
If a breast nodule is found before or during pregnancy, do I need surgery?

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Zhang Hua correspondent Lin Huifang

Photo/Visual China

"Breast nodule" is a "high-frequency word" in women's physical examination reports, although most of them are benign, but for women who are trying to conceive or are pregnant, a small nodule can touch their nervous nerves: Does the nodule have an impact on pregnancy? Need surgery?

If a breast nodule is found before or during pregnancy, do I need surgery?

Breast tissue may have nodules after the lesion

Zhang Anqin, chief physician of the Department of Breast Medicine of Guangdong Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital, pointed out that many people are accustomed to referring to the small lumps of breast parts as "breast nodules", in fact, breast nodules do not refer to which disease, but through examination (such as ultrasound, X-ray and other imaging tests) to find a morphological change in the breast.

"Breast tissue may have nodules after the lesion, which can appear in benign lesions such as breast hyperplasia, breast cysts, breast fibroadenomas, mastitis, or in the feared 'pink killer' of breast cancer." Zhang Anqin said.

If a breast nodule is found before or during pregnancy, do I need surgery?

Hard nodules when highly vigilant

Breast nodules can be touched or not. Whether it is a palpation or a physical examination to find a breast nodule, it is best to ask a professional doctor to judge it first. Zhang Anqin believes that in general, compared with benign nodules, malignant nodules of the breast are relatively poor on palpation, the degree of motion is relatively poor, and it feels as if it is adhered to the surrounding tissues, and the benign nodules may often be softer, and the malignant nodules will be harder to touch, sometimes even hard like a stone, touch this nodule, you must be vigilant!

Of course, only by the naked eye and touch, it is impossible to accurately judge whether the breast nodule is benign or malignant, and if you want to further clarify, you generally need to pass the mammography, color ultrasound, MRI, puncture examination, etc. to determine.

Zhang Anqin introduced that under normal circumstances, breast nodules have two manifestations, one is benign nodules, which are more common, and many are proliferative nodules, breast fibromas and cysts:

1. Hypertrophic breast nodules

The occurrence of hyperplastic nodules is mainly related to the imbalance of estrogen and progesterone levels, the proliferation and rejuvenation of breast tissue and breast duct, and there is a direct connection with the menstrual cycle. "Generally, the lump enlarges and hardens before menstruation, and the lump shrinks and becomes soft after menstruation." Zhang Anqin believes that "this phenomenon, many women have had, but need ultrasound and other examinations, after excluding malignant tumors, we can determine that breast hyperplasia, because only a very small part of it has the risk of developing breast cancer, therefore, if there is no obvious symptoms, the vast majority of proliferative breast nodules can be done without special treatment, do a good follow-up." ”

If a breast nodule is found before or during pregnancy, do I need surgery?

2. Breast fibroma

Fibroadenoma is the most common breast disease in adolescent girls, and the "culprit" of its occurrence is estrogen stimulation, which may be related to the high ovarian function and high estrogen levels in adolescent women. In addition, the diet is not reasonable, and excessive intake of estrogen-containing foods can also increase the chance of breast fibroma.

Zhang Anqin pointed out that in general, although the incidence of breast malignancy in 20-year-old women is relatively low, it also needs to be paid attention to, and the youngest breast cancer patient reported in China is only 3 years old, while the youngest patient admitted to the Guangdong Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital is 16 years old. Breast fibroma is judged by professional examination and expert judgment, the volume is not very large (less than 2 cm), usually does not require immediate surgery, can be conservatively treated, but once every six months follow-up, if the size of the mass increases by more than 20%, it is still necessary to puncture or minimally invasive biopsy to rule out malignancy.

For married young women, if there is a pregnancy plan, pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc. may lead to rapid tumor growth, and even malignant phenomena. To avoid difficulties during pregnancy, experts usually recommend surgical removal of "fibroids" larger than 1 cm before pregnancy. If an adenoma is discovered during pregnancy, the growth of the adenoma should be observed, and if a change in the morphology or size of the mass is found, a pathological biopsy can be performed to confirm the diagnosis, and if it is benign, it can be further observed until the postpartum period. However, if a woman over the age of 40 still has "breast fibroma", if it is the first time it is discovered, close observation, and if necessary, active surgical biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

In short, when there is a breast nodule, we must seek the help of a professional doctor, listen to the advice of a professional doctor, regardless of whether the operation is performed or not, we must pay attention to the review, so as to find the malignant nodule as soon as possible, early detection, early treatment. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Editor-in-charge | Xue Renzheng

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