
Pokémon serves as a useful output move, and these skills can also reduce opponent attacks!

Before Xiao Er mentioned some output moves that can reduce the opponent's target attack, because these moves are to let the other party reduce the material attack, so the corresponding material attack output moves, otherwise it is not meaningful to reduce the opponent's material attack, on the other hand, there are also some moves that have the additional effect of reducing the opponent's special attack, and these output moves are also special attack moves, and when it is impossible to knock down the other party, it is also possible to reduce the other party's special attack so that the output of the back, then, What are some useful output moves that have the additional effect of reducing the opponent's special attack? Let's take a look.

PS: The ranking is not before and after; this article may not be too rigorous, if there is any error, please correct (the pictures shown in this article are Pokémon that can learn the corresponding moves or the moves themselves).

NO.1 Roar loudly

Pokémon serves as a useful output move, and these skills can also reduce opponent attacks!

Loud roar is a low-strength output move, its basic power is only 55, but in the doubles has a good use rate of battle, this move can be 100% chance to reduce the target's special attack by 1 level, and the target is all the opponent Pokémon that can be attacked, so the loud roar in the doubles can be assisted or interfered with by the hand to be used as the opponent's special attacker's target move, because of the AOE effect and loved by the player, so the fundamental purpose of the player to choose this move is not to walk the output.

NO.2 Magic Flame

Pokémon serves as a useful output move, and these skills can also reduce opponent attacks!

The second move is the magic flame, as a special offensive end of the fire output, in fact, the magic flame is not unusual, but although its strength is only 75, but it has a 100% chance to reduce the target's special attack by 1 level, and because this move has the word "magic", so as a move learner, there are a large number of non-fire Pokémon can be learned, so some Pokémon have a specific means of making up for blindness, so it is not uncommon to fight as a blind magic flame.

NO.3 Soul Shock

Pokémon serves as a useful output move, and these skills can also reduce opponent attacks!

This move is currently the exclusive move of the long-haired troll, although the long-haired troll is used as a wall-opening hand in many cases, but the soul shock as one of its own output, in many cases as the output consumption means of the long-haired troll will also be selected, the basic strength of this move is the same as the magic flame is 75, and it also has the effect of reducing the target's special attack by 1 level, so sometimes it is also suitable for the long-haired troll who was originally positioned as an auxiliary, and the functionality of the move also has a certain pertinence.

NO.4 The Power of the Moon

Pokémon serves as a useful output move, and these skills can also reduce opponent attacks!

The last one is the power of the moon, the power of the moon and the magic sparkle are the two most basic output moves of the goblin system, and the power of the moon is a single consumption, the magic shine has an AOE effect, so the doubles magic shine has a higher rate of appearance, and the moon power in the singles has a basic power of 95, and there is a 30% chance to reduce the target's special attack by 1 level while causing damage, of course, because the probability is only 30%, so the purpose of the player who chooses the moon power is basically to output.

Well, the above is some of the more useful moves that Xiao Er wants to introduce this time to let the other party reduce the output of the special attack, of course, there are other similar moves, Xiao Er will not do a one-by-one introduction.

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