
Laughter! The National Health Commission released a promotional video urging the second child to cause controversy, and the netizen comment area began to live!


Recently, the Health Commission released a promotional video promoting the birth of a second child, in an attempt to inspire people to welcome the second child. The promotional video shows a family of four, happy and happy, making people feel like they are in a fairy tale world. However, once this promotional video was exposed on the Internet, the comment area of netizens exploded instantly, and all kinds of fancy rejections emerged.

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Laughter! The National Health Commission released a promotional video urging the second child to cause controversy, and the netizen comment area began to live!
Laughter! The National Health Commission released a promotional video urging the second child to cause controversy, and the netizen comment area began to live!

In this promotional video, the family of four is happy, but netizens invariably show their realistic attitude. They have said that having a second child means more time to spend with their children, and they don't have to rush around to earn money to support their families, as if this kind of life is only suitable for a wealthy family. The combination of humor and realism among netizens makes people laugh.

Laughter! The National Health Commission released a promotional video urging the second child to cause controversy, and the netizen comment area began to live!

Some netizens ridiculed: "Is this promotional video wrong, it should be a big revelation of the rich family life!" Another netizen joked: "When I saw this promotional video, I immediately decided that I would have a third child, because I want my children to enjoy this rich life!" The humorous comments of netizens are full of understanding of life and ridicule of reality.

Laughter! The National Health Commission released a promotional video urging the second child to cause controversy, and the netizen comment area began to live!

Behind these humorous comments, there is a deep reflection on economic issues. In real life, raising a child is not only a mental effort, but also a financial burden. Pressures on education, health care, living expenses, etc., are prohibitive for many families. The rejection of netizens has both a humorous side and a reflection of social reality.

Laughter! The National Health Commission released a promotional video urging the second child to cause controversy, and the netizen comment area began to live!

In today's society, more and more young people are choosing the "dink" lifestyle, that is, not wanting children. There are many deep-seated reasons behind this phenomenon, among which economic factors are one of the main drivers.

Laughter! The National Health Commission released a promotional video urging the second child to cause controversy, and the netizen comment area began to live!

With the development of society and the increase of economic pressure, raising children is no longer as simple as feeding children. From the birth of a child to the time of adulthood, the financial outlay required is enormous. Parents need to consider not only the basic cost of living, but also support their children with good education, health care, cultural activities, and more. The cost of these aspects has increased over time, placing a heavy financial burden on families.

Laughter! The National Health Commission released a promotional video urging the second child to cause controversy, and the netizen comment area began to live!

The cost of raising a child is considerable. According to statistics, the average cost of raising a child from birth to adulthood can be more than a million or more. This includes expenses on everything from food, education, medical care, clothing, housing, etc. to the child. The cost of education is one of the important expenditures, including pre-school education, primary and secondary education, and possibly university education, which increases as the child gets older. The cost of health care is also a part that cannot be ignored, and the health of children is one of the most important things for parents. Therefore, the financial expenditure required to raise a child is a rather large number.

Laughter! The National Health Commission released a promotional video urging the second child to cause controversy, and the netizen comment area began to live!

The fierce competition, fast-paced life and high work pressure in modern society have left many young people feeling unable to take on the responsibility of raising children. They face many challenges such as high housing prices, soaring education costs, and unstable employment, which discourage them from choosing not to have children in order to alleviate the financial pressure and burden of life.

Laughter! The National Health Commission released a promotional video urging the second child to cause controversy, and the netizen comment area began to live!

In addition, the consumption concept of modern society is also affecting the concept of childbearing among young people. Many young people are more focused on personal consumption and enjoyment of life, rather than willing to give up their quality of life in order to raise children. They are more inclined to pursue freedom, independence, and career development than family life in the traditional sense.

Laughter! The National Health Commission released a promotional video urging the second child to cause controversy, and the netizen comment area began to live!

The prevalence of this "Dink" phenomenon reflects contemporary socio-economic pressures and changes in lifestyles. The government and society should pay attention to this phenomenon and provide a better environment and support for young people to have children by improving social welfare, reducing the burden on families, and improving the equity of education and medical resources, so that they can have more confidence and ability to meet the challenges of childbirth. The adjustment of the birth policy and the strengthening of social support will help alleviate the phenomenon of young people choosing "dink" due to economic pressure, and promote the balance between family stability and social development.

Laughter! The National Health Commission released a promotional video urging the second child to cause controversy, and the netizen comment area began to live!

This promotional video of the National Health Commission sparked heated discussions among netizens, who used humor and realism to show their rejection of the two-child policy. In the laughter, it also made people think more deeply about the economic considerations behind the birth policy. Perhaps, there are tears in laughter, and humor also contains thinking and care for life.