
What are the advantages and disadvantages of drinking three generations of test tubes? 2022 Detailed Explanation

From the birth of the first three generations of IVF babies in China to the present, people who used to watch IVF always felt that they crawled out of which small tubes they climbed out of, and there were babies floating in transparent glass jars in the human brain, and they would unconsciously look at it with a negative attitude. Today, Hengjian Overseas will look at the advantages and disadvantages of three generations of IVF from an objective point of view.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of drinking three generations of test tubes? 2022 Detailed Explanation

Advantages of third-generation IVF

1. Avoid chromosomal abnormalities

Third-generation IVF can be effective in genetic diagnosis and chromosomal screening of embryos through PGD/PGS technology

Screening out undesirable embryos, eliminating chromosomally abnormal embryos and avoiding the risk of miscarriage due to chromosomal problems.

2. Improve implantation rate

The third generation of tubes has a higher implantation rate than the first and second generation tubes, and has been screened for PGD/PGS testing

The quality of the embryos is higher, and the success rate is as high as 60% to 75%.

3. The risk of fetal arrest is relatively low

Embryos that have been screened by PGD/PGS technology have a higher probability of fetal cessation than no

Screening is much lower.

4. Meet fertility needs

PGS can accurately detect the sex of embryos, which gives expectant parents more options. At the same time, for expectant mothers whose physical conditions permit, they can choose to transfer 2 embryos at a time, which means that they can be scientifically pregnant with dragon and phoenix fetuses.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of drinking three generations of test tubes? 2022 Detailed Explanation

5. Avoid disease heredity and eugenics

For families who have a family genetic disease in either spouse or who have had a bad pregnancy history because of their advanced age, Thailand's third-generation IVF technology can reduce the health risks of most fetuses and achieve the purpose of eugenics.

Three generations of IVF are no different from those born naturally, they are all born from the mother's belly, and on the other hand, IVF may be better than normal births.

Disadvantages of third-generation IVF

The third generation of IVF technology can prevent genetic diseases to a certain extent, and the selection of high-quality, healthy blastocyst transplantation has also greatly improved

The success rate (about 70%), theoretically achieves the purpose of eugenics, but this technology requires high quality of embryos, and cannot complete the process at one time, and needs to be transferred after the embryo develops to the fifth day, and there may be no healthy embryos available for transfer, and the cost is more expensive.

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