
How long can I eat Brain Heart Capsules, Ginseng Pine Heart Capsules, and Ginkgo Biloba Leaves? Brain Heart Capsule belongs to the Yiqi and Blood Invigorating Chinese Proprietary Medicine, the main ingredients are astragalus, earth dragon, whole scorpion, leech, red peony, danshen

author:Nankai Sun Pharmacist

How long can I eat Brain Heart Capsules, Ginseng Pine Heart Capsules, and Ginkgo Biloba Leaves?

Brain Heart Tong capsule belongs to the yiqi and blood invigorating chinese proprietary medicine, the main ingredients are astragalus, earth dragon, whole scorpion, leech, red peony, salvia, angelica, Sichuan root, peach kernel, safflower, frankincense, myrrh, chicken blood vine, ox knee, cinnamon branch, mulberry branch, the whole party Yiqi invigorate blood, stasis and communication.

Modern studies have confirmed that cerebrosymal capsules have the functions of reducing blood viscosity, improving coagulation function, inhibiting platelet aggregation, anti-myocardial ischemia, cerebral ischemia and ischemic reperfusion injury, protecting vascular endothelial function, anti-atherosclerosis, regulating blood lipids, shrinking and stabilizing plaques, anti-myocardial fibrosis, inhibiting the remodeling of the heart, blood vessels and other organs, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant stress, protecting the brain nerves, and improving learning and memory function.

Cerebral Heart Capsule can be used for qi deficiency and blood stagnation, stroke meridians caused by choroid stasis, hemiplegia, limb numbness, crooked mouth and eyes, strong tongue and chest palsy heartache, chest tightness, palpitations, shortness of breath, coronary heart disease angina, cerebral infarction, vertebral-basal artery insufficiency, transient ischemic attack auxiliary treatment and secondary prevention of myocardial infarction.

Clinical studies have confirmed that Cerebrocardia capsules can improve the symptoms of angina and ECG ischemia, and the combined effect with conventional Western medicine is significantly better than the treatment of Western medicine alone, and is suitable for the adjuvant treatment of coronary heart disease angina. For patients after myocardial infarction, on the basis of conventional treatment, combined with cerebrosymal capsules, can help reduce the incidence of angina after myocardial infarction, and can improve ECG and blood lipids, and prevent recurrence of myocardial infarction. In addition, for patients with cerebral infarction, on the basis of conventional Western drug therapy combined with cerebrosyntherapy capsules, it helps to improve the patient's neurological deficit.

In terms of safety, the post-marketing adverse reaction monitoring data show that the brain heart capsule can see nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, dry mouth, constipation, rash, papules, peeling, itching, dizziness, bloating, drowsiness, palpitations, facial flushing, allergic reactions, dyspnea and other adverse reactions, the general symptoms are mild and short, most of them can be relieved by themselves or relieved after treatment, rare and serious adverse reactions, for blood, urine, stool routine and liver and kidney function have not seen significant effects, The safety window is wide and the long-term medication is well tolerated. "Consensus of Chinese Experts on the Clinical Application of Brain Heart Capsules" recommends that Brain Heart Capsules be a course of treatment for 4 weeks, which is generally suitable for multiple courses of medication.

Ginseng Pine Heart Capsule belongs to the chinese proprietary Medicine of Yiqi and Blood Vitality, which is composed of ginseng, mai dong, dogwood, danshen, fried sour jujube kernel, mulberry parasitism, red peony, earth turtle worm, sweet pine, huanglian, southern schisandra, and keel, which has the effect of nourishing yin, activating blood circulation, and purifying the heart and calming the spirit.

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that GinsengSong Yangxin Capsule can regulate non-ionic channels by blocking the multiion channels of the heart such as sodium ions, potassium ions and calcium ions, thereby improving the conduction function of the left atrium, prolonging the action potential and alleviating calcium overload, improving the function of the sinus node, regulating the autonomic function of the heart, and exerting anti-arrhythmic effects. In addition, GinsengSong Heart Capsule can also reduce left atrial fibrosis, inhibit the transformation of myocardial fibroblasts into myofibroblasts, inhibit myocardial remodeling, and play a role in protecting the heart. Suitable for ventricular premature beats, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, bradyarrhythmias, etc.

