
At this moment in the wind and rain, fortunately have your persistence!

Battle "epidemic" to defend "Shanghai"

At the time of spring and Jingming, the epidemic in Shanghai has reached the time of emergency winter, in the face of the shortage of medical resources and the sharp increase in the pressure of nucleic acid screening, medical staff bravely shouldered heavy responsibilities and warmed this warm and cold March!

# Conquest #

When Shanghai stands still, when impermanence breaks the routine, when oncology patients and their families fall into helplessness, medical staff relentlessly strive for the patient's continued treatment. In the case of a shortage of medical personnel in the outpatient department, each post received an arrangement order and responded quickly to the post. They rushed to the front-line battlefield of "anti-epidemic and anti-cancer", even if they rode 3 hours from Songjiang to Huangpu, nothing could stop their determination to fight!

# Dedication #

After lifting the 14-day isolation, 7 small partners knew that the outpatient medical resources were tight and immediately returned to the outpatient department; after a week of closed-loop management, 6 colleagues gave up going home to rest and still chose to stay in the outpatient clinic to assist in the opening of the clinic. Some of them have been stationed in institutions for more than three consecutive weeks and have not returned home; some are "double resistance families" who have left their children at home for half a month without seeing each other, and some of them have partners who are still sick and take care of their children alone. Everything is only for better adherence to the post, better protection of patients. Behind the brave responsibility of every colleague is the strength of the family who enthusiastically supports it.

# Support #

The team involved in the emergency support for the epidemic prevention work in Huangpu District set out at night only to rush to the front line as quickly as possible. In the closed residential buildings in Bansongyuan Street, one household after another patiently collected nucleic acids to carry out the review work, and many residents may have a lot of uneasiness about the virus and the next arrangements. Our great whiteness brings professional support and care, which is never just a cure.

# Shuttle #

At the time of the city's shutdown, in order to help the on-the-job employees solve the transportation difficulties, our volunteers shuttled back and forth many times and places. He also served the community dispensing volunteers, and repeatedly solved the problem of the last 50 meters of urgently needed drugs for tumor patients.

# Guardian #

The environment is clean and tidy, three meals of hot soup and hot rice, there is a logistics support team that prepares for the rainy "where you need to move". You guard the patients, we guard you!

# Partners #

On the basis of strict implementation of the relevant requirements for epidemic prevention, the outpatient department pre-check triage until 7:30 a.m., pre-screening triage, and properly place patients to wait in the division. In order to protect the treatment of patients during the sealing period, the division of labor between pre-examination, front desk, cashier, medical insurance, pharmacy, and inspection is clearly busy and not chaotic. Extend the work until 10:00 p.m. to ensure that all patients are treated on the same day.

Isn't the smile on the patient's face the light of hope that lights up our way forward?

# Warm #

In order to facilitate the elderly patients who use paper money, volunteers run around the surrounding banks in exchange for change, but they are facing shortages. In a hurry, Sheng Zhi inquired about the shops along the street and wanted to put together the change! Every shop owner heard that it was because the hospital needed to help the elderly settle the bill, and then they helped out, and finally asked at a humble grocery store if they could change it. At first, the boss still had some prevarications, saying that the money hit Alipay or WeChat would cost a fee. But after hearing about the difficulties of the outpatient clinic later, the boss and the boss lady did not say a word and took out the change they had accumulated for many years, and finally made up enough 2,000 yuan of change.

The volunteers who ran the street still remember that there were too many coins at that time, all of which were used in scales, and they were heavy in their hands, with nearly 20 pounds of change.

Overcome the difficulties of the times, and every part of this care is heavy!

Battle "Epidemic" Defend "Shanghai"

Shanghai is a city that looks up to the stars and is down-to-earth, and the more difficult the time of the war, the more people here maintain their faith and expectations. Our team is committed to their profession and responsibilities, and to their passions and aspirations. We may still experience a lot of uncertainty, but because we have expectations and beliefs, we can stand firm and persevere. Because of this perseverance, we firmly believe that victory is inevitable!

About Shanghai MeizhongJia and Cancer Clinic

Shanghai Meizhong Jiahe Cancer Clinic is affiliated to the domestic operation platform of Taihe Cheng Holdings (NYSE: CCM), which is a high-end oncology outpatient department managed and operated in China under the all-round strategic cooperation between the Group and MD Anderson Cancer Center in the United States, and has taken the lead in completing the on-site certification of radiotherapy treatment at MD Anderson Cancer Center in the United States.

The outpatient department is located in the core business district of Shanghai Xintiandi, and will make use of their respective advantages with Shanghai Taihe Cheng Cancer Hospital and Shanghai MeizhongJiahe Medical Imaging Diagnosis Center located in the New Hongqiao International Medical Center of the Group to produce a full range of complementary linkage effects.

The institution introduces international advanced treatment guidelines, medical processes and management models, gathers an international team of medical and nursing experts, configures the world's leading tumor diagnosis and treatment equipment, adopts the mode of multidisciplinary comprehensive diagnosis and treatment and full-course management, and provides high-end comprehensive cancer diagnosis and treatment services integrating tumor prevention, diagnosis, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, so that patients can obtain standardized cancer diagnosis and treatment services closer to home.

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