
Why do Chinese use chopsticks to eat? At the dinner table, the chopstick brothers and the fork met. The fork said, "Brother Chopsticks, I'm curious, why did Chinese use you for dinner?" chopsticks

author:Shennan 5296

Why do Chinese use chopsticks to eat?

At the dinner table, the chopstick brothers and the fork met. The fork said, "Chopsticks."

Brother, I'm curious, why did Chinese use you for dinner?" The chopstick brothers said: "Chinese ancestors began farming life very early, and the main crop was millet. Ancestors will mash the grains of grain to cook porridge to eat, often mixed with some wild vegetables, leaves, etc., so can not be grasped by hand to eat, so they use small wooden sticks to clip wild vegetables or leaves, put into the mouth, this is the prototype of chopsticks. ”

#Number One Weekly#

Little secret

Chopsticks are used for a long time, the surface is no longer smooth, there will be a lot of grooves, very easy to breed bacteria. Therefore, chopsticks are best changed every once in a while.

Westerners were first nomadic peoples, and their food was meat pieces. Meat pieces can be cut into small pieces, and it is convenient to eat with a knife and fork or in the hand, so Westerners do not need to use chopsticks.

#Chinese Chopsticks#

Do you know what real Chinese chopsticks are? ( )

A. One end is round, one end is square B. One end is flat and one end is thin

Why do Chinese use chopsticks to eat? At the dinner table, the chopstick brothers and the fork met. The fork said, "Brother Chopsticks, I'm curious, why did Chinese use you for dinner?" chopsticks
Why do Chinese use chopsticks to eat? At the dinner table, the chopstick brothers and the fork met. The fork said, "Brother Chopsticks, I'm curious, why did Chinese use you for dinner?" chopsticks
Why do Chinese use chopsticks to eat? At the dinner table, the chopstick brothers and the fork met. The fork said, "Brother Chopsticks, I'm curious, why did Chinese use you for dinner?" chopsticks
Why do Chinese use chopsticks to eat? At the dinner table, the chopstick brothers and the fork met. The fork said, "Brother Chopsticks, I'm curious, why did Chinese use you for dinner?" chopsticks

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