
When people are old, they know that if they don't want to suffer for a lifetime, they must insist on three things from the age of forty to fifty

See a particularly interesting picture, one is a well-dressed old man and old lady dancing square dance, leisurely;

One is the uncles and aunts dressed in the clothes of sanitation workers, huddled in the shade to rest.

The former has fair skin, the latter has black and red skin, which should be the same age group, but the feeling is completely different.

Most of us hope that when we are old, we will be like the first photo of life, although not how rich and expensive, but eat and drink without worry about happiness.

However, the ideal is very full, the reality is very bone, and most people in life are like the group in the second photo, worried about life, running for a few pieces of silver.

When I was young, I felt that I was full of ambition to do anything, not worried, not going to do it, but when I was old, I realized that some things must be to make decisions early.

When people are old, they know that if they don't want to suffer for a lifetime, they must insist on three things from the age of forty to fifty.

Raise your mind and know what you're going to do

A person is not afraid of the ordinary, afraid of not knowing who he is, not knowing what he came to this world for, not knowing what he wants to do.

Curled up in a comfort zone all day, others do whatever they want, blindly follow the trend, and in the end a meaningful thing is not completed.

Forty is not confused, fifty and know the destiny, at this stage we should understand how to manage our own lives to have meaning.

Instead of saying that after living most of your life, you don't know what you should do, you don't know what you should do, so that you don't make life empty.

As the writer Zhang Weiwei said: "The first sign of maturity is a stable understanding of the self." It will not be burst with confidence by the praise of others, nor will it be discouraged by the depreciation of others. You know who you are, you don't need someone to tell you. ”

We must understand that life is not afraid of being late, even if you start working hard at the age of forty, the worst result is only a late success.

But if we still don't know ourselves, then we will be muddy for the rest of our lives.

Therefore, to improve your cognition, to change your thinking mode, to know what you want to do, what to do. In this way, we will not suffer for a lifetime.

Streamline your social circle and do something meaningful

In this world, it is more like a web of many social relationships combined.

Susan Kane once said, "We live in an outward-looking, idealistic value system where almost everyone is convinced that the most ideal self is sociable, talkative, and should be free to talk and laugh even in the spotlight." ”

To put it bluntly, we always feel that it is good to be a gregarious person, and the more friends the better, after all, multiple friends have many roads.

Therefore, you will feel that at this stage of forty to fifty years old, you should also have a lot of friends, so that life is lively and will not be desolate.

In fact, people's life is divided into two parts, and the first half of life needs to be added, after all, we have to understand the world and constantly add bricks and tiles;

The second half of our lives require subtraction, because our understanding of the world tends to be a stable state, and adding more will appear redundant.

And the most important thing to do is the social circle.

People should recycle at a certain stage, streamline their social circles, and leave a few close friends, even if they don't.

When the time comes, do what you are interested in, talk to your soul, and get along with yourself, so that you will not become desolate for the rest of your life.

Plan your life and don't let yourself be in vain

In the eyes of many people, the maturity that many people think is actually just worn away by customs, becoming sophisticated and practical, feeling that they have grown older, and seeing more people is maturity.

In fact, this is not maturity, but a spiritual decay, and depersonalization.

True maturity, no matter at any time, must have its own personality, be able to discover the true self, and be able to achieve spiritual results and harvests.

Wang Xiaobo once said: "I live in the world, just to understand some truths and encounter some interesting things." ”

Since this is the case, we should plan our lives after the year of confusion, and understand that we should put time on ourselves.

While you can still move, while you still have passion, you will do meaningful things, to enrich your life, to make your life colorful.

There is a self-selection effect in psychology, which refers to the fact that the choices a person makes in the present will affect the future to some extent.

For example, if we choose to be gregarious in the present, then we may be mediocre in the future;

For example, if we jump out of the comfort zone now, then we will not feel that our lives will become boring in the future.

Therefore, plan your life and don't let yourself come in vain.

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