
Dream of the Red Chamber: After Lin Daiyu died, what did Jia Mu use to accompany her to the funeral?

People in feudal society believe in the theory of ghosts and gods, believing that people are to survive in another world after death, so after death, people will take different ways to bury with precious objects.

Lin Daiyu is Jia Mu's most beloved granddaughter, what will Jia Mu use to accompany her to the funeral after she dies?

Dream of the Red Chamber: After Lin Daiyu died, what did Jia Mu use to accompany her to the funeral?


Lin Daiyu's way of aftercare determined the gift of the funeral.

Is Lin Daiyu like the aftermath after death?

"Qing is Dai Ying, attack is a vice", Qing Wen's death hints at What Lin Daiyu encountered after her death.

After Qingwen's death, her brother-in-law reported the news to Lady Wang, who rewarded her with twelve pieces of buried silver and burned them in the name of Qingwen's daughter Tuberculosis.

Lin Daiyu lives in Jia Province, although Gusu has ancestral graves, but thousands of miles away can not be transported; taking the method of burning, cremation of the remains and then returned to the Lin family ancestral tomb, or choosing a feng shui treasure to bury, is the best choice for Jia Province.

Lin Daiyu's body was cremated, and the selectivity of the funeral object was limited.

Dream of the Red Chamber: After Lin Daiyu died, what did Jia Mu use to accompany her to the funeral?


In feudal society, the most common funerary products of the rich and nobles were gold and silver treasures, and the most commonly used funerary products of the noble ladies were pearls. Jia Baoyu revealed this.

Lin Daiyu's condition worsened, and when Madame Wang invited Dr. Bao Tai for her to inquire about the medication, Jia Baoyu said a prescription medicine specifically for treating Lin Daiyu's condition. The one-size-fits-all medicine that needs to be used to prepare a folk medicine is a pearl worn on the head of a dead person.

Jia Fu is a tycoon, after Lin Daiyu's death, will Jia Mu use gold and silver treasures to accompany the burial?

Probably not! Lin Daiyu is clean and jade and does not like vulgar things. Entering the Rongguo Mansion, Jia Baoyu transferred the wagtail bracelet that the emperor had given to the King of Northern Jing to Lin Daiyu, who threw it but did not take it.

Therefore, after Lin Daiyu died, Jia Mu would not use pearls to accompany her to the funeral. 03

The Jia family will not produce funeral goods, and Lin Daiyu personally only has books.

Dream of the Red Chamber: After Lin Daiyu died, what did Jia Mu use to accompany her to the funeral?

After Lin Ruhai's death, Jia Lian took Lin Daiyu back to Rongguo Mansion. "Dai Yu brought a lot of books, busily cleaning the bedroom, installing utensils, and distributing some paper and pencils and other items to Bao Chao, Yingchun, Bao Yu and others." (Dream of the Red Chamber, 16th)

Grandma Liu entered the Rongguo Mansion and saw a room full of books, and admired on the spot that it was better than the study of a superior man. XiangLing studied poetry, and Lin Daiyu first asked her to read the poems of Wang Wei, Du Fu and Li Bai first, and then look at the poems of Tao Yuanming, Xie Lingyun, Ruan Yuan, Yu Xin, Bao Zhao, and others. It profoundly shows that Lin Daiyu's books are worth thousands of dollars.


In the face of these classics, Jia Fu should focus on collecting, because this is related to the development and transformation of the Jia family.

The Jia family started by making meritorious contributions on the battlefield, and after Jiao Da, an old servant of the Ningguo Mansion, drunkenly scolded, You Shi revealed to Wang Xifeng that Jiao Da followed his master to send troops to save the master on the battlefield; Jiao Da also said that the ancestors of the Jia family risked nine deaths to earn the foundation.

After the Jia family established themselves, they worked hard to achieve transformation.

Jia Min did not marry into the four major families, and chose to marry Lin Ruhai; Jia Yuanchun was drafted into the palace and became a female historian and was favored as a virtuous concubine; as soon as Lin Daiyu entered the Rongguo Mansion, Jia Mu let Jia Yingchun, Jia Tanchun and Jia Xichun not go to school, and Wang Xifeng and Jia Baoyu successively asked about Lin Daiyu's reading... These details show that the Jia family attaches great importance to cultural education.

Dream of the Red Chamber: After Lin Daiyu died, what did Jia Mu use to accompany her to the funeral?

Qin Keqing said two things to Wang Xifeng before his death, the first was the supply of money and grain for Zu Yuan's sacrifice at four o'clock, and the second was the establishment of a family school and supplies. She suggested that Wang Xifeng take advantage of the opportunity of wealth and wealth to buy more acres of land near Zu Mo to prepare for the cost of sacrifice and supply, and also set up a family school here, once it fell, her children and grandchildren would go home to study and farm.

It can be seen from this that reading can make the Transformation of the Jia Family successful, and it can also save the future generations of the Jia Family in times of crisis.

Therefore, the best way to dispose of the books left by Lin Daiyu is to inherit and retain.


In the face of these books, Jia Mu chose to use them as funerary items and burned them along with Lin Daiyu's body.

Jia Mu was helpless to do this, at this time Jia Fu was already in turmoil, and the Zhen family in Jiangnan foreshadowed that Jia Fu was facing a dangerous situation. In this case, Jia Mu must measure the decision from the overall situation.

Lin Daiyu's collection of books is important, but the relationship behind it is too sensitive.

Dream of the Red Chamber: After Lin Daiyu died, what did Jia Mu use to accompany her to the funeral?

Lin Daiyu, whose original name was Li Xiangyu, was originally the granddaughter of Li Xu of Suzhou Weaving, and her father was Li Ding of the Lianghuai Salt Class. Li Xu is the younger brother of Cao Xueqin's grandmother, and li cao's two families have a deep affection, and Cao Xueqin and Li Xiangyu have been reading together since childhood. The Li family was later dismissed from his post and raided, and Li Xiangyu lived in the Cao family for a long time.

Everyone in Jia Fu knew about this, and Baoyu told Daiyu the story of the little rat stealing the sweet potato, alluding to lin daiyu as "fragrant jade"; the two exchanged heartfelt words, and Jia Baoyu said to Lin Daiyu: "We have been grinding from small ears, you have not taken me as an outsider, and I dare not neglect you." For this matter, Jia Yuanchun made a hint when he was pro-provincial: insisted on changing the red fragrant green jade to Yi red and fast green, and deleted the name of "fragrant jade".

Now, Lin Daiyu is dead, leaving her books harmful. Lin Daiyu loves books all her life, and using books as funerary products to burn them can not only complete the identity of Lin Daiyu's poetry book, but also completely resolve the "danger" brought about by Lin Daiyu's true identity. Therefore, Jia Mu chose to use Lin Daiyu's treasured poems and books as funerary items and cremated them together.

Writing is not easy, sharing is easy, your attention, collection, like, forwarding, in a moment can give me the motivation to write for a lifetime! [Author: Xiao Han reads.] A person with temperature, with a pen with warmth, is familiar with different versions of "Dream of the Red Chamber", and writes a new story of "Dream of the Red Chamber" for you every day, accompanied by you to feel the beauty of literature. ]

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