
The person who treats you with this attitude is gently rejecting you, stop waiting stupidly

The person who treats you with this attitude is gently rejecting you, stop waiting stupidly

Text/Wei Chen

Almost everyone is familiar with rejection, we have all been rejected to a greater or lesser extent, and we have also rejected others.

Life is alive and cannot be as you wish. Rejection is a very common thing.

It's just that some rejections are more euphemistic, making it difficult to distinguish and easy to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Human sophistication is something that a person must learn all his life. As people get older, they no longer express their feelings directly.

Sometimes euphemisms are to save face for the other person, and sometimes to leave a way out for themselves. In short, all ambiguous words have an element of rejection behind them.

No matter who you interact with, if the other party does not agree to something, you should understand that the next operation is likely not to work.

The person who treats you with this attitude is gently rejecting you, stop waiting stupidly

Rejection is not just a form of saying "no" directly. More people will choose to find an excuse that sounds plausible, such as "A little busy lately", "not available for the time being", and so on.

You know, in the adult world, if you don't accept it happily, you are actually rejecting it.

There are many things in life that do not have a standard answer. We can judge whether it is right or wrong based on our own subjectivity, and others can make the same judgment.

To put it bluntly, the way the world looks in our eyes is not what it really is, and the quality of the other party in our memory is not their real quality.

Life is changeable, and the relationship between people is not stable.

If you are rejected by others, you don't have to be frustrated and don't have to panic. Rejection can only mean that there is no common interest between you and the other party at this moment.

The person who treats you with this attitude is gently rejecting you, stop waiting stupidly

Relationships don't have a definitive answer, and if you have to investigate the reason, you will end up trapped in your own emotions and unable to extricate yourself.

Everyone's choices are based on personal interests, and if you want to work with each other, you must consider how the ultimate interests should be divided.

As the saying goes: "Ugly words are in front, not ugly." "Don't be embarrassed to say ugly things when dealing with people, and don't be estranged because others say ugly things."

Truly reliable people are always thoughtful, and if a thing is expected to be meaningless in the end before it is done, then why bother to do it.

Everyone's time and energy is precious, and rejection is a form of self-cherishing.

It's just that usually everyone is hindered by face and can't refuse too decisively and crisply, which leads to some misunderstandings becoming a burden on each other's relationship.

The person who treats you with this attitude is gently rejecting you, stop waiting stupidly

As the old saying goes, "Life is hard to be confused." ”

In fact, the confusion here is not really confused, but chooses to pretend to be confused under the condition of waking.

In interpersonal communication, too many people pretend to be confused. People do this because some rejections are not easy to say directly.

If someone pretends to be confused in front of you, you must not try to make it clear to the other party, otherwise it will only make each other more embarrassed.

After experiencing the world's vicissitudes, people will understand that the only thing we can rely on is ourselves.

It is really not easy to ask people to do things, and if they can use each other, the request becomes an exchange relationship.

If you can't use each other, you must bring additional conditions with you when making a request.

In the adult world, everything is full of utilitarianism.

The person who treats you with this attitude is gently rejecting you, stop waiting stupidly

As a person, you must understand that it is best not to entangle the person who is polite to you and never refuses, but never makes a clear statement.

In the adult world, the way of rejecting and breaking off relationships is very euphemistic, and few people will say it explicitly. The distance of the relationship needs to be pondered by yourself.

Life is only once, and there's no need to waste time and energy on people and things that aren't worth it.

Not demanding is the attitude of a wise man.

Content source public number: Wei Chen [ID: weichenip] It is easy to meet the author.

About the Author: Wei Chen, freelance writer, writing mentor. Normally quiet, occasionally humorous.

I hope that through words to bring you spiritual relaxation, may your life be more beautiful after encountering my words.