
Tour Turkish Museum: Ephesus Archaeological Museum

The Archaeological Museum of Ephesus (Efes Müzesi) is an archaeological museum located near Selcuk. It houses artifacts excavated and discovered from the ancient city of Ephesus, and its most famous exhibit is the ancient statue of the goddess Artemis retrieved from the ancient city of Ephesus.

Tour Turkish Museum: Ephesus Archaeological Museum

Artifacts unearthed during the excavations of the ancient city include the ruins of the Temple of Artemis, which is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Priapus, the male god, and Cupid, the god of love riding on dolphins. In addition to this, there are many exquisite sculptures that are not to be missed.

Tour Turkish Museum: Ephesus Archaeological Museum

The museum is arranged according to different themes and groups of discoveries, such as the information hall at the entrance, the discovery hall in the fountain area, the discovery hall in the terrace house area, the ancient coin exhibition, the ancient Ephesus, the discovery hall in the inner garden area, the altar of Artemis, and so on. Collections of fine art

Tour Turkish Museum: Ephesus Archaeological Museum

1 The statue of Artemis, who in mythology presided over hunting, fertility and fertility, due to the lack of development of ancient medical conditions and low fertility rates, she became a collection of ancient primitive nature worship and fertility worship. This statue is the oldest and most complete of all the Artemis statues found in the world.

Tour Turkish Museum: Ephesus Archaeological Museum

2 Model of the Temple of Artemis, known as one of the Seventh Wonders of the World, was the most important building in ancient Greece. The temple is both a place of religious worship and a local bazaar, which almost all ancient Greek writings describe as a magnificent and magnificent unique architecture.

Tour Turkish Museum: Ephesus Archaeological Museum

3 The head and left arm of the Roman Emperor Domitian, who was the 11th Emperor of the Ancient Roman Empire. During his reign, he showed strong authoritarian and authoritarian characteristics. The statue dates back to the Ancient Roman period in the 2nd century AD.

Tour Turkish Museum: Ephesus Archaeological Museum

4 resting warriors, this is a half-lying young warrior. The weight of the statue is given to the left arm leaning against the rock. The samurai's wavy hair was tied with a band around his forehead, and the expression on his face was calm.

Tour Turkish Museum: Ephesus Archaeological Museum

5 Eros' head, Eros's head is made of white marble, finely crafted, and the head tilted slightly to the right, a pose that indicates that Eros is looking at the bow he holds. His face was innocently childish, and his hair was curled and tied in the middle.

Finally, let's follow the camera and enjoy the Ephesus Archaeological Museum!

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