
What is it like to have a prosecutor mom?


/ Ice Heart

Oh Mother!

The wind and rain in the sky are coming,

The bird hides in its nest;

The storm of the heart has come,

I just hid in your arms.

Mom was like the Wind of May, gently soothing us. No matter how far you drift, it seems that as long as you return to your mother, your troubles can disappear. On the occasion of Mother's Day, bless every mom:

Happy Mother's Day!

The Yuhang District Procuratorate also has a group of "superhuman" mothers, who are very "tough", maintain fairness and defend justice; they are also "soft", giving children endless love and tenderness.

So, what is it like to have a prosecutor mom in the eyes of children? Let's take a look.

Lao Xiao / 8 years old

Prosecutor's mother: Political Department Mao Aiping

Salty and sweet Count my mom

Usually my mother is very busy at work, sometimes working overtime until very late, when I am younger, I will call my mother at night and ask her to come back early, if she says that she can't come back for the time being, I will cry to her! I think my mother should be very helpless at this time, now that I am older, I can understand my mother. Sometimes in order to come back to accompany me early, my mother will continue to work with the computer after I go to bed, I think my mother is very hard, but she said that work should be done with all her heart, just like learning to sail against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat, and then she will start to educate me bitterly, Oh my God, save the child.

Mom was my best "toy", and when I was resting, she would play with me, and we would go to the mountains to dig bamboo shoots, go to the stream to play, and explore fun places. Even at home, we can do all kinds of fun things, such as playing hamsters, playing basketball, playing water shotguns, and throwing cannons, but sometimes moms are scared by the cannons, and she will say to throw away the cannons, hey, moody women.

My mother is very concerned about my height, always tell me to eat more beef, jump rope to run, deeply afraid that I am not fast enough to grow tall enough, I think the main reason is that she and my father are not tall, so let me eat more and exercise more, but I want to say that genes are decisive, Mom, let me rest.

Finally, to sum up, in my eyes, my mother is the most beautiful and smart, thank you mom, you will always be my good friend, Happy Mother's Day!

Tatsumi / 10 years old

Procurator's mother: Wang Xiang, First Procuratorial Department

My prosecutor mom

In early summer, the azaleas bloom like a mother's smile, yes, it will soon be Mother's Day. My mother is a prosecutor, and some people will ask, what is a prosecutor, I can only tell you that the prosecutor is a person who handles cases and fights crime.

I went to my mother's unit, which was a solemn, atmospheric, shining building. There was a glittering national emblem on the building, and every time I saw it, it was like going back to the scene when the school flag was raised every Monday, and a flame always burned in my heart. Mom often works overtime here, her desk is full of case files, and the thought of her working late into the night is always painful. The clock ticked, it was ten o'clock, why didn't she come back? A while ago, she didn't come home for almost a month for the case, I missed her a lot, she should miss me too, right?

Dad said that although Mom was petite, she hid a giant in her heart, who could see people's hearts, and even the most vicious criminals would be afraid. I tried to understand the "giant", is it like the movie said that "evil does not oppress the righteous"? Although I hope that my mother will not always work overtime, this society needs many people like my mother to uphold justice. I want to be as strong and brave as she is!

Finally, Happy Mother's Day to all prosecutor moms!

Bunny / 10 years old

Procurator's mother: Chen Fei, Sixth Prosecutor's Department

"Changeable" mom

I have a "changeable" mom, sometimes she is a public interest litigation prosecutor in court, guarding the public interest; sometimes she is a volunteer in the community, scanning codes for everyone to make nucleic acid; she is also my "chef", making us all kinds of desserts and delicious dishes whenever she has time.

Mom had a lot of phone calls, sometimes she was on the phone before she even walked in the door, sometimes she was eating and her phone rang again. I had a problem and wanted to ask her for advice, but she said to me, "Wait a minute, Mommy's in trouble." She also used to carry the computer home, I did my homework, and she also "did my homework" with me. But when I went to bed, she was still crackling and typing in front of the computer. Until one day, I saw my mother on the big screen propaganda film in the mall opposite my home, wearing a blue prosecutor's uniform, and she was giving an opinion in court, and at that moment, I thought she was particularly handsome and proud.

On the weekend, I came back from playing table tennis and found that my mother was missing, and I remembered that she should have gone to the community to volunteer. I quickly ran downstairs, and in the distance I saw a person wearing a protective suit with the words "Community Volunteer Chen Fei" written on the back, holding a mobile phone to quickly scan the code for everyone. I was secretly in line, and she just looked down and scanned the code, but she didn't see me. It wasn't until I reached her and waved to her that she raised her head and smiled at me.

I love my mom, whether busy, gentle, serious, and handsome!

May the years be gentle

Happy Mother's Day!

EDIT: Office

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