
Cancer wife completes her second chemotherapy before TVB anchors buy drugs in the mainland with a budget of tens of thousands of medical expenses per month

author:Spoiler Hong Kong drama

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Former TVB Entertainment News Station host Lin Zibo, together with his wife Shirley, who has cancer, and a pair of children appeared at the premiere of the cartoon "Atdance Family". Lin Zibo pointed out that the wife who suffered from the extremely rare cancer "leiomyosarcoma (abdominal cavity)" stage 4 had just completed the second chemotherapy, and the family came to watch the movie to relax, and also hoped that the wife would go out more and not want the other party to often bend at home.

Cancer wife completes her second chemotherapy before TVB anchors buy drugs in the mainland with a budget of tens of thousands of medical expenses per month

As for his wife's current condition, he revealed that his wife was going to have one more chemotherapy, and then followed up by a private doctor, he revealed: "The government hospital has nothing to help after doing a chemotherapy after the left, and Andy Lau introduced the private doctor before. Lin Zibo added that private doctors have other suggestions: "There is a target drug developed in the mainland, but Hong Kong does not, tomorrow I will meet with a professor from Shenzhen Hospital to consult my opinion and see if it is suitable for my wife." ”

Cancer wife completes her second chemotherapy before TVB anchors buy drugs in the mainland with a budget of tens of thousands of medical expenses per month

As for how much does the medical bill cost? Lin Zibo said that it is not very clear. However, target drugs are generally not cheap, and it is expected to be tens of thousands of pieces a month. The reporter asked whether the economic pressure is so great? Lin Zibo said that it was almost the same as before, and he had the work of receiving the emcee doing. In addition to hosting the work, Lin Zibo revealed that he also has some positive energy projects with Gao Haozheng. As for the current work is not more? Lin Zibo said: "There are many, but many of them are canceled or delayed, but OK." "Asked if you won't lose your temper again? Lin Zibo laughed and said that he could relax by swimming in the river, "but the wife next to him frankly said that he was worried about the danger of the old public motorcycle."

Cancer wife completes her second chemotherapy before TVB anchors buy drugs in the mainland with a budget of tens of thousands of medical expenses per month

Artist Lin Zibo joined TVB in 2008 through the introduction of Zhang Zhiming, executive producer of Entertainment News Station, and the two sides have been cooperating happily for 11 years. The producer learned earlier that his wife had cancer, knew that he had financial pressure, and also suggested that he renew his contract for 3 years this time, and said that there would be artificial addition after the renewal, but it was expected that he suddenly received "bad news", and the company decided to tie the relationship with him.

Cancer wife completes her second chemotherapy before TVB anchors buy drugs in the mainland with a budget of tens of thousands of medical expenses per month

After the news of Lin Zibo's non-renewal of his contract spread, many of TVB's old colleagues understood his situation and took the initiative to help him find a job. Gu Tianle was the first to contact Lin Zibo, hoping to help him. Whether familiar or unfamiliar, they all got the help of a group of people in the circle, in addition to Gu Tianle, there were Wang Ajie, Zheng Xiuwen, Jia Yanjie, Bao Jie, Jiang Meiyi, Zhang Huiyi, etc., to fund his wife to go to the United States to see a doctor, or introduce work to him, and even took the initiative to contact and comfort his wife, so that Zi Lin Boton felt that there was still affection in the world.

Cancer wife completes her second chemotherapy before TVB anchors buy drugs in the mainland with a budget of tens of thousands of medical expenses per month

As for Ma Junwei, a former TVB boss who plans to start shooting his company's second film next year, he invited Lin Zibo to perform. Ma Junwei said frankly: "There is a very heavy character who fights with me and asks him if he is interested, if he wants to do it behind the scenes. Ma Junwei said that he paid attention to Lin Zibo because his wife was ill, and this aspect hurt him. Although the current economy is not very prosperous, Ma Junwei revealed that his company will not reduce production, "whether it is a movie or a stage play, it is prepared as usual, hoping to make everyone have a job." ”

Cancer wife completes her second chemotherapy before TVB anchors buy drugs in the mainland with a budget of tens of thousands of medical expenses per month

And ViuTV also plans to wave to him, but he still thinks about the source: "I am from TVB Entertainment Station, if ViuTV looks for me to do a show, of course I am interested." But it is not too good to ask me to continue to run entertainment news, it is related to the fact that I am TVB to give me a chance, there is no reason to turn against each other, there is no righteousness. ”

Cancer wife completes her second chemotherapy before TVB anchors buy drugs in the mainland with a budget of tens of thousands of medical expenses per month

It is reported that Lin Zibo's wife has an extremely rare smooth muscle malignancy, although after a period of treatment, but the situation is still not too optimistic, and now the cancer cells have spread to other organs of the body. But Lin Zibo still faces difficulties, still insists on not giving up, and continues to accompany his wife to fight against the disease. Praise for Lin Zibo, but also sincerely wish their family to be able to overcome the disease.

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