
Blessed old man, away from these 4 circles


The deceased is like a sif, not giving up day and night.

Suddenly, we still have time to enjoy being young, and we are old.

The ancients said: "After the well is dried up, we know the preciousness of water, after we know the preciousness of health, after we know the preciousness of the soldiers, we know the preciousness of The Peace, and after we know the preciousness of the industry." All that is happy is known in the past. ”

After sixty years, cherishing blessings is more important than anything, if not, even if you prepare a lot of money, as well as pensions, houses, etc., it may still be desolate.

There is a theory in psychology called the "law of attraction" When a person's mind is attracted by people or things from the outside, then he will be changed by external objects, thus losing what he originally had.

"The Tao is different, do not conspire with each other", the blessed old man, far away from the following circles, the group does not fit in, do not force.

Blessed old man, away from these 4 circles


First, stay away from the circle of pursuing interests and live indifferently.

There is a saying in "The Getaway": "The wren nests in the deep forest, but it is only a branch; the mole drinks the river, but the belly is full." ”

A person has struggled all his life, and the money cannot be earned, but if you do not know how to be satisfied, then you will fall into the depths of the water.

The life of the elderly should be light, and the sharpness of the young age should be reduced a little, and the pressure of life should be put down. Even if the children are in difficulty at the moment, they cannot cross the line and make cattle and horses for them.

In real life, many elderly people gather together, listen to some so-called professionals, spend a little money, you can make a fortune, and as a result, you will lose all the old money.

There are also some elderly people who have been looking for jobs, but they really can't do it, so they go around rummaging through the garbage cans and even stealing things to make more money.

When one puts one's interests first, the quality of life declines. While trying to make money, he tried to cut the door, carrying money in his arms, screaming bitterness in his mouth, not enough to eat, not warm to wear.

Stay away from the circle of interests, so that you will not be deceived, nor will you turn wealth into the pressure of life.


Second, get away from the noisy circles of people and be alone easily.

A few days ago, in the neighborhood where I lived, there came a middle-aged man who sold pillows. He shouted, buy one get one free.

Many elderly people came around, thinking they could take advantage. The old people bargained together and eventually bought dozens of pillows. After the middle-aged man left, he found that the quality of the pillow was very poor, and it was not the same as the pillow on display.

The elderly have the habit of making a scene. Line up for free stuff, listen to wellness talks, experience novelty products for free, get together and dance... It seems that such a life is happy.

A writer once said, "In the forest where the birds sing, there are also poisonous snakes wandering in the shadows." ”

Blessed old man, he does not like to join in the fun, because he understands that it is a place of right and wrong.

The hardest part of life is being alone, treating solitude as a kind of enjoyment. Busy for most of my life, I always have to stop, sit quietly, read a book, listen to music, and look at the scenery. Or, invite a few friends, have a drink, and have a chat.

Life is quiet, in order to get away from right and wrong, and really relax yourself.

Blessed old man, away from these 4 circles


Third, stay away from the circle of comparison with each other and be content and happy.

There is a saying in the countryside: "Sixty do not build houses, seventy do not add clothes." ”

That is to say, when a person reaches a certain age, the requirements for clothes are very low. In ancient times, it was difficult for poor families to buy a new dress. As an old man, the new clothes are not bad, it is a pity to lose them, and it is right not to buy them.

Some old people, who like to compare, think that they are still young and need to dress up well. When he saw what his neighbor had bought, he had to buy it himself, otherwise he would feel dwarfed.

Many homes have some useless things, when they first bought them, they actually had a sense of comparison, and they did not consider whether they were applicable.

As an old man, money is spent, but it should be spent in the right place, not wasted.

Zhihuli, netizen "Hip Hop" said that his mother likes to dance square dance and often goes to competitions. Every time I compete, I have to buy a new set of clothes, wear them once, and then throw them away, which is very sad. Usually, my mother likes to say how beautiful and expensive the clothes of so-and-so team are.

Comparisons between the elderly are just a waste of money and annoy the children. If the elderly still reach out to their children for money, it will increase the burden on the family and lead to family conflicts.

Living a simple life is something that everyone should insist on. Even if you have too much money to spend, you can't spend it indiscriminately, but to help those who are poor and leave it to your children and grandchildren.


Third, stay out of the adventurous circles and stay safe.

Think about it, if there are old people in the family who go hiking, will the children be anxious and worried?

There is a message in the "Nanguo Today" that in Liuzhou, Guangxi, a 80-year-old Uncle Guo took a ride alone to a park and then climbed the mountain on crutches.

When he struggled to climb to the top of the mountain, he fell and had to ask for help.

Uncle Guo's approach was obviously irrational, he did not see his age clearly, nor could he judge his physical condition. Adventurous things, not for the elderly.

"The world is so big, I want to see it", everyone has a dream of finding passion, but not too impulsive. The stable life of the elderly is the blessing of the family.

As parents, in case of an emergency, the children have to spend a lot of time and energy to deal with, and they will be very angry and sad.

Getting away from the circle of adventure and walking as far as you can is the right way to exercise.

Blessed old man, away from these 4 circles


Zhuangzi once told such a story: a man who was very good at archery, Yu Kou, after pulling a full bow, put a glass of water on his elbow, and the arrow shot out, and the water cup did not move.

Someone said to him, "You are shooting arrows with your heart, not without your heart." ”

Mikoto was not convinced. So the two men came to a cliff and stood on the edge of the cliff.

At this time, Yu Kou's heart was frightened by the cliff, and he couldn't even stand steadily, so he could only shoot arrows on his stomach, and he couldn't shoot accurately.

People are old, they need to learn to "shoot arrows without heart", and try to stabilize themselves - Ren'er's southeast and northwest winds, I stand still.

The times are developing, and people's happiness index is getting higher and higher, but we can't "be in the blessing and not know the blessing", always toss and turn, and lose the blessing.

Consciously stay away from those who consume you, take the initiative to get close to those who have positive energy, and you will experience the beauty of the world.

The circle is smaller, it doesn't matter, and it is also a blessing to be alone.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The illustrations in this article come from the Internet.

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