GinsengSong Yangxin Capsule is used for the adjuvant treatment of qi and yin deficiency, heart network stasis obstruction, palpitations, shortness of breath, aggravated movement, chest pain, insomnia and dreams, night sweats, tiredness and laziness, ventricular premature beats, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, and bradyarrhythmia.

In terms of safety, individual patients with GinsengSong Yangxin Capsules can have stomach bloating during taking the drug, and a number of clinical studies have shown that Ginsengsong Yangxin Capsules have no adverse cardiac reactions, and long-term use will not lead to arrhythmias. It has been reported that it has a good effect after 6-12 months of use, so it is suitable for long-term use.

Ginkgo biloba leaves are prepared from the standard extract of Ginkgo biloba, the main active ingredients are brassins and terpene lactones, other components also include organic acids, proanthocyanidins, catechins, etc., brassool glycosides have the effect of relaxing arterioles, improving microcirculation, reducing microvascular permeability, anti-lipid peroxidation and scavenging oxygen radicals, etc. Terpene lactones have inhibition of platelet activation.

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that Ginkgo biloba leaves have anti-inflammatory, blood lipid regulation, anti-atherosclerosis, improve insulin resistance, improve vascular endothelial function, reduce serum homocysteine, anti-myocardial ischemia, cerebral ischemia and ischemic reperfusion injury, inhibit ventricular remodeling, improve cognitive dysfunction and other pharmacological effects. Suitable for adjuvant treatment of coronary heart disease angina, ischemic stroke and post-stroke cognitive dysfunction.

Ginkgo biloba leaves have a certain irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, excessive stomach acid and other gastrointestinal discomfort, it is recommended to take half an hour after the meal, with food as an interval, can effectively prevent or alleviate gastrointestinal reactions. "Oral Ginkgo Biloba Preparation Clinical Application Chinese Expert Consensus" (2020) recommends that Ginkgo biloba leaves generally take 4 weeks for 1 course, at least 2-3 courses of treatment, clinical application courses of no more than 6 months, and those who need to take it for a long time should be used under the guidance of a doctor. #Rumor Zero Plan # #心健康信科普 #

How long can I eat Brain Heart Capsules, Ginseng Pine Heart Capsules, and Ginkgo Biloba Leaves? Brain Heart Capsule belongs to the Yiqi and Blood Invigorating Chinese Proprietary Medicine, the main ingredients are astragalus, earth dragon, whole scorpion, leech, red peony, danshen
How long can I eat Brain Heart Capsules, Ginseng Pine Heart Capsules, and Ginkgo Biloba Leaves? Brain Heart Capsule belongs to the Yiqi and Blood Invigorating Chinese Proprietary Medicine, the main ingredients are astragalus, earth dragon, whole scorpion, leech, red peony, danshen
How long can I eat Brain Heart Capsules, Ginseng Pine Heart Capsules, and Ginkgo Biloba Leaves? Brain Heart Capsule belongs to the Yiqi and Blood Invigorating Chinese Proprietary Medicine, the main ingredients are astragalus, earth dragon, whole scorpion, leech, red peony, danshen
How long can I eat Brain Heart Capsules, Ginseng Pine Heart Capsules, and Ginkgo Biloba Leaves? Brain Heart Capsule belongs to the Yiqi and Blood Invigorating Chinese Proprietary Medicine, the main ingredients are astragalus, earth dragon, whole scorpion, leech, red peony, danshen
How long can I eat Brain Heart Capsules, Ginseng Pine Heart Capsules, and Ginkgo Biloba Leaves? Brain Heart Capsule belongs to the Yiqi and Blood Invigorating Chinese Proprietary Medicine, the main ingredients are astragalus, earth dragon, whole scorpion, leech, red peony, danshen

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