
Glory of Kings: S27 season update a number of heroes have been adjusted, Han Xin is weakened?

Hello, everyone, I'm Brother Chen.

The update of the new season has been published for several issues, and this issue will continue to share the hero update content of the new season with you.

1. Monty

Glory of Kings: S27 season update a number of heroes have been adjusted, Han Xin is weakened?

As a warrior, there are currently some difficulties in the game, (Brother Chen also said that his flexibility is somewhat lacking when playing this hero in the previous video) After entering the defensive state, he basically lost the opportunity to approach the enemy output for the second time. This hero adjustment added a new 1 skill hit reduction 2 skill cooling mechanism, in addition to the big move reduction release after the shake, adjusted the position and damage of the big move soldier charge, and added a deceleration mechanism, while optimizing the switch formation experience of the big move, making the formation switch more flexible and controllable.

Glory of Kings: S27 season update a number of heroes have been adjusted, Han Xin is weakened?

The adjustment items are as follows: Passive: 20% reduction in positive damage during charge period to 10% reduction in positive damage (passive weakened due to reduced skill swing time, large moves and many optimization adjustments)

One Skill Added Effect: Reduces the cooldown of two skills by 4 seconds after hitting an enemy

Three Skill Skill Back Shake: 0.5 seconds reduced to 0.2 seconds

Three-skill effect adjustment: Soldiers will attack at a fan angle and cause a deceleration of 1 second, and the deceleration value is determined in real time according to the percentage of The Stance Value of Monty, up to a maximum of 90%

Glory of Kings: S27 season update a number of heroes have been adjusted, Han Xin is weakened?

Three-Skill Skill Damage: 125 (+15/Lv) (+1.0Ad) adjusted to 125 (+70/Lv) (+1.0Ad)

Three-skill disable time: 2 reduced to 1

Three-skill formation switch after shake: 0.5 reduced to 0.3

Three-skill effect adjustment: Can be shaken after being canceled by other skills and general attacks

2. Sun Ce

Glory of Kings: S27 season update a number of heroes have been adjusted, Han Xin is weakened?

In this update, the second skill of the project has a new effect: deal an additional 50% damage to wild monsters

Three Skills: New Effect: Reduces physical defense by hitting the target by 15% for 4 seconds

Glory of Kings: S27 season update a number of heroes have been adjusted, Han Xin is weakened?

When Sun Ce's three skills were successfully resisted by the front row hero on the opposite side, it was difficult for Sun Ce to do anything in this team battle. The purpose of this adjustment was to be useful even when the enemy was blocking the ship in the front row. In addition, at present, Sun Ce has other split-circuit gameplay in the game, which also adjusts Sun Ce's wild area ability this time.

Glory of Kings: S27 season update a number of heroes have been adjusted, Han Xin is weakened?

3. Yang Jian

In the later period, the blood-sucking effect of Yang Jian's three skills in the team battle was not ideal, which made Yang Jian unstable when using a skill to kill the enemy, the reason was that the recovery effect was related to the damage actually caused by Yang Jian, and when the resistance of the enemy hero in the later group battle was high, it was impossible to restore the ideal number of lives.

Glory of Kings: S27 season update a number of heroes have been adjusted, Han Xin is weakened?

The update adjusted the recovery logic of the three skills: as long as Yang Jian hits the target, he can restore a certain amount of health, and the decay degree of the third paragraph of the reply has also been reduced. In addition, it also improved Yang Jian's combat ability and damage to wild monsters in the early stages, so that he could make a difference whether he chose to fight the wild or fight, and wanted him to return to the public's vision.

One skill and one effect adjustment: 150 ( +30/Lv) (+0.7Ad) increased to 210 (+45/Lv) (+0.45Ad)

One Skill: Two Effect Adjustment: 225 (+45/Lv) (+1.05Ad) Increased to 320 (+75/Lv) (+0.65Ad)

Glory of Kings: S27 season update a number of heroes have been adjusted, Han Xin is weakened?

One Skill: 2 Stages Of Extra Damage to Wild Monsters Max: 400 increased to 800

Triple Skill Effect Adjustment: Skill BloodThirsty Effect Adjusted to Regenerate Health per Hit: 130 (+65/Lv) (+0.33Ad)

Glory of Kings: S27 season update a number of heroes have been adjusted, Han Xin is weakened?

Three Skills Third Stage RepeatIng Effect Attenuation: 70% adjusted to 50%

4. Han Xin

Glory of Kings: S27 season update a number of heroes have been adjusted, Han Xin is weakened?

In the early stages, Han Xin's wild area ability was weak, and once it was invaded by the enemy, It was difficult to resist Han Xin. And once Han Xin gets more economy, he can quickly kill enemy heroes. Updating and adjusting Hanxin's growth curve can be smoother to optimize the experience of both parties.

Base Attack: 172 (+15.3 Hero Level) adjusted to 184 (+12.1 Hero Level)

One Skill Skill Damage: 250 (+20/Lv) (+0.85 Extra Ad) adjusted to 300 (+20/Lv) (+0.55 Extra Ad)

Glory of Kings: S27 season update a number of heroes have been adjusted, Han Xin is weakened?

One-skill mana cost: 55 (+5/Lv) Adjusted to 45 (+5/Lv)

Two-Skill Mana Cost: 80 (+5/Lv) adjusted to 65 (+5/Lv)

Three-skill cooldown: 36(-6/Lv)Adjusted to 41(-6/Lv)

The hero's blue weight is reduced, but the cooldown time of the late moves is longer, and the hero damage is reduced. Everyone thinks it is enhanced or weakened, welcome to leave a message to discuss.

Glory of Kings: S27 season update a number of heroes have been adjusted, Han Xin is weakened?

The above is the update information of some heroes in the new season, Andechen will continue to share the update content of other heroes with you in the next article, hoping that you can continue to support it.

Like friends remember to like the comments plus forwards, we will see you in the next issue.

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