
Beep Car丨 dismantled the M5 in China Automobile Research Institute to see the static performance of this car

Beep Car丨 dismantled the M5 in China Automobile Research Institute to see the static performance of this car
Beep Car丨 dismantled the M5 in China Automobile Research Institute to see the static performance of this car

Hardcore test infidelity M5

Video: Car industry talk

Edit: Mei Mei

Since entering the market, the new car-making forces have maintained a high degree of attention, as a cross-border into the automotive field of emerging car companies, some of them rely on science and technology to gain a firm foothold, some of the main services to win favor, has been recognized by many consumers. But we seem to have forgotten that the most basic identity of the car is always a means of transportation, and the owner's first experience is mostly from the mechanical quality of the product and the driving control adjustment, these things often need to be precipitated for many years of car manufacturing, compared to the traditional car companies, this is where the new forces are slightly weaker. This year we came to the China Automobile Research Institute in Chongqing, in this professional, hard-core evaluation agency, let's see if the AITU Q&A M5 can withstand the test.

Today, we conducted a static quality evaluation of the M5 in the China Automobile Research Institute, disassembled its chassis, tested its tranquility, and also evaluated its on-board air conditioning, giving me a good experience, not enough final evaluation data needs to wait for the follow-up release of the China Automobile Research Institute, the next video, we will also test the dynamic performance of this car, so stay tuned.

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