
How does it feel to be a globally connected | studying at a millennial institution?

At the foot of the Xiang River, at the foot of the Foothills

A thousand-year-old institution of tranquility and solemnity

Step by step cobblestone road up the stairs

This is Yuelu Academy, one of the four major academies in ancient China

How does it feel to be a globally connected | studying at a millennial institution?

After a thousand years, the strings and songs are endless

Yuelu Academy nurtures the profound Huxiang culture

It also cultivates generations of literati and scholars

It's a bookish place

There are readers everywhere

so far

This temple of culture with a thousand-year history

It still exercises the functions of library, teaching, educating people, and overseas exchanges

How does it feel to be a globally connected | studying at a millennial institution?

The picture shows the Royal Library building of Yuelu Academy

Deep in the Academy

A library building called the "Imperial Library" stands tall

Three stories high of it

It is the tallest building of the College

It shows the respect of the ancients for books and knowledge

This side of the quiet world

It is still used as a library of ancient books

For use by teaching and research personnel

How does it feel to be a globally connected | studying at a millennial institution?

The picture shows the collection of books in the "Four Libraries complete book" in the Imperial Library Building

Reading is communicating with the author

It is also a dialogue with the heart

The College has a collection of ancient books

Also collect a copy of the power of stillness

World Book Day is coming

College students share their eyes on the reading landscape

Millennia-old institutions have endured vicissitudes without declining

Generation after generation of students

Under the guidance of the College

Precipitate yourself to cultivate your mind

Seek the way to stand up the foundation of being a human being

Coordinator: Wei Tiemin Su Xiaozhou

Reporter: Xie Ying, Ruan around Zhang Ge

Editor: Li Yan

Xinhua news agency to the outside

Hunan Branch of Xinhua News Agency


Produced by Xinhua News Agency's International Communication Integration Platform

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