
The 35-year-old woman was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor exposed the reason, sounding the alarm bell for all women!


A few days ago, I watched a medical documentary film "My White Coat" at home, which is about the clinical growth of a group of young doctors, the films are real clinical cases, the reference is very high, and the Douban score is very high, and I want to share it with you today.

In the film, some people are willing to sell their houses to save the lives of a family of four;

Some people are afraid of running out of money and money, and struggle with whether they want to owe debts and gamble their lives;

Some people care about the cost of treatment, more than the treatment plan...

Do you want money or do you want your life?

This multiple-choice question plays out all around us every day. From the perspective of others, of course, you must save your life first, but when you are really faced with such a choice, what kind of choice will you make?

Let's share two real stories in the film, let's see, if you experience such a thing, how would you choose?

One night, a patient in the emergency room had severe chest pain from eating a lot of soybeans. (Actually caused by high blood pressure)

When the doctor was investigating the cause, he found that the foot pressure on both sides of the patient was asymmetrical, and was immediately diagnosed with dangerous aortic dissection bleeding, and immediately issued a critical illness notice.

Doctor: "This disease requires immediate surgery, the mortality rate is 63%, and it may not be saved." ”

Patient's family: "How much does the disease cost?" ”

Doctor: "At least three hundred thousand." ”

The mortality rate of 63% is far greater than the survival rate, and it costs at least 300,000.

Save people, this money is bound to be spent, but there is a 63% chance that people will run out of money; if you don't save it, people will soon be gone...

To save or not to save?

I thought it was just an ordinary chest pain, but I had to make a decision for my husband's life and death immediately, and the sudden change caught Ms. Wang off guard and fell into a painful entanglement.

"Then he wants to save his life, and there is probably a good chance that he will survive?" Ms. Wang's questioning of the success rate is nothing more than to get a trace of confidence from the doctor who can spend money to save people.

But it's also the hardest question for doctors to answer, because 63 percent of the mortality rate is based on past cases, but it's not certain for a single person.

If you don't save people, you will definitely be gone, and there will be a glimmer of hope for salvation.

Ms. Wang still couldn't make a decision after calling a circle of relatives, until she finally dialed the phone of her son, who was still in college in his twenties, and when the phone came to the end of the phone and decided to "treat" in a categorical way, she made up her mind and asked the doctor to urgently operate immediately.

The big proposition of life and death, many people in our daily life will not consider, when we need to make a choice immediately, most of us will be like Ms. Wang will be confused.

Everyone wants to save their lives, but the premise is that they can't afford to spend this money? Will people end up with two empty money and debt?

In the end, it is still a matter of money, if it can be afforded, everyone has the confidence to ask the doctor to do the operation immediately, and will not be entangled in calculating which value is higher, money and life.

Ms. Wang's family was lucky, and the final operation was successful, and the cost of the pre-operation was more than 250,000. It can be said that this is a life-threatening decision, they bet right, spent money to buy the life of their families, and they are very relieved to see this ending.

However, not everyone is lucky. In the hospital, there are many patients' families, in the face of high treatment costs, can only silently sign "give up all treatment".


In the film, there is another 35-year-old patient with severe pancreatic cancer who can only maintain life in the ICU.

Pancreatic cancer is often found to be advanced, not only because the location is hidden, but also related to bad habits such as smoking and drinking, high-fat diet, so pancreatic cancer is also known as the "king of cancer".

She lived in the ICU for more than half a month, and the long daily bill of fees urged her family to raise money everywhere, and the names of 9 beds appeared on the bill almost every day.

9 beds, arrears 26,000 yuan

9 beds, arrears 30800 yuan

9 beds, arrears 53000 yuan

In those days, the 9-bed became a topic of conversation in the ICU from time to time, worried that her family would choose to give up treatment.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the 9 beds to be discharged early. A few days before she was discharged from the hospital, she was swollen all over her body, her breathing failure, her endotracheal tube was inserted, and she was on a ventilator.

On the day of discharge, bed 9 saw her husband come in, as usual, her puffy face floated a smile, she struggled to extend her right hand to her husband, trying to hold her husband's hand, but the husband did not put his hand over, he was looking at the doctor.

The doctor paused for a moment before saying, 9 beds, don't be afraid, we need to pull the tube out today.

The smile on the face of the 9 bed suddenly froze, how to pull the tube? She could not speak, but her eyes were full of doubt, and she shifted her gaze from the doctor to her husband, who looked at the monitor by the bedside and did not speak.

