
Sun Huichang, | Slippery Academy: A magician in the cosmic realm

■ Sun Huichang

Sun Huichang, | Slippery Academy: A magician in the cosmic realm

Rain is a great magician in the universe. It often steps on the dark clouds and floats around, perhaps, it is tired of living a life of nothingness above the firmament, it will not hesitate to come to the earthly world for a while, and can't wait to change the magic for the general audience to see.

This magician has many elegant numbers: Ganlin, Jiashu, Jumping Bead, Xuanliu, Xuanze, Ganyu, Bitter Rain, Creamy Rain, Cream Rain, Lingze, Longrun, ShuiLu, Qishui, Tuotuo, Qianlin, Lian Fiber, Night Spring, Silver Bamboo and so on.

Sun Huichang, | Slippery Academy: A magician in the cosmic realm

Its temper is mixed and bad. In good times, it will become the most important freshwater resource in human life. Plants also depend on their moisture to thrive. But when it has a bad temper, it will become a flood beast and bring great disaster to mankind.

In the spring, its magic will be very bright, so colorful, turning the grass into a tender green, and cute buds. It will also turn pink, show a smile on the peach tree, and emit a burst of aroma... yes! At this time, its magic will be colorful, filling the audience with unlimited hope!

Sun Huichang, | Slippery Academy: A magician in the cosmic realm

As soon as the summer came, the magician's temper could deteriorate, and when he was angry, he would be angry with the electric mother Lei Gong, and he would make a big fuss, and it would crush the trees breathlessly, and sometimes cooperate with the wind to uproot the trees. Sometimes it can flood and engulf our homes. However, if it is happy, it will also be careful, become incomparably cool, and give the audience a pleasant feeling, just like taking a cold shower all over the body in the summer. At this time, it is like a mischievous golden arowana, sometimes quietly swimming in the water, and sometimes churning high waves.

Its magic turns into a lot of beautiful colors in summer. Falling softly on the leaves, the green and oil glowed brightly, almost damaging the audience's eyes. The flowers, the acacia that The flowers have been saving for a long time, poured out a clean in an instant in this magic. At this time, its magic is not its own solo singing, but also mixed with the soft whimpering of flowers and flowers. Listen carefully: how many delicate flowers have turned into dust and mud, creeping on the soles of their feet, and no matter how much they call, they cannot wake them up. The magician was aware of this, and he sighed and carefully piled up the flowers out of the soil into small mounds. Hua'er smiled, perhaps, it saw that she had finally shared a tomb with her lover, and the magician was still very kind and understanding.

Sun Huichang, | Slippery Academy: A magician in the cosmic realm

In the autumn, the magician will make melons, fruits, pears, dates and other fruits sweet and delicious, and the audience will give a thumbs up to praise the magician's program is still sweet.

In winter its stinky temper came again, and its performance was cold and unforgiving. Wherever it goes, it will be empty, and the trees will be frozen by its magic, even the tall and tall pine trees. At this time, it is like a ruthless, hungry male lion, who will treat the leaves as fat lambs, the trees as sika deer standing still, the buildings as pigeon nests... as if they want to swallow the world in one bite.

Sun Huichang, | Slippery Academy: A magician in the cosmic realm

This strange-tempered magician, one moment cute, one moment naughty, one moment sweet, one moment ruthless. As long as you calm down and be an audience, you will find that its magic is really varied and wonderful.

The ancients said that one of the four great pleasures of life is that there is a long drought and a ganlin. In the Buddhist system, this magician's Dharma name: Dharma Rain, Buddhist Three Treasures Dharma Monk, the Dharma is integrated into all natural things, and no one is not evenly touched by the rain and dew of the Dharma, so this Mr. Magician is also very Buddha-like.

Sun Huichang, | Slippery Academy: A magician in the cosmic realm

About the author: Sun Huichang, male, born in 1970, originally from Dong'a County, Liaocheng. He currently lives in Pingyin County, Jinan City. He is a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, a member of the Qilu Calligraphers and Painters Association, and a star of learning for the people of Shandong Province.

Sun Huichang, | Slippery Academy: A magician in the cosmic realm

[Editor and production: Slippery, real name Liu Jian, senior teacher, founder of Huanpai Literature. On the title page of his book "Slippery", it is impressively written: "Humble is fine, fine is humble." / The one who is humbled is dying, / The spirit is coming to an end because of the essence. / Life is different, / People die together. / Alive, once for a chicken feather red face, / can sacrifice oneself for a girl to forget death; / Dead, not proud of the city full of thousands of beautiful women, / not depressed with dogs for the company of sheep as wives. 】

Sun Huichang, | Slippery Academy: A magician in the cosmic realm

One point number Chinese literature slips

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