Industry has formed three business entities: R&D center, seed production, processing and storage center, sales reserve and Shaanxi Temeida Seed Industry Co., Ltd. Jinpeng Seed Industry aggregates the seed industry to develop new quality productivity, and strives to build an internationally competitive "breeding, multiplication and promotion integration" seed enterprise, so as to promote the healthy development of the mainland tomato seed industry and enhance the competitiveness of the mainland seed enterprises to make positive contributions.

Wang Jianren has been engaged in crop breeding for more than 40 years, and several of his children have also followed him in tomato breeding. They will take over the breeding "baton" from their father, devote themselves to the fertile field of agricultural scientific research, and devote themselves to the breeding, introduction, demonstration and promotion of new tomato varieties.

During the interview, Wang Jianren introduced the characteristics and advantages of the new tomato varieties selected and bred from time to time. In a clean and tidy modern breeding greenhouse, under the tomato branches full of fruits, the new tomato varieties are mouth-watering.

Wang Jianren and his breeding team believe that more new varieties of high-quality tomatoes will soon appear in this hot land in Yangling, an agricultural science city. The new tomato variety has changed from a small green fruit to a heavy fruit, which is the most beautiful scenery in the eyes of Wang Jianren and his breeding team.

Reporter: He Hui, Geng Suqiang, Li Yuqiang

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