
World Autism Day, 2 April – Are children with autism all geniuses?

World Autism Day, 2 April – Are children with autism all geniuses?

All around us, there is such a group of children.

In the film and people's imagination, they are geniuses who are good at mathematics, art, and music, living in their own unique and mysterious world.

World Autism Day, 2 April – Are children with autism all geniuses?

In fact, they are reluctant to communicate with people, always fall into a state of severe loneliness, turn a blind eye to the things around them, lack of normal people's emotional responses, accompanied by different degrees of language barriers. They are also known as the "Children of the Stars".

Only a small percentage of autism has abnormal performance in mathematics, music, memory, etc., and most children with autism do not have these abilities.

April 2 is"

World Autism Day

"On this special day, let's be right"

Children of the stars

"More understanding, less misunderstanding!"

World Autism Day, 2 April – Are children with autism all geniuses?

What is autism?

Autism, also known as autism or autism disorder, is a lifelong developmental disorder caused by neurological disorders that affect brain function, and symptoms appear before the age of three, mostly in children. The development of the disease is hindered and there is a lack of normal verbal and social communication skills.

What causes autism?

1. Genetic factors

Genetic genes account for 60% to 90% of the causative factors of autism, and it is understood that 20% of autistic patients have intellectual disabilities, language development retardation, poor mental state, or people with similar autism in the family.

2. Improper amount of folic acid

If a pregnant mother has a significant lack of folic acid in her body from the first 4 weeks of pregnancy to the first 4 weeks of pregnancy, it is likely to cause abnormal fetal neural tubes

3. Advanced age of both parents or one of them

Studies have shown that if the age of parents is higher when they are trying to conceive, their genetic, immune, endocrine and other systemic conditions will change, and the risk of autism in children will increase.

4. History of exposure to poisons

Exposure to poisons (including mercury, lead, arsenic, polychlorinated benefactor and toluene) during pregnancy preparation or during critical periods of fetal neural tube development may cause permanent damage to the fetal nervous system, leading to autism.

5. Diseases during pregnancy

The risk of autism during pregnancy, preterm infants, and low birth weight infants is also significantly increased.

6. Environmental factors

Surveys show that poverty levels, unemployment rates, uncarried, immigration and single-parent families all affect the incidence of autism.

What are the manifestations of autism?

World Autism Day, 2 April – Are children with autism all geniuses?

Can Autism Be Cured?

The current medical methods cannot yet be completely cured, but if timely intervention, social functioning can be improved to a certain extent. Therefore, when parents find that their children have suspected autism, they should take their children to a specialist hospital for assessment as soon as possible: early detection, early intervention!

What interventions are available?

Training intervention methods such as: behavioral analysis therapy, autism treatment education courses, interpersonal training, sensory system training, auditory system training and sandplay therapy.

World Autism Day, 2 April – Are children with autism all geniuses?

What is Sandplay Therapy?

Sand table therapy is the use of sand, sand table and human or object model for psychotherapy, making full use of non-verbal communication and symbolic meaning to work, widely applicable to children, autistic patients, depressed patients and visitors with language disorders, after a large number of clinical cases and studies confirmed, sand table treatment in the treatment of autistic children has a positive role, is an effective adjuvant treatment methods.

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