
Hero Attribute Pavilion: The first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, the peerless flying general Lü Bu

Red rabbit in the horse, Lü Bu in the man

He wore a purple and gold crown with a three-pronged bundle

"The First Fierce General of the Three Kingdoms"

SS-class dark hero

Peerless Flying General - Lü Bu

1. Hero Profile

The invincible flying will be full of purple armor, coupled with the world-famous Fang Tian Painting Blade in his hand, it is difficult to find a unified enemy in the world.

The active skill can dispel the target buff, reduce the skill resistance, and have a strong explosive power; the unparalleled pressure of the brave weapon makes the enemy's heart tremble, making it greatly reduce the offensive and defensive attributes, and at the same time, it can also increase the attack power and damage of the Dark Knight Legion, further widening the gap between the enemy and us.

Hero Attribute Pavilion: The first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, the peerless flying general Lü Bu

Match-2 and match-3 lineups

Peerless Flying will belong to the very good single burst hero, after the first time to weaken the ability resistance, the enemy will become extremely vulnerable, at this time with teammates to keep up with the output skills, there is a high probability of causing the opponent to reduce the number of personnel.

You can form a point kill lineup with two heroes of the Commander of Light and the Priest of Prophecy, and the remaining two heroes can choose the War Saint and the Crimson Demon Guide, one to defend and one to attack, to improve the success rate of point kill.

Hero Attribute Pavilion: The first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, the peerless flying general Lü Bu

Three, match three skills

The lineup has three single outbreaks of the Peerless Flying General, the Light Commander and the Prophetic Priest, the battle process is very direct, the War Saint Daughter reduces the enemy's entire defense, the Crimson Demon Guide increases the attack power of all teammates, and then the three heroes shoot to harvest the endgame; when the War Saint and the Crimson Demon Guide are not full of anger, they can also be reduced by the Peerless Flying General to reduce the target skill resistance, the Light Commander and the Prophetic Priest supplement the damage, and the success rate of the kill is also quite high.

Hero Attribute Pavilion: The first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, the peerless flying general Lü Bu

4. Legion lineup

The Legion Skill Ghost God Roar of the Peerless Flying General can reduce the enemy's attack and defense by 30%, and the effect effect is with all the enemy soldiers, disguised to improve their own resistance and output, the effect is very significant; the Legion Skill Peerless God of War can increase the attack and damage of the Dark Knight by 45%, so it can be combined with the Dark Demon King and the Little Witch to form a dark knight-centered legion lineup.

Hero Attribute Pavilion: The first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, the peerless flying general Lü Bu

Fifth, the priority of cultivation

Peerless Flying will have a strong ability to kill in the match-three battle, and the legion skills are unique, in the legion lineup with the Dark Knight as the main output, his status will be very high, and the hero training priority belongs to the first echelon.

Hero Attribute Pavilion: The first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, the peerless flying general Lü Bu

Buffs, resistance, attacks

Whether it's a three-match battle or a legion war

These factors will determine the final direction of the war

Hence the strength of a hero

You can't judge it based on the skill damage multiplier alone

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