She used all her strength to pull the corner of her husband's clothes, and finally, his husband spoke: "Let's go home and treat, there is really no way to stay here, relatives have borrowed it all."

The nurse was about to reach out and remove the breathing mask from her mouth, and she grabbed the snorkel and looked at the doctor in horror and then at her husband.

The tube was in her mouth, and she couldn't open it, but she knew very well that this was a life-saving tube, how could it be unplugged? The tube was in one day, and her life could last for a day.

When the doctor finally reached out and removed the intubation from her body, she grabbed the doctor's hand and finally slowly and weakly released it, and the tears kept flowing, and the desire to survive was heartbreaking.

A month later, everyone was not so surprised to learn that she had died, which was the expected ending.

Although I have seen too many such endings in my life, I still believe that people's hearts are flesh, and most ordinary people such as you and me are kind, and if they are not forced, no one will make this decision to let themselves live in self-blame and guilt for the rest of their lives.

Speaking of which, I still want to go to the end of last year, a father did not give up 100,000 surgery fees, left the hospital alone, and then died lightly. To be honest, this incident touched me a lot at the time.

Survival is the instinct of each of us, and how much a person loves another person will be willing to exchange his life for the rest of his life. Except for the parents, there may really be no one else.

Whether it is a family member abandoning the patient or a patient abandoning the family, it is extremely painful, but it seems that we cannot condemn anyone, and everyone seems to have tried their best.

I have heard too many stories in the ICU, and I know that most of the savings of a person's life will be spent on the time before dying to treat the disease.

If you don't go to the hospital, you don't know how much money is spent.

Take the most common cancers, hospitalization costs, medical expenses, nursing fees, equipment usage fees, etc., can be as high as tens or even millions in a casual circle, and it is easy to confiscate all the savings of a family for several generations.

Today, when everything goes well, everything seems to be passable. But once the accident comes, most of them can't be overwhelmed.

It's hard to avoid not encountering these things in our lifetimes, nor can we avoid the impact it has on our lives. But there are two things we can decide:

The first is the attitude towards suffering.

Second, it is to prepare for the rainy day.


As for how to prepare? Thinking about it, I found that there are actually not many ways, just two ways:

1. Constantly increase income, control expenses, and master as many deposits as possible to cope with possible accidents.

2, for readers with relatively small balances and slow income growth, the best way may be to allocate their own and their family's insurance completely, and use as little money as possible to transfer the risks they cannot bear to the insurance company. (This article does not recommend insurance products)

I've always been advising people to be sure to have the insurance fully equipped, because over the years in the hospital have witnessed too many such tragedies, and these tragedies are often things that can be solved by a very cheap insurance.

Take this opportunity to do some simple insurance science for everyone, it is very practical knowledge, I hope you will be patient after reading, but also hope to be useful to you.

I believe that most readers have already participated in urban medical insurance or new agricultural cooperatives, so they may feel that they have no worries in the rear, then you are wrong.

Although the country has made a lot of efforts in medical insurance over the years, every year the soul bargain can be on the hot search. But while thanking the country, we must also realize that the country's medical insurance is only a basic medical guarantee, after all, it is not a panacea.

For example, there are more than 2,800 kinds of drugs that can be reimbursed by medical insurance, accounting for only a small part of the more than 200,000 drugs on the market; and the medical expenses within the medical insurance threshold, above the cap line, outside the reimbursement ratio and outside the medical insurance directory are all borne by themselves.

The role of insurance is to help us bear risks when encountering risks such as diseases and accidents, and to reduce losses to ultra-low.

Assuming that a disease may cost 800,000 yuan, after social security reimbursement and medical serious illness insurance compensation, not a penny is spent, and the remaining 1 million yuan is used to compensate for the loss of family income after 5 years of illness, and the birth field disease does not affect the normal life of the family.

But it must be noted that insurance cannot be bought blindly. Insurance itself has a high threshold, involving the intersection of financial, medical and legal knowledge.

Because I don't understand the relevant knowledge, buy the wrong insurance, and finally can't lose money, there are many people, and everyone has seen more than one or two.

In order to avoid everyone falling into the pit of buying the wrong insurance, here, I would like to solemnly recommend my old friend, a professional third-party insurance consulting platform:

Their platform is a national insurance service licensed institution approved by china's insurance regulatory authorities in 2008 and is an established regular army.

In 2020, it also ranked among the top 20 insurance intermediaries in the world, becoming the only insurance intermediary in Asia to be shortlisted.

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