
How much do you know about autonomous driving classification?

Automatic driving has entered thousands of households, but the vast majority of people do not know how to classify automatic driving, today to share with you several stages of automatic driving.

How much do you know about autonomous driving classification?

First, L0 level - no automatic driving

L0 level is that there is no automation technology, and the vehicle is driven completely by the driver manually, without any automatic driving function.

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Second, L1 level automatic driving

It appeared as early as ten years ago, such as the current many models are equipped with fixed speed cruise, lane keeping, automatic parking and so on. Simply put, the driving force is still the driver, and L1 level assisted driving will make the driver a little easier on the way.

Third, L2 level - semi-automatic driving

L2 level can be said to be the automatic driving system installed by most new cars on the market, and even many 100,000 levels of independent brands can achieve L2 level automatic driving. L2 automatic driving has many prototype functions of autonomous vehicles, such as full-speed automatic assisted driving, automatic assisted driving in congestion, automatic hazard prediction braking and other functions, but more often, the driver still needs to lead the vehicle, only in certain circumstances, the driver's hands can temporarily leave the steering wheel. Tesla, as we know it, is a typical representative of L2-level autonomous driving, which claims to be able to reach L2.5 level of automatic driving.

Fourth, L3 level - conditional automatic driving

At L3 level, the vehicle can achieve autonomous driving of most road conditions, taking over a large part of the driving function of the car. But in L3, the driver still needs to keep his attention at all times in order to take over the vehicle in time in the event of an emergency. At this level, the importance of the driver is significantly reduced, just like the examiner stares at the student and does not cheat, pay attention to the road condition information at any time, to prevent the car driving system from encountering unrecognizable road conditions and do not know how to deal with it. The new Audi A8 is the world's first model to achieve L3 level autonomous driving on public roads. The new Audi A8 can achieve autonomous driving under 60 km / h, including starting, acceleration, steering, braking and so on.

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Level 5: L4 - Highly automated driving

By the time of L4 autonomous driving, the automation system in the car has been very perfect, and the vehicle can already take over the driver's work to reach the level of automatic driving, but if the driver wants to drive himself, he can still take over the vehicle. It is no exaggeration to say that sitting in an L4 self-driving car, you can already sleep peacefully.

Sixth, L5 - fully autonomous driving

L5 level of automatic driving, but also the ideal state in the minds of various automotive industry designers, this level of vehicles, in any weather, any region can achieve full automatic driving, and even the level of the car will be changed from "car" to "cockpit", so that you can completely ignore the driving situation, concentrate on resting in the car.

The above is the distinction between L0-L5 level automatic driving, it seems that the L4-L5 level is still far away from us, but with the development of automotive technology, it is only a matter of time to break through one technical difficulty after another. Some people have doubts about automatic driving, thinking that it is only solid with its steering wheel in their own hands; others believe that with the advancement of science and technology, future automatic driving will be very perfect, and safety hazards are not worrying. Don't know what you think?

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