
Don't buy these 3 skins in the Mystery Shop! Whoever buys a fool will lose a lot if he buys it

The mysterious shop of the glory of the king has officially opened, I don't know how many folds everyone has drawn. My face is relatively dark is a 30% off, if you draw 50% off, then there are still a lot of skins worth starting, but the mystery store is very good, but these three skins we must not buy ah, buy a big loss.

Don't buy these 3 skins in the Mystery Shop! Whoever buys a fool will lose a lot if he buys it

First of all, the first skin, Han Xin's White Dragon Yin, although the name of this skin is very good, the meaning is also very good, but the special effects and feel of this skin are really a bit unsatisfactory. The special effect dragon element is too poor, and the feel is particularly bulky to use. As an old Player of Han Xin, this skin is really inferior to Street Fighter and Ao Xue Mei Gun.

Don't buy these 3 skins in the Mystery Shop! Whoever buys a fool will lose a lot if he buys it

Secondly, the second skin, Zhang Liang's golden Aries, said to use the epic price to take down the legendary skin, or particularly cost-effective, but Zhang Liang's skin is compared to other constellation skins. It's really almost meaningless, now the feel of this skin, in fact, it is general, and there is no fragrance for his free skin.

Don't buy these 3 skins in the Mystery Shop! Whoever buys a fool will lose a lot if he buys it

The last third skin, Little Joe's colorful unicorn, although this skin feels good, there are many Star Skins, but this skin can be exchanged in the Skin Fragment Shop. Therefore, even if you are a loyal little Joe player, it is not recommended that you start in the mystery shop. So what do you feel about the most valuable purchase of a skin in the mystery store?

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