
A letter to the baby daughter "Noodles"

A letter to the baby daughter "Noodles"
A letter to the baby daughter "Noodles"
A letter to the baby daughter "Noodles"

Dear Baby,

Mom has actually wanted to express her thoughts about you in words for a long time, and every time the idea she wants to express appears in her mind, she sits down but does not know how to write. Because since you were born, it was the first time the two of us had been apart for so long. At this time, my mother has just returned to the unit from the duty point, and she wants to write the first letter of her life for you in this way.

Baby, you know what? In April this year, the new crown epidemic struck Xining, the city you were born in is sick, the original bustling city was pressed the pause button, you and grandma can not go out to the park, dad can not go home to play with you, you have to be at home obediently waiting for the epidemic to dissipate. Yesterday Grandma told me that the noodle baby did not cry when she went to do nucleic acid, and she was very cooperative with Aunt Dabai, and her mother was proud of you. Mom was thinking, you must think why they are wearing so strange? Mom wants to tell you that the "big whites" you see are the heroes who protect the city, and the public security officers who storm the front line one by one. Now, there's also your favorite mom.

A letter to the baby daughter "Noodles"

Noodle baby is now more than 8 months old, the mother has not seen you for almost a month, is the baby growing tall again? Will the baby also call the mother? Baby, because of the epidemic, mom has not seen the way you call mom, and has not heard a "mom". But since my mother chose this job, she must take on this responsibility! In this special period, mothers should rush to the front line with their uncles and aunts, stand guard, and guard the people's health defense line. There are many people like my mother around my mother, who give up their small homes for everyone to defend our city together. So is mom even more unable to back down? When you grow up and see your mother, you will definitely be proud of your mother.

A letter to the baby daughter "Noodles"

Baby, it was you who gave me strength. Baby, you know what? When the mother put on this "big white", each operation should be extra careful, because the medical supplies are limited, in order to reduce the number of replacements, mothers and uncles and aunts have to wear protective clothing for 8 or 9 hours without eating or drinking, to climb the seventh floor door to deliver supplies to people in need, to escort sick people to the hospital, to send "rations" to children like you, to go to the street patrol security, to bring two or three layers of protective gloves to avoid infection... The moment I took off my protective suit after every day's work, the deep indentations on my face were traces of my mother's struggle.

A letter to the baby daughter "Noodles"
A letter to the baby daughter "Noodles"
A letter to the baby daughter "Noodles"

Although our city is sick, but the hearts of the masses are hot, these days, my mother received a warm water bag from my sister and a dinner from a caring person, these small things are enough to support my mother to persevere. Baby, I hope that when you grow up and see this letter, I can be a beacon on your way forward, and when you are confused on the road of life, I will also wave your hand to tell you to bravely move forward and don't be afraid, there is light ahead, and you have a mother behind you.

I hope that when you see your mother become "white", you can become your pride and your role model. I believe that the epidemic will soon pass and we will meet soon! Baby, remember Mom will always love you!

With everyone's perseverance, there is peace in the small family. Noodle baby, for you, Mom will definitely go all out!

Love your mom forever

April 22, 2022

A letter to the baby daughter "Noodles"

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