
People over fifty, develop the habit of "forgetfulness", and empty their hearts

People over fifty, develop the habit of "forgetfulness", and empty their hearts


01. Preface

In the journey of life, I spent a life as vigorous as a teenager in spring, a middle age as vibrant as summer, and when I reached fifty, I went to a golden autumn.

Time must be a moment, unconsciously has passed half a life.

Experienced the warmth and coldness of human feelings, enriched the life story, and changed from immature to mature. The sunset is infinitely better, just near dusk. At the age of fifty, it is not necessary to always lament that time has flown by, but to live in the present.

People reach fifty, walk into the sunset life, and hurry for a lifetime. I have been bitter, tired, and have spent half my life with regrets and pressures.

What kind of mentality a person has about life determines whether he is happy in his later years.

Nine times out of ten unsatisfactory things in life, learn to let go, learn to look down. After the age of fifty, the best way to live is to develop the habit of "forgetfulness".

People over fifty, develop the habit of "forgetfulness", and empty their hearts

02, the past, the past is not to blame

On the road of life, everyone is in a hurry. On the way, there will always be a lot of regrets, a lot of unwillingness, and a lot of scars.

But all the unhappiness, all the regrets, all the pain, it has gradually faded away with time.

When a person reaches the age of fifty, he will learn to forget about the past. Whether you give up or not, those things, those people, will never come back.

What has passed, the past is not to blame. Letting go of the past is both being kind to others and being kind to yourself. A person lives a lifetime and cannot always cling to the things that have become a foregone conclusion.

Forget the past, forget it, don't let it become a burden of thought, otherwise the road of life will only go heavier and heavier, and one day you will be overwhelmed.

For the past, to be grumpy is to be cruel to oneself.

Learning to reconcile with others, with oneself, is something one must do after fifty years of age. If you always live in the past, you will not see the beauty of the present.

Let the past become the past, learn to let go, learn to look down on a good life, you can harvest more beauty.

People over fifty, develop the habit of "forgetfulness", and empty their hearts

03, unpleasant things, turn around forgetful

What kind of mentality a person has, what kind of life will he live.

A person with a bad mentality, even if his life is good, he will not live happily. And a person with a good mentality, even in the face of adversity, he will get better and better.

A person, with a good attitude, has a smooth life.

John Steinbeck said: "We still have countless days to go, and in the end life is just that. If I think about so many things, it would be too hurtful. You are so young, you should try to move forward. ”

When people reach the age of fifty, in the face of unpleasant things, don't get tangled, turn around and forget.

If something makes you feel unhappy inside, you need to rationally find the cause and find a solution to the problem, rather than amplifying the emotions.

Man reaches the age of fifty and is a forgetful person in the face of troubles. No one's life will be free of troubles, can be sad for a while, but can not always be entangled in the heart.

Choose forgetfulness, empty negative emotions, and have peace of mind. People reach the age of fifty and live happily.

People over fifty, develop the habit of "forgetfulness", and empty their hearts

04, the troubles and pressures of life, learn to be forgetful

When people are alive, they will have the troubles of life and the pressure of life.

Whether you are poor or rich, there will always be all kinds of troubles filling your life.

The weak, entangled with troubles, trapped by emotions, often live unhappily. Wise people, good at "forgetfulness", know how to adjust their mentality, and actively face the tests in life.

Maugham said: "If you think about today all day and worry about tomorrow, what is the meaning of life?" It's that things are so bad that they can't get any worse, and I think there is always a way to go. ”

Thinking too much is the root cause of the accumulation of troubles. Empty your heart in order to hold more beauty.

Learn to be forgetful, regardless of the current situation, and let your heart return to zero every day. Don't think about gains and losses, no longer regret something. Learn to live in the present, and there will be light in the future.

When people reach the age of fifty, they learn to let go, learn to be forgetful, and leave all their troubles and unhappiness behind.

No matter how much trouble and pressure there is in life, adjust your mentality, actively face it, and live hard, the years will always give you a warmth back.

People over fifty, develop the habit of "forgetfulness", and empty their hearts

05. Summary

Walking in the world, there will always be a lot of helplessness and disturbing people's minds. Whether a person is over fifty or not, whether he is happy or not, does not depend on others, but on himself.

For troubles, developing the habit of "forgetfulness" is the best way to run yourself.

People's lives are mixed. If you only see the "worried" part, you will be trapped by the troubles for the rest of your life.

Learning to be "forgetful" is not to escape, but to reconcile with yourself, to learn to let go and look down. Everything in the world, except life and death, is a small matter. Only when there is sunshine in the heart will it embrace happiness.

After the age of fifty, looking forward, there is no obstacle that cannot be crossed, and there is no person and thing that cannot be put down. Many times, the person who is embarrassed about you is actually yourself.

When the heart is blinded by negative emotions, how can you find the beauty in life?

The rest of life is not long, a flash of old age, be a "forgetful" person, put all unpleasantness and pressure behind, positively meet the future, live every day.


Author: Xia Mo, a cutting-edge emotional tutor, a psychologist, a popular emotional writer with more than 1 billion people on the Internet, a happy woman manager, who has focused on emotions, gender, and mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than ten years.

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