
The IOC is too fierce! Our super gold medal was impacted, wei Jizhong was worried 4 years ago

At the Tokyo Olympic Games, the Chinese delegation won 38 gold medals, and the number of gold medals won abroad, among which traditional advantages such as table tennis, diving, weightlifting and other traditional advantages once again showed super heritage. But what is frustrating is that the IOC's weightlifting qualification plan for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games shows that our super gold medalist, weightlifting, has suffered a serious impact.

The IOC is too fierce! Our super gold medal was impacted, wei Jizhong was worried 4 years ago

It has been previously determined that at the Paris Olympic Games, the total number of gold medals for weightlifting has been reduced to 5 for men and 5 for each, and this time, the IOC has further limited the number of participants of each Olympic Committee: each team can send a maximum of 3 men and women, and each level is limited to 1 person! In other words, the IOC is too fierce, and the Chinese weightlifting team will only be able to win a maximum of 6 weightlifting gold medals!

The IOC is too fierce! Our super gold medal was impacted, wei Jizhong was worried 4 years ago

Moreover, many of these projects are facing adjustments, such as Chen Lijun, Lu Xiaojun, Wang Zhouyu, Liao Qiuyun and other people are facing changes, if they still want to continue to participate in the Paris Olympic Games, they will either increase their weight and lose weight, which is undoubtedly a huge test for Chinese sports!

The IOC is too fierce! Our super gold medal was impacted, wei Jizhong was worried 4 years ago

In fact, there has been controversy over whether the weightlifting program can continue to be retained in the Olympic Games, and many people do not feel the fun of the event, thinking that weightlifting will have a huge impact on health, such as suppressing the athlete's size, causing huge damage to the athlete's spine, waist, arms, knees and other parts, and leaving a huge risk of sequelae.

The IOC is too fierce! Our super gold medal was impacted, wei Jizhong was worried 4 years ago
The IOC is too fierce! Our super gold medal was impacted, wei Jizhong was worried 4 years ago

But at the Tokyo Olympic Games, Chinese athletes used various personality expressions to let the world appreciate the charm of the sport, such as Lu Xiaojun, who was regarded as a "fitness god" by foreign friends, Li Fabin, who staged "Golden Rooster Independence", Hou Zhihui, who used a thermos cup to "win gold with warm water", etc. Many people think that this project can also be so good-looking.

The IOC is too fierce! Our super gold medal was impacted, wei Jizhong was worried 4 years ago

However, in order to balance the participation of the IOC and attract the attention of young people, the weightlifting project is unfortunately the target of surgery. In addition, before the International Weightlifting Federation management chaos, the International Olympic Committee knocked many times, weightlifting once faced the risk of being kicked out of the Olympic Games, as early as the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games, Wei Jizhong inquired about this matter through his own connections, and posted on the Internet to wake up, now although weightlifting is continued to remain in the Olympic Games, but the number of gold medals and the number of participants have been greatly compressed, in the face of such challenges, not only China's important as soon as possible to adapt, Chinese sports should also cultivate new gold-winning projects as soon as possible to "make up for the deficiencies"!

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