
The horoscope man with the highest demands on the opposite sex, a Taurus realist, and a Libra idealist

Everyone has different requirements for their ideal partner, and some people are not particularly demanding, feeling that two people are together, as long as they are suitable for each other. However, some people have high requirements, not only requiring a house and a car, but also a good appearance in all aspects. Let's take a look at the twelve zodiac signs, who have the highest requirements for the opposite sex.

The horoscope man with the highest demands on the opposite sex, a Taurus realist, and a Libra idealist


Leo is the best face of the zodiac signs, which also leads to Leo for the opposite sex, but also has high requirements, whether it is a friend around, or the future of the other half, Leo will be carefully selected, because Leo clearly knows that only by ensuring the quality of the other party, can you know whether the other party is really suitable for yourself, will make your face shine. Leo does not want the other party to always drag themselves down, and even more unwilling to let the other party not have the ability to be independent, and the love they yearn for is always running towards each other and is evenly matched.

The horoscope man with the highest demands on the opposite sex, a Taurus realist, and a Libra idealist


Virgo is the zodiac sign, the most emotional purity of the zodiac sign, which also leads to Virgo for the opposite sex, but also has a high demand, even if they have a feeling of heartbeat for a person, but before they really understand each other, it is absolutely not a hasty decision to pursue each other, because Virgo hopes that the other party's past is transparent, if the other party has a boyfriend who has been with for a long time, Virgo will also feel diaphragm in his heart. But Virgos should also know that a person's past is not important, and what we value should be the person of the other party.

The horoscope man with the highest demands on the opposite sex, a Taurus realist, and a Libra idealist


Capricorn is one of the twelve zodiac signs, the sign with the highest expectations for love, after all, Capricorn in most of the time, they have been in a single state, so they will also imagine in the heart what the other half of the future will look like countless times, which also leads to when someone pursues themselves, Capricorn will not immediately agree to each other's pursuit, but will weigh the pros and cons in their hearts, they hope that the other party even if it is a girl, but also have independent ideas, but also know what they want, never be able to go with the flow. Capricorns want to grow together with each other, rather than just knowing how to eat, drink and have fun every day.

The horoscope man with the highest demands on the opposite sex, a Taurus realist, and a Libra idealist


Libra is also the zodiac sign, the highest requirements for the opposite sex of the zodiac signs, because Libra is an uncompromising idealist, they hope that the other half of the future, can meet the expectations of the opposite sex in their hearts, more hope that the other party to bring themselves, will always be a feeling of excitement, Libra is also a sign that is particularly looking forward to the sense of ceremony, so they hope to get along with each other, can always be in a happy state. Libra does not want the love between two people to disappear because of any external factors, so it will do its best to maintain the feelings between each other.

The horoscope man with the highest demands on the opposite sex, a Taurus realist, and a Libra idealist


Taurus is probably the zodiac sign, the highest demand for the opposite sex, after all, Taurus is a realist, they decide to be with each other, with the help of the feeling of heartbeat, but after a little bit of goodwill, will continue to observe each other's behavior, but also inquire into each other's family background, after all, Taurus will never be casual about love, as long as they decide to be with each other, then Taurus also hopes that the existence of the other party can be in a state of icing on the cake. They do not want to be in a situation of poverty alleviation, and Taurus feels that the feelings between two people cannot be supported by love alone, and they and hope that both people have a certain economic foundation.

But after growing up, we will gradually find that love itself is unpredictable, no matter how much hope for love there is when you are single, but when you really meet the right person, you will also break all the principles for the other party, as if as long as you are with each other, then everything can be forgiven. All the requirements for the opposite sex actually change with the actual situation, and cannot be killed with a stick.

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