
The most simple and easy to use confrontation road choice in the new season, Lü Bu's cooling appearance rate is still high

Contents of this issue: 1. Brief analysis of the version 2.The new season is divided into five major sub-roads Top3 and regular outfit inscription recommendations

Divided into (Confrontation Road Chapter) (Wild Fight Chapter) (Medium Single Article) (Shooter Chapter) (Wandering Article)

Confrontation Road Chapter

Too many dazzling adjustments for the new season? Who should I choose? Who should be filled? Who is the version of the answer?

The most simple and easy to use confrontation road choice in the new season, Lü Bu's cooling appearance rate is still high

Note: The five major divisions of TOP3 in this issue pursue "low operational difficulty" and "high lineup fit"

Simply put, it is a low-operated, high-yielding panacea

The purpose is to make it easy for everyone to get started, so some heroes with extremely high operating caps and strong technical requirements are not listed

S27 New Season Edition Brief Analysis (Q&A)

Q: Hat pullback, is the new season of the french core return/rise?

A: No, the new season is still the version of wild + shooting core, which can be drawn from the larger equipment Blood Soul Blade and a series of optimization adjustments of the hero Houyi, Meng li, Xuan, and Sun Ce.

Q: What is the current status of the development path?

A: The standing pile shooter has risen to a certain extent, such as the station pile shooter such as houyi Luban No. 7, in the current version, it will be easier to develop due to the protection mechanism, and because of a series of auxiliary optimizations, it has further improved its protection ability, and also due to the emergence of the Blood Soul Blade, the survivability has been further improved, it can be said that this version of the station pile shooter is really beneficial.

(The descendants have also warmed up a lot because of their own wave of small reinforcements)

Wanjin Oil TOP3

Confrontation Road:

Lü Bu

The most simple and easy to use confrontation road choice in the new season, Lü Bu's cooling appearance rate is still high

It is still a difficult but extremely oppressive existence in the confrontation road, although the early shield has been reduced, but fortunately, the AD bonus can exert force in the later stage, and the anti-pressure development of the late heavenly gods will slash five!

Out of the main points of the analysis:

1. In the first and middle periods, the enemy control effect is not much of a threat, and the Cool Boots can speed up the release frequency of all skills, which is a huge gain for Lü Bu.

2. Although the pure sky has a certain degree of cooling, the impact will not be great, and the properties are very comprehensive and still true.

3. Lü Bu who has a broken army is a good Lü Bu.

4. Choosing to burst instead of anti-armor is partly based on the extra health provided to reduce the mage's threat to himself.

5. In the middle and late stages, make up the Resistance Boots and make the Magic Knife to improve the Magic Resistance, due to the increase in the shield value by the AD bonus, all physical attack power will be converted into our better damage bearing ability.

6. Finally, replace the cool boots with extremely cold storms, improve cooldown reduction and material resistance, maintain high frequency of skill release, and be able to stand firm in team battles.

Recommended reasons: adapt to the vast majority of the lineup, strong ability to resist pressure, good team battle effect, you are invincible when the line tank, you can at least five or five open when the line soldier.

Double roasted meat armor

The most simple and easy to use confrontation road choice in the new season, Lü Bu's cooling appearance rate is still high

In addition to hitting wild meat armor, the side meat armor is also a good choice, the outbreak may be reduced, but the frankness is definitely high enough, maybe not a knife second, but definitely chasing and running.

Out of the main points of the analysis:

1. The legal wound of the equipment + the material injury of the own, so that the material method is mixed, and the enemy directly wears the mask of pain.

2. The Red Lotus Cloak has optimized the crafting path, silky formula, and ultimate double burn in the new season update!

Recommended reason: Just finish the brothers!

The new version of meat is idyllic

The most simple and easy to use confrontation road choice in the new season, Lü Bu's cooling appearance rate is still high

The new version of Montien ushered in a big change, in general, it was a sentence: "increase mobility, reduce frankness"

Many friends think that the new version of Monty is going back to the era when the critical hit stream is either sent by you or sent by me, and the meat is going to withdraw from the canyon stage, but in fact, it is not necessarily true.

Out of the main points of the analysis:

1. Side punishment play or conventional flash, flash play on the basis of the above figure directly abandon the wild knife can be, the order is unchanged. The current version of the Meat Monty Play you can understand as a "flexible tank", the new version of the change means that as long as a skill is turned, you can always disarm the defensive posture to launch a round of assault, and then set up a defensive posture again, so our Meat Monty will not be very clumsy to abandon the flash. It is better to invade wild areas to grab neutral resources.

2. Calm boots or shadow ninja foot to see personal choice "radical or stability"

3. Why not make a red lotus cloak walk double burner stream? 90% of the time is out of the defensive posture, and the general attack of the defensive posture is not strictly speaking close combat, but "medium-range combat", which belongs to the long hands in close combat, and the Red Lotus Cloak will be more difficult to stick to the opponent in the case of Meng Tian's lack of charge general attack deceleration due to the revision, unlike the armor that can rely on its own increased movement speed and skill deceleration and general attack displacement to get close to the opponent. Therefore, choosing an ice vein handguard with a very short CD can better match the attack frequency of Monty and increase the ability to retain people.

4. The attributes of the Violent Armor are very suitable and can be selected.

5. Meng Tian's self-inflicted injury and recovery make him less urgent to resist the consumption of the mage, and the large amount of health of the patrol axe and the passivity of the undead bird are also the essence of this outfit.

6. Finally, the shoes for the Shadow Tomahawk can further increase the overall damage, Monty's dependence on the penetration attribute is actually not so high, because the base damage after he opens it is particularly exaggerated, and it is more than enough to deal with the crispy skin of the meatless meat, but it will take a little effort to deal with half meat and pure meat.

Recommended reason: can be used as a front row, even if the pure meat suit also has a good output ability, facing the enemy's flying object skills without penetration ability also have a good counter-effect, such as the big move of Yingzheng, Zhong Kui's hook, Marco Polo's skill.

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